A man adjusting his clock for Daylight Saving Time.

5 Tips for Surviving Daylight Saving Time

If you’re like me then you’ve been dreading the upcoming time change with Daylight Saving Time. That hour of sleep that DST robs from me is flat out criminal, but apparently the only thing to do is try to survive. A lot of people recommend going to sleep 10 to 15 minutes early every night during the week before DST, but who really accomplishes that? Here are my five tips for surviving the time change that are actually do-able.

  1. Have a glass of wine before bed.
    I know that doctor’s don’t recommend drinking or eating before you go to sleep because of calories and stuff, but I think it’s okay for the sake of beauty rest. Drinking one glass about an hour before I want to be in bed always helps me slip off into slumber.
  2. Drink lots of coffee the morning of.
    Let’s face it. No matter what you do, the morning of DST is going to be miserable. Make it a little bit easier on yourself by having a lot of coffee. I’d steer clear of any coffee shops though. Everyone will be desperate for caffeine that morning, so bring yours from home in a large thermos. Just keep drinking coffee until you no longer feel like yelling at everyone.
  3. Avoid people like the plague.
    Do yourself, and everyone else, a huge favor by keeping to yourself. You aren’t the only one sleep-deprived and grumpy. Nod at those who try to talk to you and then duck your head back into the coffee cup. You should be ready for social interaction around lunch time. Unless you’re hangry.
  4. Wear something comfy.
    You don’t want to wear the most structured suit or dress in your closet on Daylight Saving Time. I recommend a soft cardigan, scarf, and cushy boots. You know you’ll be even testier if you’re being pinched and strapped into uncomfortable shoes.
  5. Don’t forget your afternoon pick-me-up.
    The afternoon is going to be rough too. Make sure you’re prepared with an afternoon cup of coffee or an apple if you’re the health-conscious type. If you’re really struggling I suggest having both a cup of coffee and an apple.
Last Updated: March 06, 2015