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Entire Movies Summed Up by One Hilarious Tweet

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ah, Guardians of the Galaxy…movie buffs will say this movie changed action-packed superhero franchises forever. People were tired of the same-old serious superhumans and they wanted a little comedy with their action. Well, this movie did exactly that. 

If you ask this Twitter user, the entire movie could be summed up like this…”#ExplainAfilmPlotBadly Dad gives mom brain tumor so son pops Dad's tumor.” In all honesty, this tweet is hilariously accurate! Sorry, Starlord…but you might need to keep your health insurance on the up and up because brain tumors seem to run in your family. 

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The Joker

The Joker

We’ve got to admit, this movie was pretty good. However, it got a lot of flack. Why? Like with all good things this movie got completely ruined by the sweaty incel tribe that for some reason resonated with the plot of this movie. The Joker has always found an audience with the fringes of society so no real surprise there. 

This Twitter was trying to crack a joke to break the seriousness, here’s how he summed up this movie — “#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Jimmy Fallon if he didn’t become famous.” Who knew Jimmy Fallon was a disenfranchised villain that was strangely loveable! 

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Have you ever met someone and just got the feeling that they had less than friendly intentions? Well, that’s exactly what happens in Parasite when a poor family decides they want to be rich and infiltrates a wealthy family. 

This movie was dubbed one of the greatest movies of all time and even was the first South Korean movie to win an Acadamy Award. However, someone on Twitter described the movie like this: “Rich family didn't realize they have basement. #explainafilmplotbadly” 

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The Shining

The Shining

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is probably the greatest horror-mystery movie of all time. It’s the literal blueprint for horror and has been referenced in pop culture since its release in 1980. Shrouded in secret messaging and symbolism the movie has entranced watchers for the better part of nearly fifty years! 

This movie literally defined what a cult classic is supposed to be. However this Twitter user explained it like this, “family man takes wife and kid to the snow. #explainafilmbadly” Well, I guess you could say they’re only half wrong…they just left out the elevator full of blood and the zombie bathtub lady! 

(Image via Twitter)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

It’s no secret that superhero movies take themselves way too seriously when you really take a step back and look at the plot…it’s a little overkill. But with superheroes, comes super-sized tempers! Just take a look at how this Twitter user hilariously described Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 

“Two 90yr old men fight when one of them can’t remember who the other is. #ExplainAMoviePlotBadly #explainafilmplotbadly” Well, if you ask us…that about sums it up perfectly. Looks like Captain America may need to throw in the towel and retire. 

(Image via Twitter)

The Matrix

The Matrix

It’s so funny that the most iconic movies ever made generally have a pretty simple plot when you break it down to the basics. One tiny hilarious situation becomes an all-out brawl over something completely stupid. The Matrix is one of the biggest blockbuster movies of all time. 

Here’s how Twitter summarizes how the chosen one came to be: “Man takes drugs, loses his mind, and never recovers. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly” Looks like the only thing Neo needs is a bit of rehab, but he said, “No, no, no.” He’s not the only one to get a “God” complex after a drug-induced coma. 

(Image via Twitter)

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Nothing is better than the original, OG Jurassic Park movie. No matter how hard the franchise tries to reboot it (with Chris Pratt of all people), it just hasn't hit the mark. Especially with that last movie — what even was that? Seems like a fifth-grader would honestly make a better movie. 

This Twitter user summed up the movie in a hilarious way, "The inspiring story of a mathematician's relentless struggle to impress women using mathematics." Turns out, all she really wanted was dinosaur poop...which she got...in abundance! Who needs math anyway? 

(Image via Twitter)

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

We know the Hunger Games is supposed to be a dire, deadly competition where the person has to fight for their district's ability to consume food until the next year's competitions. That being said, Katniss did get super famous. Since Panem didn't have Keeping Up With the Kardashians, they needed something.

We can't forget what Katniss did, though. This Twitter user pointed out the issue, "Older sister ruins younger sister's chance to be on nationally televised gameshow. So selfish." Super selfish if you ask us. How could a bigger sister do such a thing for her younger sibling? 

(Image via Twitter)



E.T. was one of the best movies of the '80s. Heck, it was one of the best movies that have ever been made — just check Rotten Tomatoes. The film really revolutionized sci-fi films as far as aliens are concerned because it turns out they're not all trying to end us!

That doesn't mean we can't poke fun at it, though. This user summed it up in one line, "Cross-dressing foreigner takes TV-based ESL classes, arrested by cops with no-knock warrant, dies after experiencing horrors of U.S. healthcare system with no health insurance." What a drain on our society. 

(Image via Twitter)

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka has its problems, but nothing will ever be better than Gene Wilder walking out on a cane and then dropping into a roll. He fooled everyone! Could you believe that wasn't even in the script? Its a childhood movie we'll never forget (and we'll stay up with nightmares because of the tunnel scene). 

But what about the Oompa Loompas? This user brings up a good point. The movie is about something darker..."Lunatic enslaves chocolate-making entertainers, kills children slowly in front of parents." Wonka knew what he was doing, and he didn't really care who knew. Wonka was untouchable. 

(Image via Twitter)

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

We're not gonna throw shade at Star Wars...except we are a little. The movies were pretty amazing, and talk about revolutionary! But, uh, there's some stuff that's awfully brushed over that some people have gone over with a fine-tooth comb. Do you know what we're talking about? 

Yeahhh...that scene. Leia never really loved Luke or anything, but she totally kissed her brother. This sums it up nicely: "Brother and sister get their dad in trouble with his new boss...and then they kiss." Poor Anakin didn't know what he was getting into when he offed those younglings. 

(Image via Twitter)

Batman Begins

Batman Begins

Batman Begins was the start of where we all thought DC was getting their crap together. Turns out, Christopher Nolan just knew how to make movies. DC didn't know anything and would continue to mess up their assets beyond repair while Marvel repeatedly destroyed them at the box office. 

Batman Begins was absolutely great, but it was truly about this: "Insane man beats criminals as a form of psychotherapy." Could you imagine if they threw in the death of one of the Robins? Talk about needing psychotherapy...

(Image via Twitter)

Bee Movie

Bee Movie

All we can say about the Bee Movie is that it's wild — truly insane. It's full of hilarious puns and ridiculous situations that are so outlandish even Disney would look at the creators of the movie like they're crazy. Like DreamWorks cares, anyway. That's what makes it so funny. 

This Twitter user explains it like this: "Girl and bee have scandalous relationship." It says a lot that the only person in the whole movie that thinks it's all crazy is the girl's boyfriend. He can't even believe half the stuff that's coming out of the bee's mouth...because the bee is talking?!

(Image via Twitter)

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story is one of those films that's shown every single Christmas. Everyone knows the lines like they were the ones who acted them in the first place! On queue, you can probably land "You'll shoot your eye out kid!" Are we right or are we right? 

This is a very controversial view of the movie, but you can't deny that it makes you think for a second. "After being bullied incessantly, a boy suffers hallucinations and turns to violence for answers." Uh, so yeah. They said it. Not us. 

(Image via Twitter)

Men in Black

Men in Black

We all remember where we were when we saw Men in Black. The movie is hilarious and Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones go together like peanut butter and jelly, and that's not something we thought anyone would ever say prior to the film. Yet, here we are admiring the film. 

Just in case you forgot, a  big part of the movie is the little pen-shaped device that completely wipes your memory of...um. What were we talking about again? "Um...I forgot." Maybe it'll come back to us. In the meantime, this is a funny tweet to read!

(Image via Twitter)