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Hilarious Cosplay Fails

Patrick Traffic Cones

Patrick Traffic Cones

This cosplayer, dressed as Patrick Star, seems to have had a limited budget and limited time on his hands. While creative, he seems to be wearing some traffic cone-shaped arms and legs to resemble a starfish. And on top of his head, another cone, or perhaps it's just a dunce cap. We're guessing he wasn't 100% sober when he put it on.

For those not familiar with SpongeBob SquarePants, the Nickelodeon animated children's series, Patrick Star is the best friend of the titular character. The dim-witted character ultimately causes more problems for SpongeBob than he solves and is pretty insensitive at times, therefore lacking in both emotional and mental intelligence.  

Aaron Davidson/WireImage/Getty Images

Emo Goku

Emo Goku

It looks like this cosplayer might be going for the evil Goku look, but we honestly can't even be sure. The heavy eye makeup makes him look like he's from an emo band, and then there's that coat that looks like it was made from skinned Elmos. To complete the look, some drawn-on wrinkles above his nose. It's all a bit much.

If you aren't familiar with Goku, he's the main antagonist of the anime series "Dragon Ball Z." While sent to Earth to destroy it, an accident alters his memory and ultimately, he ends up becoming a defender of the planet. He's a great warrior and he's got some cool powers too. This cosplay here looks to be the version of Goku gone bad. 

Alessandro Cialdini/EyeEm/Getty Images

Emo Batman

Emo Batman

And here we have Emo Batman. As you ca see, this emo-looking Batman is sporting some sleeve tattoos, skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that is maybe one size too small. There's not muscle definition here, so we aren't too sure how intimidating he is. And then he has his faithful companion robin who is actually just a happy doggo.

Batman is one of the coolest characters in the world of comics, yet this guy has managed to make him completely uncool. Honestly, the only thing saving him here from complete humiliation is that dog. Otherwise, he should be ashamed of himself. At the very least, it's one of the laziest cosplays we've ever seen.

Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Condiment King

Condiment King

We've got to admit, this guy must have a ton of confidence to wear something like this, but he nonetheless looks completely ridiculous. It doesn't look any better than a costume that you would get from a Halloween costume store. We're guessing he's not going to be meeting any potential romantic partners at the next shindig. But best of luck to him.

If you don't know the Condiment King, he is one Batman's worst and most ridiculous antagonists. The Condiment King is not a well-known Batman villain but he has been featured in Batman: The Animated Series and The Lego Batman Movie. Usually, his character is set up as comic relief but not always. He uses condiments as weapons and makes plenty of condiment puns.

Roy Rochlin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Matt the Radar Technician

Matt the Radar Technician

This cosplay is based on an SNL skit about Matt the Radar Technician in which Star Wars character Kylo Ren goes undercover as a radar technician to understand the inner workings of Starkiller base and its employees. The skit is a crossover and parody of Undercover Boss and Star Wars.

Ultimately, this costume just doesn't work. And unless you are familiar with the skit, you just aren't going to get it. To make matters worse, the cosplay just doesn't work right. At first look, it looked like a Napoleon Dynamite costume. Sorry, but just not having it. The jig is up, go back to wearing your regular people clothes because nobody is really going to tell the difference.

Daniel Knighton/FilmMagic/Getty Images

Darth Lazy

Darth Lazy

This guy really didn't go all out with his cosplay. While it looks like he attempted the makeup, he did a sloppy job and couldn't even be bothered to shave his beard before applying it. And on top of all that, he just stopped with the face and didn't cover the neck at all. Doesn't really look like an alien but more like an aging frat boy that just discovered Star Wars. 

He is, for those not familiar with Star Wars, supposed to be Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.  The main antagonist in the film, Darth Maul is killed at the end of the film, seemingly, but he lived on in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series and the Han Solo spin-off movie Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/Tribune News Service/Getty Images

Strang-er Things

Strang-er Things

It doesn't get any stranger than grown adults dressing like kids. Here we have two awkward cosplays for the price of one. These cosplayers are dressed like Eleven and Dustin from the hit Netflix series. Their wigs are plain awful and they look ridiculous. It looks like that scene from "30 Rock" with Steve Buscemi carrying a skateboard, pretending to be a high school student - very badly.

If you aren't familiar with Stranger Things Dustin is one of the main characters on the show, a child with cleidocranial dysplasia that causes a lisp that struggles with self-confidence but has a heart of gold. Eleven is a girl with telepathic and photokinetic powers who befriends Dustin along with his other friends. 

Ollie Millington/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Walmart Gandalf

Walmart Gandalf

Here is one of the worst Gandalf cosplayers we have ever seen. Not only does this Gandalf the Grey look light blue more than anything, but his costume looks like it is composed entirely of sheets and a thin lady's belt. And then on top of that, a felt hat that he probably made from materials from an arts and crafts store. He certainly doesn't look like a threatening wizard and he's a little too happy to be Gandalf. 

If you don't know Gandalf, you've been living under a rock, but nonetheless, we'll catch you up. Gandalf is one of the main protagonists in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He's a wizard who serves as a mentor for many of the main character's in the series. 

Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

The Night King of Garbage

The Night King of Garbage

Behold, the Night King from the HBO series Game of Thrones if the Night King's costume was made from what looks like scrap metal. This creative but ultimately haphazardly put-together costume, makes him look like the King of garbage more than anything. Plus, the guy couldn't even be bothered to give his monster some arms. Come on!

if you aren't familiar with Game of Thrones, the Night King is one of the main antagonists of the series, a human turned ice monster that seeks to destroy all of humanity and turn everyone into ice zombies, because why not? And really, it would have been an improvement in terms of quality of life.

The Sinister Two

The Sinister Two

Watch out! It's two of Spider-Man's most notorious arch-enemies: Doctor Octopus and the Sandman - scrolling through memes or something. Doctor Octopus doesn't look as much like an intimidating scientist with metal tentacles as it does a guy who had an accident at Home Depot. And the Sandman just looks like a regular old '70s nerd.

If you don't know Spider-man lore, Doctor Octopus, aka Doctor Octavius, is a scientist who developed metal tentacles to help him with experiments but the tentacles fused to his body and he got crazy. And then the Sandman is a shape-shifting villain made of sand that also makes Spider-Man's life really difficult by getting sand in his shoes or something. Anyway, both characters end up being part of a supervillain team called the Sinister Six. No, seriously.

Craig Barritt/ReedPOP/Getty Images

What Does the Fox Say?

What Does the Fox Say?

What does the fox say? I don't know, but this costume makes us say, "yikes." From the creepy mask to the thief's attire, this costume is a lot scarier than maybe intended. It is, of course, Robin Hood from the animated Disney "classic" Robin Hood in which all the characters of the classic story were woodland creatures. 

And honestly, it wasn't one of the best Disney movies as it was, and so this cosplayer really makes us not want to see it ever again. Like seriously, this costume is a thing of nightmares more than it is funny. Can you imagine this standing by your bed at night? Oh, you weren't going to, but you are now? Sorry about that.

Ben Gabbe/ReedPOP/Getty Images

The Poison Mermaid bunny???

The Poison Mermaid bunny???

There's a lot going on here and we can't be entirely sure what. This cosplay is part Little Mermaid and part Playboy Bunny which is a little creepy because Ariel is like a teenager in that story. And then there are also some Poison Ivy vibes and maybe some exotic dancer thrown into the mix. 

I mean, it doesn't look terrible but it does look a bit ridiculous. This is the kind of costume you make when you aren't really sure what you want to be so just go as everything you like until you barely resemble anything at all. But A for effort, I suppose.

Ollie Millington/WireImage/Getty Images

Pikachu, I'd rather choose not to.

Pikachu, I'd rather choose not to.

This is another cosplay that's more creepy than funny. Here we have a full-grown woman dressed as a tiny animal from Pokemon. From her creepy clown makeup to those creepy hands, she's managed to make cute Pikachu look like a horrifying monster, and then also has a purse.  Who told her this was a good idea?

Pikachu is one of the most popular monsters in the games, cartoons and other media in which he appears. He deals electric damage that makes him good for battle but he's also as cute as a button...or at least he was.  Honestly, though, Pokemon costumes aren't a good idea unless you need to dress a baby and we are going to end it at that.  

Roy Rochlin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

He Who Should Not Be Named

He Who Should Not Be Named

Beware of the most powerful dark lord that ever lived, alien face man! Oh no, I guess this is supposed to be Voldemort but without actually looking like him at all. From the mask that's way too big and the strange grey sheets he's wearing,  this just looks like a guy who went mad from being stuck in lockdown for too long.

if you aren't familiar with Voldemort, you probably at least know his name. He's from the Harry Potter book and film series. He doesn't have a nose because his face is meant to look snake-like,  and he doesn't have hair because it happens to a lot of men with age. Well, no, there's probably another reason but whatever.

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images



Okay, we should start off by saying that this cosplay is tremendously detailed and incredibly impressive. The cosplayer no doubt has talent, but as a scary xenomorph from the Alien film franchise, this definitely misses the mark. I mean, look at it...it's adorable and it really, really shouldn't be. 

This alien looks so happy, it's about to do a dance number. Its head is a little large for its body and looks ready for a hug maybe. But I suppose it's good for the kids that he doesn't look too scary. But honestly, if Ripley kills that thing in a future movie,  we're going to have to reevaluate just who is the villain in that franchise. Just saying.

Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

So Bad It Should Be Illegal

So Bad It Should Be Illegal

This is not so much Breaking Bad as it is fitting bad. This hazmat costume is about ten sizes too big, and it looks like it went straight from the packaging onto this guy. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's clear this was a zero effort costume. 

However, the really hilarious thing about this photo has to be this guy's bizarre face he's making for the camera. If he's supposed to be portraying a drug dealer, it looks like he might have gotten high on his own supply. 

Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Super Fail

Super Fail

This Superman "costume" is so low effort it basically wouldn't even register as one if this woman wasn't posing for a photo at Comic-Con. Who could forget Superman's iconic high-cut denim shorts? 

If you're going to go to Comic-Con, you either need to take things to 100% or just not even try a costume at all. Poor Superman deserves better than this! 

Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Sailor Doom

Sailor Doom

Sailor Moon fans come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but that doesn't mean that they all should try their hand at a Sailor outfit. This guy is clearly feeling his oats, but all I'm feeling is grossed out by Sailor Moon's hairy chest. 

And we can't forget the insane color job on his hair and beard! That is definitely hair dye that came from a can. Maybe all the fumes from that made him think this was a good idea. 

Shirlaine Forrest/WireImage/Getty Images

A Flock of Deadpools

A Flock of Deadpools

It's clear that there were more than a few Deadpool fans in the crowd at this Comic-Con event, but, if you look closely, you'll find that someone in this sea of Deadpools is a little...different...than the others. He's right up front. 

One poor guy didn't have the desire or resources to don a complete Deadpool suit, so he just made do with a little face paint. Unfortunately, that just makes him look ridiculous when he's surrounded by people who clearly put in more work on their costumes than he did. 

GV Cruz/WireImage/Getty Images

The Four Marges

The Four Marges

Dressing up as a character from The Simpsons is always guaranteed to be terrifying because all that yellow skin just looks completely strange in real life. These guys took things to a new, ridiculous level, though! Marge Simpsons looks a little crazy in person...

I love how the guy on the left didn't even make an attempt to shave. Marge Simpson with a beard and sideburns is definitely not something we were expecting to see at Comic-Con! It's a face that only Homer Simpson could love. 

Daniel Knighton/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Catwoman's Last Life

Catwoman's Last Life

If you want to do Catwoman justice, you're going to have to do better than a black leather bodysuit and a cute pair of ears like this lady tried to pull off. She couldn't be bothered to even don a mask! Eartha Kitt is rolling in her grave. 

At the very least, a good Catwoman costume should have some sort of terrifying, leather S&M headgear. And what's the point of portraying this character if you're not gonna have a giant, terrifying bull whip too? Catwoman is definitely supposed to be intimidating, not cute! 

Vivien Killilea/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Captain Planet in Terrifying HD

Captain Planet in Terrifying HD

So this one is an outlier on the list. While most of these have been cosplay fails because of low effort and/or bad construction, that's not the case with this one. This guy clearly went all-in on portraying Captain Planet. However, there's just one problem with this outfit...

And that problem is that this is a completely terrifying look. The bright silver skin, the plastic green hair--they nailed Captain Planet to a tee, and in the process, they proved why there should never be a live-action movie. Would you trust your children to save the environment with a man that looks like this? 

Justin Baker/FilmMagic/Getty Images

Masters of the PTA

Masters of the PTA

He-Man and She-Ra are classic comic and cartoon characters, and, considering that they debuted in the early '80s, it's no wonder that folks of an older generation would be gung-ho about dressing up as them. However, judging from this picture, time comes for everyone, even the masters of the universe.

This is not so much He-Man and She-Ra in their 1980s prime--it's more He-Man and She-Ra after having a couple of kids and settling down in the suburbs. It's nice to see that He-Man still sports his iconic terrible haircut though! At least Skeletor doesn't have to worry about getting old--he was all bones to begin with! 

Shirlaine Forrest/WireImage/Getty Images

Half a Spongebob Costume

Half a Spongebob Costume

This is a hard one to pin down. One moment, we think this is a corny effort as dressing up as Spongebob Squarepants, and then the next moment it looks kind of low-key brilliant. Regardless, the Spongebob mask is definitely terrifying. 

It is pretty funny to see how disproportionate the top part of Spongebob is to his bottom. He's clearly been skipping leg day at the gym to work on his vanity muscles instead. It's a creative look, but it's also very, very strange on all fronts. 

Roy Rochlin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Poor Unfortunate Ursula

Poor Unfortunate Ursula

Of all the Disney villains over the years, none have had quite the presence as Ursula the sea witch from The Little Mermaid. She's large and in charge and here to help you make a Faustian bargain. Unfortunately, this Ursula costume doesn't inspire shudders as much as it does indifference. 

If you're going to Comic-Con, a tentacle dress and a cheap wig just aren't going to cut it. You know that there are at least a few other Ursulas there who have tattooed their skin lavender and surgically attached a few real octopus tentacles to themselves just to snap the perfect photo. 

Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Final Fantasy S&M

Final Fantasy S&M

Final Fantasy is a beloved video game franchise that's released 20+ games over multiple decades. And one of the most highly praised games in the series was Final Fantasy IX from the early 2000s. Unfortunately, this Comic-Con attendee didn't quite do justice to Vivi Orunitia, one of the game's main characters. 

Vivi is a black mage with glowing eyes and no other discernible facial features, but this costume doesn't look like that at all--it looks like a poorly fitting gimp mask. Vivi is supposed to be a lovable character, but this guy makes me want to turn around and walk quickly in the other direction. 

Miles Willis/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Wonder Woman is as Ugly as a Dog

Wonder Woman is as Ugly as a Dog

Even pets get into the fun of cosplay sometimes. Just ask this adorable dog decked out as Wonder Woman. While this might not necessarily be a hilarious cosplay fail, it most definitely is at least hilarious! And did you happen to spot Super Dog sitting right behind her? 

However, Wonder Woman might need to think about her public image a little bit. You're supposed to be a role model, so it's probably not great to be flopping all over the floor for the world to see. But what do I know? I'm not Wonder Woman! 

aniel Knighton/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

The Shining is a Drag

The Shining is a Drag

Okay, so this duo ensemble might be completely hilarious, but it's also completely terrifying to see two grown men dressed up like little girls. Eat your heart out Stanley Kubrick, because this is way more horrific than the movie! We won't be able to sleep for weeks after this. 

Lots of people have portrayed or parodied the creepy twins from The Shining over the years, but none quite like this! Someone should probably teach those twins how to shave ASAP. Let's just hope this is actually a costume and not their normal going-out clothes! 

VWPics/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

The Weird Lebowski

The Weird Lebowski

Oh, Weird Al, you're looking...weirder than usual! Credit where credit is due--this guy definitely nailed the classic Weird Al aesthetic, but there aren't enough zany, colorful button-up shirts in the world to excuse that terrible wig that looks like it would probably melt to your head if it caught fire. 

This The Dude costume from The Big Lebowski definitely nailed the look, but is that really saying anything? The guy basically wore pajamas for that entire movie! You can basically roll out of bed and be ready for Comic-Con. I don't think he'll be winning any costume contests any time soon. 

Renard Garr/FilmMagic/Getty Images

Despicable Spock

Despicable Spock

There for a hot minute, the Minions dominated pop culture. Even if you had never seen Despicable Me, you probably saw more of those yellow weirdos than you wanted. And this photo proves that there's nothing that you can't ruin by inserting Minions into it. Nothing is sacred at Comic-Con apparently. 

This Minions andStar Trek mashup might be creative, but I don't know how you can look at these things and not immediately be filled with dread--especially since they're only Minions from the waist up! At this point, it's clear that the Minions have gone on conquered everyone and everything--including deep space! 

Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images