A bagel smeared with cream cheese

National Bagelfest Day: Bagels Rule, Donuts Drool

Almost everyone loves bagels. Almost everyone loves donuts. I personally enjoy both bagels and donuts, but I will absolutely choose bagels over donuts any day of the week. This hearty treat is superior to sugary donuts in all ways. Here are ten reasons that bagels will always be better than donuts. Amen.

  1. The everything bagel.
    You can’t do everything donut.There is such a thing as too many sprinkles.
  2. They’re actually filling.
    You have to eat, like, 6 donuts to feel full, but only half of a bagel. That’s economical and delicious.
  3. Cream cheese.
    Do I even need to say more?
  4. So. Many. Types. Of. Bagels.
    Blueberry bagels. Cheese and herb bagels. Honey wheat bagels. Cinnamon raisin bagels. Chocolate bagels. Onion bagels. Poppyseed bagels.Chocolate chip bagels. Cinnamon bagels. Plain bagels. 
  5. Bagels go with everything.
    They are amazing with egg, tomato, sliced turkey, sliced ham, avocado, cream cheese, nutella, peanut butter, cheese, pesto, bacon, etc. I repeat: bagels go with all the foods.
  6. Bagels are appropriate for all meals.
    Technically you can eat a donut at any time of day, but you’ll also probably feel guilty about it. You can have an egg bagel for breakfast, a BLT bagel for lunch, a bagel sandwich for dinner, and a nutella slathered chocolate chip bagel for dessert and not even feel a slight twinge of regret.
  7. Donuts don’t stay fresh.
    Around midafternoon the donuts in the office kitchen are going to get hard. The chocolate on top will begin to wrinkle. Bagels, however, stay edible for days. Seriously, you can buy a dozen and eat on them for every meal for a week. I would know because I’ve done it, and no, I didn’t get tired of them.
  8. You can reheat bagels, and they still taste good.
    Bagels can be toasted, donuts can not. You can microwave a donut, but it’s just not the same or as good as it was originally.
  9. Bagels are bigger than the average donut. 
    That means you get more food. One bagel will cost you more than one donut, but no one buys one donut and walks away feeling satiated.
  10. Bagels can be customized at purchase.
    You can’t customize donuts. When you go buy donuts you have to choose from whatever flavor the bakery is selling. However, you are in control of your own bagel-destiny when you purchase your breakfast. You want half plain cream cheese and half strawberry? Your wish is my command. Oh, you want a cream-filled donut that’s half vanilla and half chocolate? Don’t make me laugh.
Last Updated: July 22, 2015