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30 Things No One Over 30 Should Own

Shot Glasses

Shot Glasses

It's time to put away those shot glasses because if you're over 30, no one really cares about your wild drinking days during college. A massive collection of shot glasses isn't really decor as much as it's a cry for help. 

If you absolutely insist on decorating with drinking-related decor after you turn 30, at least go for some unusual or beautiful decorative bottles. They're not the greatest either, but they're definitely a step up from shot glasses! 

Cheap Bedding

Cheap Bedding

Bedding is not an area where you want to cut corners, so, if you've still got the Walmart sheets you used in your 20s, it might be time to give them up for something a little fancier. But this is one area where spending a little more actually pays off. 

You can absolutely feel the difference between high-quality sheets and the ones you buy at big chain stores, so this is one instance where spending more money will actually help you sleep better at night. Go on and splurge on some good ones! 

(Image via Walmart)



Futons may be a college staple, but it's time to toss those cheap things in the dumpster by the time you turn 30. They don't look that great, and no one in history has ever had a good night's sleep on one. How the futon industry stays in business is beyond us. 

By the time you hit 30, it's more than time to upgrade to a real-life sofa. You probably don't have that many people crashing on your couch by that age, and, even if you do, they'll definitely sleep better on a comfy sofa as opposed to a futon. 

Cheap Plates and Dinnerware

Cheap Plates and Dinnerware

We imagine that you've probably accumulated a huge collection of plastic plates and cups in your 20s. As much as you may love their simple upkeep, they're the perfect thing to toss as you're beginning a new decade of life. 

At the very least, buy a nice set of plates and dinnerware for when people come over. You can hide away the plastic crap for your own personal use, but it's nice to look fancy when you've got company over. 

(Image via Unsplash)

Old/Dirty Pillows

Old/Dirty Pillows

If you haven't changed your pillows since you became a legal adult, now is definitely the time to toss those things out. Even if you don't sleep like a slob, pillows get dirty and deflated over time, and, at a certain point, it's best to just toss them and start over fresh. 

Pillows collect all sorts of grime, bacteria, and dead skin cells, so your face will definitely thank you if you stop shoving it in all that every night. New pillows might also help to alleviate all those aches and pains that come with growing older too! 

Old Tupperware

Old Tupperware

It's perfectly normal to have a growing Tupperware collection as you grow older. However, you've got plenty of years and new Tupperware ahead of you, so don't be afraid to toss anything that's scratched, melted, or otherwise less than usable. There's just no reason to keep it around. 

Tupperware isn't something that's going to break the bank, and it's nothing to have feelings of nostalgia about, so toss those sad, old pieces and try something new and top of the line. Just promise us you won't use your Tupperware in place of real plates and bowls! 

Orphaned Chargers and Cords

Orphaned Chargers and Cords

What doesn't come with a charger these days? It's definitely annoying, but keeping track of all those charging accessories is just a part of buying electronics now. However, sometimes we get a little too nervous about tossing chargers and cords, even if we have no idea what they go to. 

Your 30s are the perfect time to take the plunge and toss all those chargers and cords that don't seem to go to anything anymore. If you haven't used it in over five years, you can be pretty certain that you're never going to need it again, so put it in the trash where it belongs. 

Ratty Clothing

Ratty Clothing

Your 20s might be about spending as little money as possible, but, by your 30s, you've ideally reached a place in your life where you can afford to replace your clothes before they turn threadbare. It's way past time to toss those ratty clothing items that are too dirty and destroyed to be usable. 

Saving money is a smart impulse, but if your clothes have so many holes that you're getting arrested for indecent exposure, it may be time to take some of that saved money and spend it on a new wardrobe. You don't have to be super fancy, but your clothing should look clean and like it's less than a decade old. 

(Image via Unsplash)

Takeout Condiments

Takeout Condiments

Let's all be honest for a moment—we all have a drawer of takeout condiments that we swear we're gonna use but never actually get around to using. So, turning 30 is the perfect time to finally toss all that soy sauce and those Taco Bell sauce packets that are just collecting dust. 

All those condiments are so processed and hermetically sealed that they're probably not gonna go bad anytime soon, but if they're just taking up space not being used, there's still no reason to keep them around. 

Old Kitchen Tools

Old Kitchen Tools

There are some kitchen appliances and tools that are meant to last forever, but there are others that may have overstayed their welcome in your home. If you've just hit your 30s, it's the perfect time to toss the old ones and replace them with something newer and nicer looking. 

That big plastic spoon that melted when you accidentally placed it on a burner? It's time for it to go. That cheese grater that lost its handle? You better replace it before you grate a knuckle off! Don't be afraid to toss anything in your kitchen that's seen better days. 

Old Electronics

Old Electronics

When you spend an arm and a leg on fancy electronics, it can be hard to toss them, even when they're broken beyond repair. But it's not like that cracked TV you never use is saving you actual money by keeping it around. Your 30s are the perfect time to toss all those old electronics. 

When you're rounding up things to toss, just keep in mind that sometimes electronics have different rules for disposal than other things. You may want to do a little research (especially for things with batteries) before you start hauling them off to a dumpster. 

Movie Posters

Movie Posters

Nothing says immature like wall-to-wall movie posters. And that's especially true when they're just pinned up with thumbtacks! If you're in your 30s and are still rocking a Scarface poster, it might be time to reconsider your decor. At the very least, those posters need to come down. 

It might be a different story if you work in the movie industry and collect posters from the films you've worked on, but let's be honest—that's not most of us. No one really cares what movies you like, and they definitely don't need you to telegraph it to the world through posters. 

(Image via Unsplash)

TV, Movie, and Video Game Memorabilia

TV, Movie, and Video Game Memorabilia

If you're in your 30s, it's time to put down the Funko pops and step away slowly. Liking TV shows, movies, and video games is not a personality, and filling your house with memorabilia is not decor. It doesn't get any tackier than an adult who doesn't know how to grow up. 

At the very least, move all that stuff into one dedicated room, so that it's not tormenting your house guests wherever they go. And if you've got a collection full of rare, expensive items, that's even more incentive to get it out of your house and sell it! 

Damaged Furniture

Damaged Furniture

Furniture can be one of the most annoying and expensive things to replace in your home, but in your 30s you don't have to suffer with something broken and cheap—you've reached the point in your life where you can solve your problems by throwing money at them. 

A new sofa might cost you an arm and a leg, but, if you buy quality and take care of it, your new furniture should last you years, if not longer. And it's a much better alternative to a chair with a spring poking out of the cushion! 

Cheap Hangars

Cheap Hangars

It's basically a rite of passage to toss your cheap, old hangars when you turn 30. Those flimsy plastic things may have been enough when you were younger, but they just won't fly in this next decade of your life. You're going to need to upgrade to something more substantial. 

Wooden hangars are always a classic choice, but honestly, there are some decent, heavy-duty plastic hangars that work and look just fine too. As long as you're tossing those awful plastic ones from stores or the tiny wire ones, it's a step in the right direction. 

Cheap Fuzzy Rugs

Cheap Fuzzy Rugs

Rugs are a must-have if you've got non-carpeted floors. They look great, and they're perfect for their noise-dampening properties as well. But not all rugs are created equal, and you may have a few terrible ones still lingering around from your 20s. 

You know the ones we're talking about—the fuzzy, cheap faux fur rugs that are much too widely available. These things just look cheap and are a magnet for all kinds of dust, dirt, and grime. Put those poor things out of their misery and upgrade to a real rug in your 30s! 

(Image via Walmart)

IKEA Furniture

IKEA Furniture

Everyone may love a trip to IKEA, but it's time to put those in your past once you hit 30. Their furniture might seem like a steal since it's so cheap, but it breaks down so easily and so often that you'll probably end up spending more money there in the long run. 

When you hit your 30s, it's time to bite the bullet and invest in some more expensive (but higher quality) furniture. It might hurt you to part with so much money initially, but furniture is supposed to be an investment, and over time you'll be glad you did. 

Fake Houseplants

Fake Houseplants

For those of us that are botanically challenged, fake houseplants seem like a godsend. They require no upkeep and they never die on you—what's not to love? Unfortunately, you can spot a plastic plant from a mile away, and they're making your house look tacky. 

Make your 30s the decade that you finally learn how to keep a plant alive. There are plenty of low-maintenance, easy-to-grow, and affordable plants out there—they might not be quite as easy as a fake plant, but you'd be surprised at how easy they are to keep alive and healthy!

Plastic Storage Drawers

Plastic Storage Drawers

There is no shortage of affordable, easy storage out there these days. Unfortunately, most of it is plastic garbage. Those plastic drawers might help keep your possessions protected, but you're not doing your home's style any favors by using them! It's time to ditch them and upgrade to something more substantial. 

Like a lot of major furniture purchases, you might have to spend a pretty penny to get high-quality wooden drawers and dressers, but over time they'll start to pay for themselves. Plastic drawers make your house look like a dorm, but real wooden ones will make it look like a home. 

String Lights

String Lights

When you're a college freshman, string lights are a great way to add brightness to a space without spending a ton on lamps and other lighting. Unfortunately, if you're still rocking the string lights in your 30s, something has gone terribly wrong. It's time to say goodbye to them and explore the world of real lighting. 

You've managed to survive for three decades, so why not celebrate the occasion with a nice lamp? They might be more expensive than string lights, but they're just as easy to use and will give you a much more mature look in your home. 

(Image via Unsplash)

Wall Decals

Wall Decals

It seems like everyone of every age has embraced wall decals, but that doesn't mean they don't look tacky! It was a fun trend for a while, but wall decals just end up looking too cheap and easy—which is exactly what they are. Your 30s should be a time for real wall decor. 

If you're in your 30s and expecting, those decals might look absolutely adorable in a baby's room, but you definitely don't need them scattered around the entire house. Stickers are not decor, and it's time for people to realize that and ditch them once and for all! 

Bean Bags

Bean Bags

If this was the 70s, you might be able to get away with bean bags as legitimate seating, but times have changed. Whether you like it or not, you're getting older, and those bean bags are not doing any favors for your aesthetic or your back. One in the rec room is really all you need. 

Even though you might hate spending the extra money, it's finally time to buy some real seating instead of just hanging out on the ground with a bean bag. No one said your 30s were going to be cheap, but at least make them a little more comfortable with proper chairs. 

Clothes That Don't Fit

Clothes That Don't Fit

It's time to face some hard facts—you're probably not going to slip back into those clothes that have been too small for almost a decade. Clothes that you don't actually wear are just taking up valuable closet space that could be used for something that you're actually going to use!

Whether they're too big or too small, your 30s are the perfect time to get rid of ill-fitting clothing that you're never going to wear again. Donating them to a consignment store where they'll actually go to use will make you feel better and help free up some extra space in your home. 

(Image via Adobe Stock)

Old Makeup

Old Makeup

If your makeup bag looks more like an archaeological dig, it might be time to toss some stuff out. Whether the makeup has expired and gone bad or it's just not a style you want to rock anymore, you've probably got more than a few tubes that are never going to touch your face again. 

When you hit 30, that's a perfect time to toss the old and bring in the new. Find a new makeup style that suits your 30s and treat yourself to some fresh products that aren't just languishing at the bottom of your makeup bag! 

Cheap Jewelry

Cheap Jewelry

There's nothing worse than a ring or necklace that is so cheaply made that it turns your skin green. Cheap jewelry is readily available but does anyone really want a knockoff when you can have the real thing? Now is the time to toss all that jewelry from the discount store. 

Jewelry is one thing where quality is much more important than quantity. You might not have a new necklace to wear every day of the week, but you'll definitely be happier with a few high-quality designer pieces as opposed to a huge pile of cheap jewelry that you never really want to wear. 

Expired Medication

Expired Medication

You're well on your way to middle age once you hit your 30s, and that means that you should probably expect an increase in aches and pains. Wisdom may come with age, but so does a bad back—sorry, we don't make the rules! But those pains aren't going anywhere if you try to treat them with Tylenol a decade old. 

Medications lose their effectiveness over time, so, if you're like most people who don't regularly refresh their over-the-counter drugs, you might not get the pain relief you're expecting. If you're a month or two over the expiration date, you're probably fine, but if you have medications that are years old, they probably won't work as well as they used to. 

Thumbtacks for Wall Decor

Thumbtacks for Wall Decor

Thumbtacks are a young man's game. You don't have many things to hang, and you don't care about losing your apartment deposit because of all the holes in the wall. However, by the time you're 30, it's time to make the leap to actual tools for wall hangings. 

These days, there is no shortage of hooks and wires and adhesives to keep your wall hangings hung. They might take a little more effort than shoving a thumbtack in the wall, but they will make your home look much more mature and sophisticated. 

Mass-Produced Art

Mass-Produced Art

Listen, everyone may love Van Gogh and da Vinci, but that doesn't mean you need the Mona Lisa in your living room. Mass-produced reproductions of famous works of art aren't really classy as much as they are lazy. You're much better off with one-of-a-kind pieces from artists that people can't see anywhere else. 

If you really need famous works of art in your life, just take a trip to go see them in person. You're in your 30s now, it's about time you get your finances in order so that you can take a fancy vacation every once and a while! 

(Image via Kohl's)

Cheap Mattresses

Cheap Mattresses

If you haven't bought a new mattress in a few years, it might be time for a new one. That's especially true if you're still rocking the mattress from your childhood home! Getting older may be annoying, but a nice, comfy mattress is one of the perks of hitting your 30s! 

Mattress technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years, so there are all sorts of materials and other options to choose from these days. As you get older, you learn to appreciate the value of a good night's sleep, but that's never going to happen on a cheap, old mattress. 

(Image via Unsplash)

Cheap, Old Towels

Cheap, Old Towels

If you're in your 30s and still using beach towels in your home on a daily basis, it's time to upgrade. Who wants to be drying off with scratchy, old towels that smell vaguely of mildew? If you don't treat yourself to anything else in your 30s, buy some nice, comfy towels. 

The general consensus seems to be that towels should be replaced every two years or so. If you're still drying off with towels from college, it's definitely time to toss those things once and for all. Who knows what's growing on those things! Here's to a fresh start with fresh towels. 

(Image via Unsplash)