Woman showing off the theme of her photo book

5 Fabulous Photo Book Themes from Vukee

If you’re a fan of making your own photo books, you should check out the Photo Book app by Vukee. This free app allows you to quickly create affordable prints for order to keep in your home or give as gifts. You can customize them however you want, but all you have to do to make one is download the app, choose a theme, pick your photos, and order the print.

The themes are presented in a variety of categories and individual options are available for each. Below are some of the stand-outs among these options and when you might use them.


These themes tend to be colorful and fairly simple (perfect for children). They’re great options for gifts to either parents or the children themselves. Many options in this category (like those in the Birthday category) allow you to see a different color background every time you turn the page. One particular theme uses a teal cover and teal pages that fade a bit as you turn each page, becoming a lighter and lighter shade until you reach the last page in the pattern, which is white. A theme such as this can be used to parallel the growth and change of the children in the photo book.

Special Events & Holidays

This category is perfect for those festive photo-bookers. With options tailored to different major holidays, you can find layouts for your Halloween photos, Thanksgiving photos, Christmas photos, and many more. Not all of these are specific to a holiday, but they will provide you with a color scheme to match any season.


This is probably the most specialized category. Most categories provide you with options that would work for other subjects as well (you could make a photo book of your child using the vacation theme if you wanted), but this category has many options that are just for weddings. Many have ornate markings on the cover which add a bit of class and show that the book is clearly a wedding album. There are, however, less conventional options that provide you with colorful pages and a cover page that’s easier to personalize.


This category made the list primarily because of its variety. From black and white to monochromatic to multi-colored: this category’s got what you need. Since these are less often made into gifts, many of the options are simple and straightforward (solid gray, solid blue, solid green, etc).


These aren’t necessarily “vacation-themed” options, but those that work well with vacation photos.  For example, one theme in this category has a mix of tans, yellows, and light blues that make up its pages; a summer theme if there ever was one.

Last Updated: December 12, 2014