organized shelves are filled with labled binders and boxes

5 Tips for an Organized Home

Organization is an important part of healthy living. As a homeowner or renter, you will want to keep your home as organized as possible for several reasons. A clean and organized home creates a beautiful vision that can positively affect your frame of mind. You will also have an easier time finding the things that you need around the house. And when it comes time to move, all that organization will make moving easier. The bigger your house is, the more work you will have to do to keep it organized. The following are five tips on how you can keep clutter at bay:

  1. Decide on a Place for Everything

    Organization is best when you have a firm grasp on where you would like to place everything. You will want to make a firm decision on everything’s proper place before you can start trying to organize your home. Discuss your organizational choices with your family, and come to a decision mutually. Having the whole work together to keep the house organized will reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning.

  2. Organize and Clean Every Day

    The greatest tip for keeping a home organized over a long period is taking time out each day. Your house can never get out of hand if you are ensuring that everything is in its proper place on a daily basis. You can take 30 minutes every morning or evening to walk through the home and complete such tasks as dusting, placing clothing where they belong, putting dishes away, and keeping everything fresh. You will not have much to do other than sweeping and mopping by the time the weekend arrives.

  3. Use Packing Boxes, Shoe Boxes and Tupperware

    Keeping everything in separate bins and boxes is a easy way to keep things organized in the home. For example, all of your important documents should be in one box, while your cosmetic accessories should be in another. Electronics such as video gaming systems, DVD players, cell phones, and all their relevant accessories should be in one box as well. Linens should be in one area of the home, and they should be somewhere that all household members can find them quickly and easily. You should fold sets of linens and keep them together for when you need them.

  4. Give Rewards and Incentive

    To involve your children in organizing your home, you will have to make the event fun. You can choose one day per week such as Saturday or Sunday for cleaning. Offer your children such prizes as candy, toys, or spending money if they will help you to clean up and put everything in its place.

  5. Always Think Ahead

    Keeping your home organized can be easy and pleasurable if you think ahead. You should move into every home with a quality organizational plan in effect. If life becomes too chaotic, don't let your organization plan lapse, rearrange it according to fit into your new schedule. Staying organized will spare you extra work in the future.

Last Updated: August 16, 2014