a cat exploring a new house

5 Tips for Cat-Proofing Your House

Cats just seem to have a knack for getting into trouble, and that’s probably one of the reasons that we love them so much. However, keeping them safe (and keeping your home intact) can be a real chore sometimes. Before you welcome a new furry friend into the house, use these cat-proofing tips to ensure that everything is ready for their triumphant arrival.

  1. Keep cleaning supplies safely stored away.
    Cats no doubt dominate in the curiosity department, but they haven’t quite mastered the art of reading labels, and this combination can unfortunately prove deadly when it comes to cleaning products. Many household cleaners contain substances that can seriously injure or kill pets, so be sure to keep them safely stored in a cabinet with a child-proof lock.
  2. Keep your valuables out of reach.
    Whether it’s from disdain for the human race or just animal clumsiness, cats have a bad habit of investigating and subsequently destroying breakable items displayed out in the open. To help prevent this, consider display cases with doors or keep important objects in areas of the house where your cats aren’t allowed.
  3. Consider the location of your litter box.
    Litter boxes are by far the most unsavory aspect of cat ownership, and because of this, many people try to keep them as tucked away and unnoticeable as possible. However, placing a litter box in an area that’s difficult for your cat to reach is a great way for them to eschew the thing entirely and simply go to the bathroom where they please. Yes, cats like a little privacy just like the rest of us, but make sure that reaching the litter box doesn’t require a map and a lengthy commute.
  4. Provide something for your cat to scratch.
    Cats are so great at scratching that they’ve basically turned it into an art form. So, if you’d like to keep your chair legs and curtains intact, you’ll need to provide them with some sort of outlet for this impulse. Scratching posts are a classic choice, but cat playhouses pull double duty by both giving them something to scratch and explore.
  5. Keep your electrical cords in check.
    As refined as cats are, some still can’t resist the tasty allure of an electrical cord. No one is entirely sure what it is exactly that makes them so compelled to chew them, but this practice can spell big trouble for your electronics and your feline friend. When possible, run cords under a rug or place a cord cover on them to prevent any dangerous chewing.
Last Updated: December 03, 2014