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7 Halloween Costumes for Lazy People

Nudist on Strike

Nudist on Strike

Make a statement this Halloween by wearing clothes and carrying a sign saying “Nudist on strike.” Political costumes are always crowd pleasers.

Error 404: Costume not found

Error 404: Costume not found

You can teach your holiday-loving friends a lesson by writing “Error 404: Costume Not Found” on a white t shirt.  They won’t bother you with Halloween again!

Salt Shaker

Salt Shaker

Are you the laziest lazy person ever? Are you also frugal? Then the salt shaker costume is the one for you. Grab the salt out of your spice cabinet, dress however you want, and then just shake the salt all night long. Tip: Make sure the container is closed, and if you still manage to spill it, make sure to toss it over your left shoulder.

Regina George

Regina George

Channel everyone’s favorite mean girl by cutting circles out of a tank top and wearing a short skirt. Go out there and own it!

Shia LaBeouf's “I am not famous anymore” Mask

Shia LaBeouf's “I am not famous anymore” Mask

Let Shia inspire you with this easy costume. All you need is a paper grocery bag and a sharpie!

A Classic Ghost

 A Classic Ghost

You can’t go wrong with an old-school costume. Simply take a white sheet and cut out holes for your eyes. SO retro.

The New Subway Spokesperson

The New Subway Spokesperson

Jared recently vacated this position, and the only item you need for this costume is a piece of Subway merchandise! Actually buying a sandwich you can carry around is optional (but more work).