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9 Home Decor Tips That Will Make You Seem Younger

Display Modern Art

Display Modern Art

Classic artwork has a certain sense of elegance and regalness to it, but it can make you feel as though you’re living in a 400-year-old castle. You’ll feel much more alive and inspired if you replace some of your current art pieces with modern ones. The works of Yulia Brodskaya or Guy Laramee are a good place to start.

Add a Bar Cart

Add a Bar Cart

If you’ve gotten in the habit of absentmindedly grabbing whatever beer or wine is in the fridge, you could really benefit from putting more care into the storage of your alcohol. Plus, being organized and chic will give you the push you need to throw that Halloween party you’ve always dreamed about!

(image via Instagram)

Buy Something New

Buy Something New

Go to your favorite home decor store and browse the aisles until you find something you’re in love with. Foregoing the shopping list is exciting, and it will make you feel as though you’re a 22-year-old decorating your first apartment again!

Deep Clean Your Whole House

Deep Clean Your Whole House

When was the last time you cleaned the baseboards or fished all the junk out from between the cushions of your sofa? That’s what we thought. Setting aside a whole day to clean will make your home feel (and smell) refreshed. Not to mention, you’ll end up with a nice sense of accomplishment!

Open the Curtains

Open the Curtains

If you’re looking for a way to brighten up a space, your answer may be as simple as opening the windows. Natural light accentuates your features, and Vitamin D from the sun will give you an energy boost!

Move Your Furniture Around

Move Your Furniture Around

Sometimes, you don’t need to buy a single thing to give your home a fresh, new look! Simply experiment with furniture placement until you find an arrangement that excites you. If you’re a planner, you can always draw up a couple of floor plans beforehand. 

Buy a New Air Freshener

Buy a New Air Freshener

Your nose has probably gotten used to the smell of your tried-and-true air freshener, but noses need a little excitement too! Test out a new scent, and the entire house will have a refreshed atmosphere that is sure to calm you after a long, stressful day.

Arrange Some Flowers

Arrange Some Flowers

You don’t have to wait for someone to send you flowers—treat yourself instead! Waking up to the smell of your favorite flower will give you an immediate mood boost. Plus, the smell of nature may just give you that extra push you need to get out from under the covers in the morning. 

Add a New Rug

Add a New Rug

A rug can set the tone for an entire room! Exchanging that raggedy, monotoned one for something a little more fresh and colorful can make a room feel brand new! Don’t deviate too far from your current color scheme, though. You may end up replacing more items than you bargained for.