two women black friday shopping

9 Ways to Black Friday Shop Without Losing Your Soul

Black Friday has the tendency to bring out the worst in people, because it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the crowds, deals, and most of all, excitement. Just because it’s the biggest shopping day of the year doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time, though! Follow these simple tips and you’ll have a much better chance of enjoying yourself and scoring a great deal (or five)!

  1. Shop online.
    If you want to avoid the madness entirely, it’s probably a good idea to avoid in-store Black Friday shopping altogether and try to find your deals online. More and more retailers are offering equal or better deals on their websites, so you can shop from the comfort of your own home. You can also wait a couple extra days and shop Cyber Monday, which also offers some fantastic deals on everything from electronics to attire. 
  2. Leave the kids at home.
    Unless you want to deal with your 6-year-old crying about being hungry and your 4-year-old pulling all the action figures off the shelves, it’s a smart idea to leave the little ones at home with a family member or babysitter. Black Friday is for adults, so you should never drag your children into the madness. Plus, with all the chaos, you don’t want to risk losing them in the crowd. 
  3. Avoid high-traffic stores. 
    Stores such as Best Buy, Walmart, and Target are notorious for having more than their fair share of craziness on Black Friday because of their deals on high-end electronics. These bargains are tempting, but you should remember that most of the time, they only have a few of the discounted items on hand, so you may not get one anyways. The stampede of frenzied shoppers trying to score tablets and gaming systems at lower prices isn’t worth your health and happiness. You can find these deals elsewhere. 
  4. Mind your manners.
    In addition to avoiding stores that are bound to be full of out-of-control people, you need to mind your manners as well. If someone cuts in front of you in line or snatches the last pair of headphones right out from under you, you need to handle yourself in a mature way. Don’t retaliate and lose your temper because that could result in a fight and/or you getting kicked out of the store or even arrested! Whenever someone wrongs you, just ignore it and go on with your shopping trip to make it a more pleasant experience for everyone.
  5. Bring snacks and drinks.
    To take the words out of Snickers’ mouth, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” A growling stomach and an unquenched thirst will only add to your stress level, so be sure to carry a couple of water bottles and filling snacks, such as low-sugar granola bars, trail mix, sandwiches, and easy-to-eat fruit. This will also save you time and money by avoiding McDonald’s or Waffle House on your way home. 
  6. Stake out stores in advance.
    Virtually all retailers will have their Black Friday deals posted in the weeks leading up to Black Friday, so be sure to take advantage and figure out what you want to buy and where it is located in the store. Additionally, locate the closest register so that once the doors open, you can be in and out before anybody else figures out where the discounted laptops are located. 
  7. Bring a buddy.
    While you shouldn’t bring the kids along, you should bring a buddy for both convenience and protection. You and your friend can take shifts in line or take turns dropping each other off at the door of different stores, plus there’s always safety in numbers when you’re walking to and from your vehicle. Not to mention, it’s just infinitely more fun to have a friend there so you can hang out and laugh together!
  8. Don’t post online. 
    In the age of social media, many people “check in” at their location on Facebook or post photos of the new 60” TV they scored for half off, but you should never, ever take up this practice. Checking in at your location lets thieves know when you aren’t at home, and posting pictures of your loot can make you an easy target for burglars. Keep your purchases and your locale to yourself, because it’s always better to be safe than sorry. 
  9. If all else fails, go home.
    If you find that you are getting frustrated at others, annoyed that everything you want is already gone by the time you get there, or are just flat-out not having a good time, don’t be afraid to walk away. Black Friday isn’t the only day of year when you can find these deals, and none of them are worth your happiness and well-being. You can always try again next year with a better strategy.
Last Updated: December 04, 2015