A daughter thanks her mother for the photo book she got for Christmas

A Guide to Thoughtful Christmas Gifts

Instead of dropping a fortune on the latest techy gifts this Christmas, go for more thoughtful presents that the receiver will cherish. While it’s always fun to open expensive tablets or video games, those aren’t items that will last a lifetime.

  1. Vukee Photo Book
    A photo book is an excellent gift to give your significant other, your grandparents, and your parents. Fill a photo book with images of your family, children, vacations, and past holidays to create a thoughtful present that will bring joy for years to come.

  2. Baked Goodies
    Instead of purchasing the newest movie for your family member, make him or her a batch of a favorite treat. If your dad loves your homemade brownies then whip some up and put them inside a decorative tin. This works for those who don’t care for sweets as well. Does your husband have a soft spot for roasted peanuts? I bet he’d love a homemade recipe more than the gas station brand.

  3. Family Heirlooms
    Instead of buying your grown child a new jacket, give him or her something with meaning. Your son or daughter will delight in a gift that has been passed down in the family. Ancestral pocket watches, jewelry, china, and high quality items of clothing are all excellent options.

  4. Anything Homemade
    Are you a talented painter or experienced with knitting? If you have a talent that can translate into a gift then create something and personalize it for the recipient. However, if you don’t possess a crafty/artsy talent, just spare your family the agony of pretending they love whatever it is you’ve made.

  5. A Special Night
    Experiences are worth more than things, so give the gift of memories this Christmas. Plan a romantic, homemade, candlelit dinner for your significant other. Give your parents a weekend getaway at a bed and breakfast. Offer to babysit your nieces and nephews so your siblings and their spouses can have some kid-free time. These kinds of gifts will be much more appreciated than a fancy scarf.

Last Updated: December 12, 2014