Animal shelter worker with dogs

Choosing a Shelter or Rescue Organization for Your Pet

Sadly, there may be a time you are unable to keep our pet, whether it's because you're moving or because you can't afford it any longer. When you have to give up a pet, you want it to go somewhere it will be taken care of. It's important to choose a qualified shelter or rescue organization. Here is how to choose the perfect place for your loving pet.
When should a person consider a shelter or rescue organization?
There are several reasons a person should consider a shelter or rescue. If you own a pet and you're finding it difficult to take it to the vet when it’s sick, the pet is in a bad situation. Such a situation can end up making your pet much sicker in the long run. Some illnesses will not go away—they will only get worse—and can end in death.
Another reason you may need to consider a shelter or rescue organization is if you simply cannot afford the animal any longer. Some dogs grow to be quite large. As puppies, they may not cost much, but larger dogs can be expensive. Breeds such as Great Danes and Mastiffs consume several pounds of food per day, which can be expensive for anyone.
Basically, if you're having a hard time caring for, feeding, or housing your pet, you should consider a shelter or rescue organization. Animals need a place to live, proper food to eat, and proper medical care. Being able to provide these things is essential.
What are signs of qualified shelters and organizations?
If you're looking to drop off your pet at a shelter or organization, you should be wary of where you leave it. Some organizations and shelters fail to properly care for the animals they currently have. Sometimes they amass far too many animals, which can cause the rapid spread of illnesses among the animals as well as deterioration of your friend.
Good shelters should be clean, and the animals should look happy. If the animals show signs of sickness, then the shelter is failing to take care of them. The pets should also look well fed, showing no signs of malnourishment.
Another thing you should do is look for recognized shelter affiliations. If a shelter is partnered with the ASPCA, then chances are, the shelter is qualified. Shelters with little to no affiliations can be dangerous places to drop off your pets.
Is there a donation fee?
Yes, sometimes there is a fee. It depends on where you take the animal, but a small fee is often required. This fee will help house your pet and give it the food it needs. This fee also helps keep the shelter open as well as adopt out your pet to another loving home.
As mentioned before, the fees vary depending on your location. Generally, stray animal drop-offs are free, but pets cost a little. Avoid trying to pass off your pet as a stray, as the employees will likely notice. Some places charge as little as $10 to $20 to drop off your pet. Sometimes shelters or rescues will pick up your animal for a fee. For example, ACCT Philly charges $40 to pick up a pet. Simply call your shelter or rescue organization to determine the price.

Last Updated: January 07, 2016