solar panel installation

Discover Why 2023 Could Be The Optimal Time For Solar Panel Installation

As the world accelerates into a clean energy future, 2023 shines brightly as the perfect time to invest in solar panel installations. Reduced installation costs, increased home value, solar technology has improved to be more efficient, and available government incentives all contribute to why it is an interesting time to consider solar panel installation.  Read further for details on the key reasons why making the switch to solar power has never been so affordable.

Reduced Installation Costs:

The cost associated with solar panel installation has been seeing a considerable plunge. In the last decade alone, prices have fallen by more than 70%. In essence, the technology that seemed out of financial reach for most homeowners is now broadly accessible. This reduction in costs aligns fabulously well with the increasing efficiency of the panels, making 2023 a budget-friendly year to tap into the power of the sun.

Increasing Your Home's Value:

Studies consistently demonstrate that homes equipped with solar panel systems have higher property values. A report by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory indicates that buyers are willing to pay a premium for solar homes. Consequently, think of your investment in solar installations not as an expense, but an enhancement of your property's worth.

More Efficient, More Powerful:

Solar power technology has advanced dramatically. Today’s panels are exponentially better than those of yesteryear. They are not only more durable but also more efficient in harnessing sunlight, even in less-than-ideal weather conditions. The significant strides in efficiency mean that the same roof space can generate a lot more power in 2023 than it could a decade ago.

Governmental Subsidies and Incentives:

The U.S government is strongly endorsing the shift to renewable energy. It is offering numerous incentives to support this, including the federal solar tax credit that allows you to deduct a significant portion of your solar panel costs off your federal taxes. These policy measures significantly reduce the out-of-pocket costs of solar systems, making 2023 a great time to invest.

Claiming a government tax credit can be a vital part of offsetting the cost of installing solar panels. These instructions should be followed to maximize benefits:

  1. Determine Eligibility: Ensure you're eligible for the tax credit. This usually requires you to own your solar panel system outright. Leased systems typically aren't eligible.
  2. Gather Documentation: Make sure you have paperwork related to the installation of your solar panels. This includes receipts and contracts defining details about when the system was placed in service, who installed it and how much you paid.
  3. Fill Out IRS Form 5695: This form is needed for residential energy credits. Part I outlines the credit for solar-electric property cost and solar water-heating property cost. You’ll need to know the cost of your system in order to fill this out.
  4. Include Form 5695 in Tax Return: Once completed, include Form 5695 when you file your yearly federal tax return. The credit amount will be subtracted from your tax liability, potentially creating a refund.
  5. Follow Tax Credit Carryover Rules: If your federal tax liability is lower than your total credit amount, you can carry the remainder over to your tax return for the following year.
  6. Remember to consult with a tax professional during this process, as they can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation. And while this may seem a little overwhelming at first, the financial benefits from this tax credit can make the extra paperwork worth it.

With all these undeniable advantages, it's clear that the sunny days of 2023 are ideal to make the financially smart and environmentally-friendly leap to harnessing solar power. The future of clean energy is here, and it's time to soak up the benefits.

Last Updated: July 13, 2023