parent passing off organic plant to child

Fun Ways To Go Organic With Your Kids

If you’re passionate about organic gardening then you definitely want your children to be a part of it. Teaching the younger generation how important sustainable agriculture and organic gardening can be is the best way to ensure that this trend carries on into the future. Here are some fun ways to teach your children that organic gardening can be fun.

Eat What You Grow

Who doesn’t like to eat fresh fruits and veggies? One of the easiest ways to promote organic gardening is to invite your child to help you grow an organic crop. By watching the process of seed becoming seedling, then a plant, then producing a crop, your child will learn how patience can pay off. Then, use your produce and cook something together to show your child how much fun it is to take a plant from the backyard, whip something up, and see it on their plate. It is educational and fun for kids of all ages.

Go Shopping Together

Take your son or daughter to the local farmer’s market and let them pick out the foods they want to try. While you’re there, explain to them how the food got from the farm to the farmer’s market and let them ask lots of questions. A shopping trip can turn into a learning experience in no time. By letting your child choose the produce, you’re giving them a head start into the world of organics and showing them how much fun it can be to support local agriculture.

Go On A Field Trip

Better yet, take your children on a trip to a local farm. Showing them how crops are grown and explaining how they go from the dirt to the dining room table really helps kids understand where their food is coming from. While you’re at it, take them on a tour to meet the farm animals so they understand how farm animals should be treated. This is a great way to help them realize that food doesn’t just show up in a grocery store, but has to be grown, cared for, produced, and packaged.

Seed Swaps For Fun

If you want to teach your children about the importance of sustainable agriculture, take them to a local seed swap for some hands on experience. While you’re there, you can explain the importance of heirloom seeds. By letting them see and touch the seeds, they’re more likely to remember why seeds are important and understand why sustainable agriculture is so meaningful for our planet.

Last Updated: February 05, 2016