The screen from a home automation application.

Is Home Automation Worth the Cost?

Home automation systems are quickly gaining popularity for the ease and convenience of being able to manage the home when away from it, but are all the extra bells and whistles really worth it? Before you go out and spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a system, you have to decide if it’s actually worth the money or if it’s another expensive fad you’ll regret in the years to come.

Potentially Saves on Utilities

The main reason most people consider buying a home automation system is the potential to save money on utilities. Home automation systems allow you to remotely turn the lights off and on from wherever you are. If you always remember to turn the lights off before you leave the house, then you probably don’t need a home automation system. However, if people are constantly coming and going from your house, for example children or paid employees such as maids, and find they constantly forget to turn off the lights then it could be worth the investment.

Home automation system companies also claim that their systems can save money on heating and cooling costs. If you’re particular about how your thermostat works throughout the day, then home automation can help you control and monitor it. If you aren’t concerned with the temperature of your home then you can simply adjust it before you leave and when you return, and skip the expense of a system.

Security Reassurance

If you are concerned about home security, a home automation system can provide added value while keeping your home safe and secure. The ability to keep an eye on your family and home at all hours of the day is not something that most of us can put a price on. If you have a lot or treasured or expensive items in your home then home automation can give you peace of mind that you’ll be alerted if a break in were to happen. For this reason alone, a home automation system can certainly be worth the money.

Increases Market Appeal

Also, keep in mind that a home automation system may add to your home’s appeal if you ever decide you want to sell it. In today’s fierce housing market, anything that sets you apart from the competition is definitely a bonus, and many potential buyers are looking for a home that comes with extra features.

The bottom line is that most of what a home automation system has to offer is added luxury that you can probably live without. However, if you are away from home a lot, are selling your home, or if you are concerned about home security, a home automation system may be the right option for you if your budget can afford it. Home automation systems can cost you a pretty penny, so seriously analyze how much you will use the features before purchasing one.

Last Updated: September 04, 2014