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Organizational Hacks for Your Bathroom

Makeup Drawers

Makeup Drawers

We all know the story: you just got out of bed, your alarm never went off, the one product you absolutely have to use is lost in a sea of mascara tubes, and you end up late for the most important meeting of your career.

Instead of muddling through the makeup drawer every time you oversleep, designate a single drawer for makeup storage and use a desk organizer to ensure that every product has its place. There will be slots for eyeshadow, lipstick, foundation, and the works. Never again let your career suffer from poor storage.

(image via Overstock)

Mounted Towel Racks

Mounted Towel Racks

Extra towel racks are a great idea because there always tends to be that one wet towel molding in the corner of the bathroom. Maximize space by mounting racks to the inside of the linen closet or on the wall.

Mounted racks come in an array of styles and colors, so don’t feel stifled by the flimsy steel racks sold in Walmart. Experiment with wood, S-Hooks, and even industrial piping to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing towel storage system.

(image via Crate and Barrel)

Nail Polish Shelf

Nail Polish Shelf

It’s nearly impossible to own less than five nail polish bottles, and if you do, they tend to multiply over the years anyway. Instead of wasting counter or vanity space hoarding countless half-empty bottles, designate a space for a wall-mounted nail polish rack.

Like the towel racks, these shelves have plenty of aesthetic wiggle room, including fun shapes like hearts and stars.

(image via Amazon)

Clear Mason Jars

Clear Mason Jars

Mason jars are a cultural phenomenon among hipster Millennials who like to repurpose the glass containers for propagating plants and serving drinks. Consider using the cups—which are not only good for selling jelly—to store loose applicators.

Makeup brushes, Q-Tips, and cotton swabs alike can be easily located in the clear jars without fumbling with lids. Pulling out a trusty label-maker can further serve as a method to quickly locate your products. For some added flair, attach the jars to an empty wall to free up limited counter space.

(image via Pinterest)

Hanging Shoe Organizer

Hanging Shoe Organizer

While shoe organizers are perfectly suitable for shoe storage, using them in the bathroom could revolutionize your space.


Bulky hot tools and round brushes never fit in the drawer quite right, especially if you’re squeezing all those products into one space. Granting each product a slot in a hanging organizer frees up drawer space, increases the accessibility of the product, and prevents dreaded cord tangles.

(Image via Amazon and Pinterest)



Pegboards, perfect for the passionate DIYer, can display memories and your favorite accessories. Inherently customizable, the pegboard can be painted, framed, and sized to fit your space.

Hang your long necklaces directly to the board to prevent tangles. Smaller frames—along with baskets—can be used to designate specific spaces for earrings, bracelets, or sunglasses. Goodbye, messy jewelry boxes!

(image via Pinterest)

Hidden Cupboards

Hidden Cupboards

Dual-purpose cabinets are sneaky storage solutions ideal for maximizing small spaces. Classic medicine cabinet-and-mirror duos are great for storing small products and, of course, medicine. But if you can’t seem to give up your beautiful decorative mirror, install smaller cabinets inside of cupboards or behind picture frames.

Perfect for storing products that you don’t use every day, hidden cupboards are just as practical as open ones, only of a less-detectable kind. But make sure the installation doesn’t hinder the closing of a cabinet door, or it might hurt your organization more than help it.

(image via Ikea)

Floating Shelves

Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are slim and versatile: perfect for the space-lacking bathroom. Over the door, above the toilet, or stacked on an empty wall, these shelves can be used for anything.

Don’t know what to put on your shelves? Liven up your space with a low-light houseplant (or a plastic alternative if your thumb isn’t particularly green). Additionally, use decorative baskets to store hair ties, bath bombs, and facemasks in a way that’s cute rather than cluttered.

(image via Pinterest)

Magazine Holders

Magazine Holders

Magazine holders next to the toilet are a little tacky if they actually hold rejected tabloids, so try reinventing them to store flimsy washcloths. Shifting the holder’s location into the linen closet keeps all of your towels accessible.

Marking each section with decorative labels can minimize confusion between rolled facecloths, which all look very similar first thing in the morning.

(image via Ikea)

Lazy Susan

Lazy Susan

Lazy Susans are kitchen favorites for storing spices, so why not add some to the bathroom? Under-the-sink and on-the-counter turntables make finding your hairspray much easier than sorting through a drawer of similarly sized hair products.

And what’s more satisfying than spinning a lazy Susan? Perhaps you’ll be more motivated to wake up in the morning if you get to spin the tray when getting ready (I know I would).

(image via Pinterest)

Narrow Corner Shelves

Narrow Corner Shelves

If you don’t have a dedicated linen closet and need additional shelving storage for your bathroom, regularly sized shelves won’t cut it. They can jut out too much and make the space extremely claustrophobic.

Try installing extra shelving that is as narrow as possible. Aim for tall and slim, ideally tucked into a corner for an unobtrusive feel.

(image via Wayfair)

Hanging Baskets

Hanging Baskets

Sometimes shelves just are not the answer. Too many can be monotonous and predictable.

Hanging baskets are a wonderful alternative for shelving to diversify your storage. An eclectic mix of canvas bags and unique woven baskets can add the perfect amount of personality to your bathroom.

(Image via Pinterest and Wayfair)

Tension Rods

Tension Rods

There never seems to be enough space under the sink with all of the jutting and twisting pipes. Tension rods, with their extensive versatility, are the perfect solution for optimizing limited space, especially when you want to store bulky cleaning products.

Merely hang the squirt bottles and microfiber on the tension rod to free up space for other unaesthetic products you want to hide.

(Image via Pinterest and Bed Bath and Beyond)



Magnets are an organizer’s best friend; they can be cut into strips, stuck to walls, added to hooks, and displayed like pictures. Magnetic strips and dishes achieve the usually impossible task of corralling bobby pins, tweezers, and metal-bound hair ties into one place.

To double packaging as decor, frame a magnetic dish and prop it on the counter to display all of your pretty makeup compacts.

(image via Amazon)

Paper Towel Holder

Paper Towel Holder

A paper towel holder can have many purposes in the bathroom other than merely holding paper towels. Stacking toilet paper rolls is a valid option for saving under-the-counter space, but it’s not exactly pleasing to the eye.

Layering bracelets onto the holder can give your bathroom a glitzy vibe, and switching the jewelry out for scrunchies leans toward a bohemian-hipster feel. Whatever your prerogative, paper towel holders can keep track of those pesky accessories for you!

(image via Pinterest)

Wine Rack

Kitchen Trays

Kitchen Trays

Kitchen ice trays and utensil holders are the ideal size for storing smaller-than-average products. Nothing is worse than losing one-half of a pair of earrings, so keeping the duos together in an ice-tray is a lifesaver. You could even designate a pouch for earring backs and missing pieces so that you don’t have to toss any jewelry.

As for utensil holders, they are cheap, fit snugly into drawers, and are great organizing tools for toiletries. Floss, mouthwash, combs, toothpaste, and travel toiletries can have a proper home with a tray that includes built-in separators.

(image via Amazon)

Cookie Jar

Cookie Jar

Bath salts can be simultaneously lavish, relaxing, and decorative given the right container. Cheap plastic packaging detracts from the mystique of bath salts, which should aim at making the user feel like a person of royalty.

Cookie jars, which come in a variety of styles and sizes, can replace gaudy plastic or crumpled paper packaging. Consolidate all of your salts into one container for a cute and space-saving storage solution.

Spice Rack

Spice Rack

Moisturizers and creams threaten to roll off the vanity and hit your toe at any given moment, causing heart attacks and loss of product in one fell swoop. No one can afford to replace their expensive eye cream after every skincare accident, so limiting the rage of space they can travel is essential to spare your wallet (and toes) from further duress.

Hang a spice rack in the shower or near your vanity that can snugly protect small packages. The rungs prevent the creams from slipping onto the floor and causing harm to itself or those around it.

(image via Pinterest)



The quickest way to organize your bathroom is to own as few possessions as possible. Albeit the least fun option of the bunch, minimalism is a lifestyle trend that challenges people to live simply but with maximum emotional effect. Essentially, less is more.

Sort through all of your possessions, one-by-one, and determine if each thing is a need or a source of happiness for your life. If neither, why keep it? Go completely Marie Kondo on your shiz, and notice the changes it makes to your physical and emotional spaces.

(image via Pinterest)