a close-up of a space heater

Space Heaters and Your Electric Bill

If you like to be particularly toasty when it gets chilly outside, you might use a space heater. While space heaters can help make a cold room more comfortable, they are no comparable alternative to using the central heating system in your home. Used sparingly, however, space heaters can provide quick warmth without significantly impacting your electric bill.

Space heaters don't save money on a large scale.

For example, if you used an electric, 1500-watt space heater for an hour a day—say, to warm up your bedroom before going to sleep—you could expect to use around 45 kWh per month, which would amount to an added $4.60 to your monthly utility bill. You can calculate the cost of operating your space heater by first calculating Watts x Hours used ÷ 1,000. This will give you the number of kWh needed, and the cost of one kWh is typically 10.3 cents.

If you used your space heater all day, every day, like you might use your central heating system (which is never advised—never use a space heater while sleeping), you would add 1,080 kWh to your usage and $111.00 to your bill. While this isn’t a terribly staggering figure to see on a utility bill, it will be money spent on extremely inefficient heating. So, as an alternative to conventional heating methods, space heaters won’t often save you money, so don’t be fooled by advertising that makes that claim.

Space heaters can reduce costs when used locally.

However, if your heating needs are particularly local and you’d like to only heat the rooms you spend the most time in, using a space heater CAN help you in an efficient way. If you decrease the temperature on your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours a day, you can cut your energy bill by five to 15 percent per year. If you do this and use a space heater only to heat the room you’re using, you can expect some savings and stay just as warm.

Give an energy-efficient model a try.

Some models use less energy than others, so if you’re in the market for a space heater and trying to cut down your energy costs, consider searching for an energy efficient model. These are especially efficient if your heating needs are small (the reduced power requirements come with somewhat reduced heating capabilities).

So, pick your spots. Use a space heater wisely and it could save you some cash. Overdo it, and it’s a bit wasteful. Be mindful of this while you’re staying toasty this winter!

Last Updated: August 07, 2015