Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga’s fashion sense has been questionable for a while, but we can’t blame her. The weirdness is her brand. From meat dresses to literal gowns made from Kermit stuffed toys, she’s done it all. She can dress beautifully if she wants to, but why do that when you can be weird?
Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke has been through a lot in his life, particularly his face. You’d think he’d try extra hard with a great fashion sense, but nope. He literally wears whatever he can find, especially pants that are about three sizes too small.
Helena Bonham Carter

What is there to say about Helena Bonham Carter’s fashion sense that hasn’t been said before? It looks like this woman gets dressed in the dark. It makes her happy, so I guess c’est la vie?
Christina Aguilera

The 2000s were rough on all of us, but it was particularly rough on Aguilera. Her outfit choices were scant as a way to break away from Britney Spears’s shadow. Now, she usually dresses in a classically elegant way, but sometimes she still steps out in something questionable.
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp has been a heartthrob for a while, so he basically dressed however he wanted. That being said, there was a period there that he had no eyebrows (by choice). Even though we didn’t love the Gomez Addams look, it was better than some of the other stuff he’s worn lately.
Katy Perry

Katy Perry is one of those performers that wears the craziest stuff to make headlines. This includes dressing up with dice, half man and half woman, as candy, and as a chandelier. Her outfits off the stage aren’t much better.
Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey doesn’t know how to buy her size. Everything she wears looks like it’s a couple of sizes too small. We get it that she has a complex body type, but you have money to get stuff custom designed. Back when she was popular, she looked pretty good and had a great sense of style. What happened?

Kesha has made a brand looking like the crazy party girl that probably smells horrible. Even though we don’t think she walks around smelling bad, she definitely looks like she’s had one too many. When her clothes aren’t crazy, they’re half falling off her body.
Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus wants to make a statement that she’s not a good girl anymore—something a lot of Disney stars do. Well, that statement comes across clear via her fashion sense. A lot of the time, she’s hardly wearing clothes and often opts for a bra instead of a top.

Yes, Snooki is still a celebrity. This Z-List celeb has the worst fashion sense we’ve ever seen. It’s loud, ridiculous, and is so bad we think most pieces are custom made. Much of the time, she wears boots with an insane amount of fur.
Kim Kardashian

Admittedly, Kim K’s fashion sense has gotten a lot better over the years, but it’s easy to improve when you start from the bottom. She still makes a lot of fashion faux pas, but her biggest problem is just not wearing enough clothing.
Nicki Minaj

It’s part of Nicki Minaj’s brand to wear outfits that assault our senses. Sometimes, she’s caught wearing something very beautiful and flattering, but more often than not, she’s sporting neon colors that hurt the eyes.
Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton is supposed to know everything about celebs, so why does he dress like someone he’d write a gossip column about? Now, he’s thinned down so he thinks he can wear whatever, but no, Perez. You cannot. You look foolish.
Richard Simmons

As sweet as Richard Simmons is, we can all agree that his fashion sense is…non-existent. He’s almost always wearing the shortest shorts known to man and a tank top. On top of that, the tank tops are usually incredibly colorful. Richard Simmons gives Elton John a run for his money.
Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is another person that uses his clothing style as his brand, but we could do without the revealing outfits. At least recently he isn’t wearing corsets, underwear, and tights. We’ve moved beyond that, thank goodness.
Jared Leto

Jared Leto is one weird cookie. We all learned how strange he was when he portrayed the Joker, and he sent his costars disgusting “gifts.” Well, his fashion isn’t much different. It’s really weird to the point where you wonder if he’s trying to make a statement. If they were words, they’d be all jumbled.

Madonna’s fashion has been her thing. It all started with the cone bra, and she never looked back. The weirder her outfit, the more attention she got. So, naturally, she started going off the deep-end with her style. Listen, we just don’t want to see Madonna in skimpy outfits anymore acting like she’s a teenager.
Charlie Sheen

Someone has to tell Charlie Sheen that there’s more to life than bowling shirts and shorts. He seems like one of those people that you’d look in their closet, and you’d see the same outfit. The only difference is that his shirts are different appalling colors and styles. It must be all that dragon’s blood going to his brain.
Britney Spears

Now that she’s gotten older, Britney Spears has really calmed down. Still, we all remember the 2000s disaster of her wearing denim on denim. Then, there are the long dresses with jeans and pizza-toe shoes. The colors match, sure, but it looked atrocious, girl.
Courtney Love

Someone has to help Courtney Love. Her fashion represents her life in every way possible. If it isn’t halfway hanging off her body, it’s piled on where she looks like a mountain of donated clothes at Goodwill.
Cardi B

Cardi B is aggravating, and her fashion sense is much the same. When it’s obvious she dressed herself because it’s poorly put together. It makes you wonder if she has anyone that stopped her. Maybe she should get someone like that on her payroll?

Cher, honey. Your stage costumes are one thing but going outside in them is another. It’s honestly getting hard to tell when she’s performing and when she isn’t because of the crazy things she wears on a daily basis.

Bjork is…quirky, to say the least, and her fashion sense matches. Bjork made headlines when she wore that swan dress, so she started dressing crazier and crazier. Now, she even performs in stuff that looks so ridiculous that we wonder how she can see.
Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton is a unique soul with a beyond unique sense of fashion. We’ve come to expect her struts across the red carpet to be one of the weirdest looks out there, and she never disappoints. Her street fashion isn’t much different. She’s certainly one-of-a-kind.
Andre Leon Talley

Andre Leon Tally is supposed to know everything about fashion, right? So why does he always look like he got in a fight with his grandma’s drapes? The guy always wears floor-length jackets and robes, and they usually feature the craziest patterns known to man.
Adam Lambert

We knew from the moment Adam Lambert appeared on screen that he had a weird sense of fashion, but we didn’t really find out the depth until years later. Now, he walks the streets in clothes that don’t match at all, and struts the red carpet in…well, you can see for yourself.
Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is the kid no mother wants to have. Everything he wears exemplifies his personality. It looks bad. Honestly, he looks like he probably smells like body odor mixed with enough Axe body spray to kill an elephant.
Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman has become known for his odd style, but that doesn’t mean we can’t put him on the list. We’re not sure if it’s his brand or what, but no one should ever wear a fishnet shirt with khaki’s and then throw a skirt on top of that. Stop it, dude.
Kanye West

Kanye West has a lot more going on with him than his horrible sense of fashion. Generally, he wears two jackets and jeans that are so baggy that you can fit another human inside of them. Even scarier, the guy actually has his own fashion line.
Johnny Weir

Johnny Weir isn’t a celeb most people know about, but he had to go on the list. This figure skater never walks out of his home looking good. The stuff he wears on the streets (and to red carpets) make his ice-skating attire look borderline normal. From giant fur coats to graffiti diaper shorts, Weir will wear anything.
Cate Blanchett