a woman puts sunscreen on her nose while at the beach

Find the Best Sunscreen for Your Face

The secret to healthy skin lies in a good sunscreen. Finding the right one for your face can be a bit tricky because the skin is more delicate and has different needs than the rest of your body. Whether you have normal, sensitive, or combination skin, there are a few key ingredients you should look for when finding the right sunscreen for your face.


Your face is the most sensitive and the most vulnerable to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which makes protecting the skin absolutely crucial. Never rely solely on the SPF in your makeup, as it likely only contains up to SPF 15. Instead, choose a moisturizer with a minimum of SPF 30 and always make sure it says “broad spectrum,” which protects your skin from both UVB and UVA rays.


The search for moisturizer is hardest for those with sensitive skin. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, look for moisturizers that are oil-free, water-based, and “non-comedogenic” because they provide moisture without clogging your pores.


Fragrances are the worst ingredient for those with sensitive skin. They cause irritation, inflammation, and breakouts. Don’t be tricked by moisturizers labeled as “unscented,” as they could still contain fragrances that neutralize odors. Always make sure the product you choose says "fragrance-free."

Last Updated: July 06, 2015