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10 Tips for Cutting Your Hair at Home

When we were little, chances are that our parents were extra careful about us playing with scissors out of fear that we would cut our hair, but now that we are grown, we now have the power to cut our own hair! However, with great power comes great responsibility, so make sure you know what you are doing before you start snipping!

Cutting your own hair can help you save money by only having to buy the right tools, then doing the rest yourself without having to pay someone else to do it. You also get total control of the outcome—that is as long as you know what you’re doing. Here are our tips on what to consider when cutting your hair at home!

Consider the Risks

Consider the Risks
This step is designed to make sure that you are really in this. If you are, great! But if you aren’t, be prepared that it might not turn out the same as when you have someone else cut your hair.Cutting hair is not as easy as it seems, especially when it is on your own head. So, consider going to a professional first, but if you really want to learn how to do it yourself, follow these steps!

Know Your Natural Texture

Know Your Natural Texture

A very important thing to consider when cutting your hair is what type of texture your hair is. Do you have board straight hair? Do you have waves? Curls? Super tight curls? This is important because even if you cut the same amount off of straight hair and curly hair, straight hair will remain the length you cut it, while curly hair will bounce up even shorter than the length you cut it.

So, if you cut off two inches of your curly hair, don’t be surprised if it bounces up to look like you cut four inches off. Texture is also important to consider because some hair types are easier to cut wet, while other hair types, like many curly hair types, could be easier to cut while dry. Research how you should cut your specific texture of hair first!

Decide Which Hairstyle You Want

Decide Which Hairstyle You Want
Next, you should have an idea in mind. It’s not a great idea to start cutting before you have an idea of what you want the end result to look like. If you change your mind halfway through, the damage might already be done, and you can’t go back.This is also a good time to find tutorials for that specific hairstyle online, so you know exactly how to cut your hair to end up with the results that you want. By the way, bangs are actually a lot more difficult to cut than they look.

Invest in the Right Supplies

Invest in the Right Supplies
After researching what type of strategies are best to cut your hair texture for the hairstyle you want, you will have probably noticed similarities in the supplies that you are supposed to use. You will also notice that those supplies do not include the same type of scissors that you can find in your junk drawer.Invest in a good pair of hair cutting scissors, a good comb, and whatever else you might need to give yourself a good haircut. This might be a little pricey upfront, but if you get good at cutting your own hair, think of all the money you are saving in the long run!

Wash Your Hair

Wash Your Hair

The next step, which is the first step in the actual haircut, is to wash your hair. For some textures, this step might not apply. If you have curly hair and plan on cutting it dry, you don’t need to wash it first.

It’s good to wash your hair before the haircut to undo any heat styling you have done to it or to get any product out of your hair that could affect the outcome of the look. It can also be easier to cut it wet, depending on the style you are going for.

Cut Your Hair Wet

Cut Your Hair Wet
After you wash your hair, don’t dry it! Leave it wet while you trim, because this will keep any stray frizzies from getting away and make sure all of your hair is cut evenly.Like we have said, this is not necessary for every style of haircut, so it’s best to follow the tutorial you have chosen for your specific texture and style. In general, cutting your hair wet is beneficial, though.

Section Your Hair

Section Your Hair
It is always best to cut your hair in smaller sections at a time. You never want to try to cut it all in one go because things could end up poorly. Divide your hair into sections in the back, top, and sides, and then divide those sections into smaller sections to make cutting your hair easier.This is important because not all of your hair needs to be cut the exact same length—that is unless you are wanting to go for that look. Take it in small sections for a better finished product. This is especially important if you want layers.

Be Aware of Your Positioning

Be Aware of Your Positioning

This is a very important tip: always be aware of the positioning of your head, hands, and scissors, because this can affect the type of cut you make and how much hair you take off.

Have you ever been to the hair stylist and they make you uncross your legs and sit up straight? This is so you have a balanced haircut at the end. You don’t want a lopsided bob or uneven layers. Pay attention to your positioning!

Cut Small Amounts

Cut Small Amounts
Along with not trying to tackle the whole head at once, you also don’t want to cut big chunks at once. This is a very big no no that can lead to a less-than-ideal outcome.Cutting large amounts of hair at once and at the wrong angle can cause the cut to look too clean and not natural. It can look like you blocked off sections of hair instead of giving yourself a trim. This can be a hard skill to perfect, but be safe and only trim small amounts of hair with each snip.

Style Your Hair

Style Your Hair
Now that you are done with your cut, it is time to style your hair! Play around with new ways of styling your hair to show off your new cut! Hopefully everything went well and you are proud of your new skill.Styling your hair after your cut can also help you see the areas you might have missed and which areas you absolutely love! Take those details into consideration, and try again later. The first time may not have the best results, but you will surely get better over time!