A woman scoops moisturizer out of a jar to apply to her oily skin.

Skincare Tips for Oily Skin

Oily skin can be difficult to deal with. If the shine on your skin makes you want to shut your eyes, then you may need to turn to a special skincare regimen that is designed to fight oily skin. Here are some tips to keep in mind when deciding how to care for oily skin:

  1. Clean Regularly

    No matter what your skin type, cleaning your face on a regular basis is an important part of keeping your skin healthy. For oily skin, washing once in the morning and once at night is best. The best way to remember when you need to clean your skin might be doing it as soon as you get up and just before you go to bed.

  2. Don't Overdo Cleaning

    While it is important to clean your skin regularly, you don't want to scrub too hard when you are washing. This can damage your skin and keep it from looking its best. Instead, be gentle when scrubbing your skin. Use a patting motion when you are ready to dry it. This will ensure that you are treating your skin with the care that it deserves.

  3. Use the Right Products

    Depending on how oily your skin is, sometimes a basic cleanser may not do the job. In this case, you may need to turn to something a little more powerful. Products that are designed to fight acne can also be an excellent choice for people who just have oily skin. The benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid that these products contain can help reduce oil in the skin.

  4. Moisturize

    It is also important to include a moisturizer in your skincare regimen when dealing with oily skin. This may seem counterproductive, but not moisturizing your skin will actually cause it to produce more oil. When your skin gets too dry, your body will compensate by producing more oil to moisturize it. Replenishing some of the moisture in your skin will help prevent this from happening.

  5. Be Flexible

    The level of oil in your skin can vary as frequently as every day or as infrequently as when the seasons change. There are many different factors that determine how much oil your skin produces. You might have a bigger problem with oiliness in the summertime because you sweat more then. The products you need to use and how often you need to use them will vary based on the needs of your skin at different times. Adapt your skincare regimen as needed.

While oily skin may make you uncomfortable, there are some great options for fighting it. All it takes is enough knowledge of what kind of products you need and enough dedication to use them faithfully.

Last Updated: August 20, 2015