Up close photo of a spray tan gun spraying a woman's shoulder

Spraytanning: Avoid the Orange Glow

For many women, having a nice bronze tan makes them feel healthier, thinner, and more attractive. The safest way to achieve this is by spray tanning, but some the last thing you want is that notorious orange tint. Here are a few spray tanning tips to help you avoid the orange glow.

Get a Salon Tan

If you truly want to avoid a bad tan, then go to a salon for a spray tan. Overall, salon tans are superior in quality and effectiveness because they emply trained professionals with plenty of experience. You won't have to worry about turning orange, unsightly streaks, or uneven color when you go to a salon.

Pick the Right Color

The main reason people have the orange glow is they choose the wrong color for their skin tone. No matter how tempting it may be, don't go for the darkest shade possible. For the best results, you should pick a color that is only a few shades darker than your natural color. For example, if you're naturally very fair, you should choose a fair-medium tan. Tanning is meant to be a gradual process.

Be Patient

You need to be patient when it comes to spray tanning. Many people end up with terrible tans simply because they were hasty. Don't even think about applying the spray tan solution every day. You need to wait between applications, ideally applying the solution every four or five days. The longer you wait the more natural your skin will be.

Do a Skin Test

If you're trying out a new tanner for the first time, you should definitely do a skin test before you start tanning. After reading all of the instructions, spray the product onto a small portion of your skin. Ideally, you should use it on an area that others won't be able to see, such as your buttocks. Leave it for a few days to see the result. Not only will you be able to see if your skin turns orange from the product, but you'll also be able to test for an allergic reaction as well.

While there's no way to eliminate the risk of an orange glow completely, by utilizing the tips listed above, you'll reduce the chance substantially. That way you'll have a bronze tan that you can be proud of, instead of looking like a pumpkin.

Last Updated: July 27, 2015