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The 10 Most Controversial Fashion Trends of 2015

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and since you’re the beholder, it’s your call whether these 2015 fashion trends are magnificent or monstrous! The big question: Will you choose to wear the #1 trend on this list in 2016?

10. Velvet

10. Velvet

This luxe fabric used to be reserved for young girls' holiday dresses, but more and more women have started donning it throughout the holiday season. I’ve seen flare pants, dresses, rompers, and more that are constructed from this fabric, and they’re usually hit or miss. I think the difference generally comes down to color. Colors like marsala and midnight blue look expensive and polished, while colors like baby pink, forest green, and even black tend to look cheap and tacky.

(Image via Instagram)

9. Fringe

9. Fringe

Many people have fallen in love with this popular trend, but then again, there are many others who cringe at the fringe. Fringe can work when it’s used in small amounts, such as on the side of a suede bootie or on a knit scarf, but many designers have taken it too far. Now we have mini skirts with 15 layers of fringe. Don’t discard this trend, but don’t make it the most abundant style in your wardrobe.

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8. Bell Sleeves

8. Bell Sleeves

I thought bell sleeves had died out quite a while ago, but with the resurgence of '70s fashion, bell sleeves are sort of back. I think a lot of people have reservations about this trend, because if the sleeves are too big, they can make you look like a bat. There are a few examples of bell sleeves working, such as a simple A-line dress or a shift dress. Avoid the bodycon dresses with bell sleeves, because most of those look quite unbalanced.

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7. Camouflage

7. Camouflage

Camo used to only be the favorite print of hunters and country girls, but this print has been making quite a name for itself in the fashion industry recently. I’ve witnessed only few instances of this trend looking chic and refined, such as a slim-fit cargo jacket or a camo accent pocket on a shirt. However, camo leggings and puffer jackets are still very much “out," and never, ever pair anything camo with anything orange.

(Image via Instagram)

6. Denim on Denim

6. Denim on Denim

This trend is contended because it can work very well in some instances but look ghastly in others. Denim on denim can look stylish if you pair a very light-wash denim shirt with dark-wash jeans or vice versa. If you pair two pieces of denim that look too similar, it just looks like you got dressed in the dark. Don’t avoid this trend altogether, but be very, very careful with how you style it.

(Image via Instagram)

5. Birkenstocks

5. Birkenstocks

I have to applaud Birkenstock, because I was sure they had died out by the time I was done with middle school in 2007. They’ve certainly made a comeback, especially with college-aged girls. I understand the appeal of a comfortable, low-profile shoe, but this particular choice can take an outfit from fab to drab in mere seconds. 

(Image via Instagram)

4. Culottes

4. Culottes

That’s right, the most unflattering pants of all time have made a serious comeback in 2015, but their return has been met with quite a bit of controversy. Culottes resemble the infamous gauchos, hitting a little below the knee and resembling the overall shape of an A-line skirt. Just wear a skirt. They may be comfortable, but these pants have the effect of making you look very wide, especially if they’re multi-colored or have a pattern.

(Image via Instagram)

3. Furry Footwear

3. Furry Footwear

Whether they’re boots, flats, or heels, fur-covered footwear has been slowly gaining popularity during the past year. But the jury’s still out on this one. Every single piece of furry footwear I’ve seen looks far too costumey and, quite frankly, just bizarre. The only furry shoes that don’t look hideous are the ones that look like slippers, and they’re not really a new trend, now are they?

(Image via Instagram)

2. Carwash Pleats

2. Carwash Pleats

I think it’s safe to say that accordion pleats and box pleats are almost universally loved, but it’s another story with carwash pleats. I’ve seen this trend on the runway pretty frequently, and I’m still pretty torn as to whether this trend should stick around. I’ve seen carwash pleats look young and fun a couple times, but more often than not, they tend to look unfinished and trashy! The name says it all. If you choose to rock this trend, stick with black and choose classy pieces to keep it elegant.

(Image via Instagram)

1. Chunky Flatforms

1. Chunky Flatforms

Fashion bloggers in particular have been flaunting this trend on their blogs and Instagram accounts, but while they may find it stylish, many others do not. I'm in the second group. These shoes are your typical sandals or tennis shoes but with a horrid twist: a three-inch sole. Some people find these shoes as a more comfortable way to add some height to their outfits, but the only thing they remind me of is a Bratz doll.

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