10. Punny Bobcat
Bobcats don’t turn their heads like that, and they certainly don’t have that expression. It looks like the cat just made a really, really horrible pun and expected everyone to laugh. Get it? Get it?? No. Just, no. Worst of all, it appears to be in a museum somewhere.
(Image via Instagram)
9. Terrifying Tarsier
One of the cutest animals in the world was turned into a nightmare by some taxidermist. I don’t get why! These cuddly little creatures should never attempt to steal my life, but this creation exists. It’s alright. I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight anyway!
(Image via Instagram)
8. Surprised Hawk
Was it just impossible to put the eyes further in the skull? The look on this hawk’s face is almost like he saw something he definitely wasn't supposed to see. It's the expression of "I just walked into a changing room with someone already in it." Hawk-ward.
(Image via Instagram)
7. Mistake Lion
This lion is so bad it could easily be turned into a meme. In the Shanghai Natural History Museum stands the “I’ve made a mistake lion." It looks as though it just ate a mouthful of wasabi thinking it was guacamole. Dear China, thanks for the taxidermy laughs.
(Image via Instagram)
6. Sad Platypus
It took a while before I realized that this was a platypus missing a vital piece—it’s bill. How do you lose something so large and important? With glossy eyes and a pouty lip, this platypus just might cry if we don't find it.
(Image via Instagram)
5. Soul-Stealing Fox
The star of many memes, this fox is internet famous. But that doesn't take away from the fact that the whites-of-the-eyes are visible and it’s sitting up. Why, just why? It’s almost like the fox is trying to stare into your soul and steal it. Back off, demon!
(Image via Instagram)
4. Meth Sloth
With the missing teeth, bowl cut, and messed up nose, this sloth looks like an “after” picture for a meth advertisement. What could the taxidermist have been thinking when he created this drug-addicted monster? Meth—not even once.
(Image via Instagram)
3. Cocaine Wolf
What happened with this wolf? He’s looking in two different directions, and it appears he found a drug dealer's stash in the woods. Maybe you should chill out on the cocaine. You’re going a little overboard.
(Image via Instagram)
2. Made In China Panda
1. Two-Toned Monster
I couldn't even begin to guess what this thing use to be. The head is an entirely different color from the body, and the whiskers, eyes, teeth, and nose are all plastic. This whole creation is just a failed arts-and-crafts project. Bad taxidermist, bad!
(Image via Instagram)