Ronda Rousey

10 Things That Last Longer Than a Ronda Rousey Fight

We all know Ronda Rousey is simply made for fighting, and her fight record has the numbers to prove it. She’s undefeated, and her longest two fights are under 5 minutes. Most frequently, she’s got the other girl on the ground before a full minute is up. Which leaves us wondering, what lasts longer than a Ronda Rousey fight?

  1. Kim K’s First and Second Marriages
    Sorry, but we had to. Kim Kardashian's second marriage could have been a lot shorter if she’d just asked Ronda to knockout the relationship for her.
  2. Air Drying Your Painted Nails.
    Those suckers take forever. You can sit there for 15 minutes waiting for your nails to dry, which is the same amount of time as all of Rousey’s fights combined.
  3. Downloading a New App on Your iPhone
    The average download time is 30-40 seconds, and most of Rousey’s fights are over long before then.She literally moves faster than the internet.
  4. Brushing Your Teeth.
    It will take you longer to clean your teeth than it does for Ronda to knock someone out. So don’t go brush your teeth when she has a fight because you’ll miss it.
  5. Ignoring an Unwanted Phone Call
    Fumbling for your phone and carefully selecting the ignore button will take more time than it does for Ronda to dominate in the octagon.
  6. Turning on Your Car.
    By the time you’ve started your car, Ronda’s already crushed another fighter’s dreams. She can probably beat your car in a race too.
  7. The Average Song
    Your favorite song is hundreds of seconds longer than Ronda’s average KO time. So does she even need a workout song?
  8. Sneezing
    If you sneeze, then you miss the whole fight. Don’t you dare sneeze.
  9. Ordering a Ronda Rousey Fight Through Your TV Provider.
    No joke, you will spend more time ordering the fight than actually watching it. Even if you have a stellar provider. 
  10. This List
    You’re welcome. Now go follow Ronda Rousey on all social media platforms.
Last Updated: August 13, 2015