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10 Things You Should Never Do While Driving

Texting or Using a Smartphone

Texting or Using a Smartphone

Ah, the irresistible urge to check your phone while piloting a two-ton death machine. Because nothing says "I value my life and the lives of others" quite like scrolling through memes at 60 mph.

Who needs both hands on the wheel when you can use one to craft the perfect emoji-laden response to your BFF's latest crisis? Sure, you might miss that red light or the pedestrian crossing the street, but hey, at least you didn't leave Karen on read. Remember, folks, no text is worth turning your car into a flaming pile of junk.

Daniel - stock.adobe.com

Driving Under the Influence

Driving Under the Influence

Because nothing screams "responsible adult" quite like chugging a six-pack and deciding you're fit to operate heavy machinery. Who needs clear vision, quick reflexes, or basic common sense when you've got liquid courage coursing through your veins?

Sure, you might see three lanes where there's only one, but that just triples your chances of staying on the road, right? Wrong. If your grand plan for the evening involves turning your car into a mobile cocktail lounge, do everyone a favor and call a cab. Your liver, driving record, and local law enforcement will thank you.

Nomad_Soul - stock.adobe.com



Turning your vehicle into a buffet on wheels – what could go wrong? Sure, you might miss a few turns or accidentally merge into oncoming traffic, but at least you won't arrive at your destination hungry.

Being hungry isn’t a good enough excuse not to have both hands on the wheel. Drop the burrito and focus on the road because not one morsel is worth your life.

rh2010 - stock.adobe.com

Applying Makeup or Grooming

Applying Makeup or Grooming

Turning your rearview mirror into a vanity and your steering wheel into a makeup counter might sound like a great idea when rushing to work, but it’s not the safest course of action. Sure, you might arrive at your destination looking fabulous, but on the other hand, you might not show up at all.

And gents, don't think you're off the hook – that electric shaver isn't meant to be used while electric sliding across three lanes. Remember, if you can't apply it with your eyes closed, save it for when you're parked.

pathdoc - stock.adobe.com



While few would argue that reading is bad in most circumstances, there is one place bookworms need to drop their favorite romance novel – and that place is behind the wheel. And the same goes for reading directions.

Remember, if you find yourself reaching for the climactic chapter or desperately searching for that hidden street, it might be time to consider audiobooks and GPS.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com

Reaching for Objects in the Car

Reaching for Objects in the Car

Ah, the classic "I'll just grab that real quick" maneuver – because nothing says "I have my priorities straight," like turning your car into a game of Twister at 70 mph. Sure, you might end up with your hand wedged under the passenger seat and your foot accidentally flooring the gas pedal, but think of the satisfaction when you finally retrieve that pen that rolled under the brake pedal!

Remember, folks, if you can't reach it without performing a full yoga routine, it's probably best to wait until you're parked.

Martinan - stock.adobe.com

Using Headphones

Using Headphones

Another way to tell the world, "I'm completely oblivious to my surroundings."  Turn your two-ton metal machine into a deathtrap as you crank up the volume to 11. Who needs to hear honking horns, screeching tires, or the desperate pleas of pedestrians when you've got the latest true crime series to catch up on?

Remember, folks, if your driving playlist is more important than actually arriving alive, you need to reexamine your priorities - or invest in a new stereo.

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com

Driving While Tired

Driving While Tired

Who needs a full night's sleep when you can catch those Z's while cruising down the highway? Sure, you might drift across lanes more often than a NASCAR driver, but think of the time you're saving by combining your commute with your nap time!

Your car may have a "rest" mode, but that doesn't mean you should test it out while in motion. If you find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open at high speed, it’s time to pull over before you find yourself sleeping forever.

methaphum - stock.adobe.com

Arguing with Passengers

Arguing with Passengers

Who needs to focus on the road when you can be winning that heated debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza? And let's not forget the classic "I'll turn this car around!" threat – because nothing defuses an argument quite like the promise of a U-turn on a busy freeway.

Remember, folks, if your passengers are driving you up the wall, it's best not to literally drive up a wall. Save the heated discussions for when you're safely parked, no matter how important you think it might be. Your marriage has very little chance of surviving a fatal car crash.

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Not Wearing a Seatbelt

Not Wearing a Seatbelt

Who needs that pesky strap across their chest when they can embrace the freedom of potentially becoming a human projectile? And let's not forget the charming "ding-ding-ding" symphony your car provides as a constant reminder of your bold life choices.

Better yet: buckle up, buttercup, because it's the law, and it might just save your life. It takes to seconds to put on – you can do it!

lesterman - stock.adobe.com