The Missing Cat (Doritos)

Doritios is no stranger to hilarious Super Bowl ads, but their 2012 entry might be one of their best ever. But that’s assuming you’re not a cat.
In the 30 second spot, we see a Great Dane furiously burying a cat collar, while a nearby man spots a missing cat poster. Apparently dogs have no problem giving out bribes because the Great Dane sneakily slides him a bag of Doritos with a note that says “You Didn’t See Nuthin.”
Star Wars Dogs (Volkswagen)

Dogs are a constant staple of Super Bowl ads because who doesn’t love a good boy? And for the 2012 Super Bowl, Volkswagen combined our love of man’s best friend with another one of our favorite things: Star Wars.
In this ad, we see a chorus of dogs all decked out in their Star Wars best while barking the melody to the iconic “Imperial March” first featured in The Empire Strikes Back. Apparently over 40 dogs auditioned for the privilege, but only those with a passing resemblance to a Stars Wars character made the cut.
Betty White, MVP (Snickers)

Is there anything Betty White can’t do? If this 2010 Snickers Super Bowl commercial is any indication, the answer is a resounding, “No!”
In the ad, we see Betty White ready for action on the football field, where she ultimately takes several brutal (but hilarious) tackles. The twist is that it’s not actually Betty White at all--it’s simply a random teammate who is so hungry he’s started playing football “like Betty White.” Thankfully, someone has a Snickers handy to revert him back to his true self.
Dog Sneakers (Sketchers)

Dog racing is usually a sport reserved for greyhounds, but in 2012 Sketchers showed us that anyone can compete--assuming they have the right equipment.
In this Super Bowl ad, we see Quigley, an adorable English bulldog decked out in four bright-red Sketchers sneakers. Despite his small stature, he easily blazes past the competition with his performance-enhancing shoes. Quigley manages to pull so far out in front of the pack that he’s able to slow down and moonwalk across the finish line.
Groundhog Day (Jeep)

Groundhog Day was easily one of the best movies of the ‘90s, and Bill Murray is unequivocally one of the best actors we’ve ever had. Jeep took the chance to combine the two once again to advertise their new Gladiator.
Again, Phil wakes up at the same time every single day to relive the same stuff, or at least, until he runs into the Jeep Gladiator. Afterward, he steals the groundhog, and the two go on a joy drive with a different destination every day. Obviously, this is an improvement.
Baby Slingshot (Doritos)

A baby slingshot might seem like a wildly dangerous idea, but in yet another hilarious Super Bowl ad, Doritos shows us that it’s actually quite fun (and useful).
In it, we see an older kid taunting his toddler brother with a bag of Doritos, from a distance that his mistakenly believes is far from his grasp. However, thanks to his elastic baby jumper (and a little help from grandma), the toddler is able to fling himself across the yard and grab those delicious Doritos from his brother.
Hungry Models (Carl's Jr.)

Carl's Jr. faced a ton of backlash when their Super Bowl ad featuring Charlotte McKinney debuted in 2015. But according to them, the controversy is good for sales, so they've released plenty of similar ads featuring models biting into their burgers in the years since.
Ms. Brown (M&Ms)

The M&Ms anthropomorphic mascots have been entertaining audiences for years, but they really ramped up the comedy for a 2012 Super Bowl Ad. Turns out the red M&M isn’t the brightest one of the bunch.
In the ad, we see a couple of men at a party gawking at Ms. Brown, the brown M&M, because they think she’s gone out nude (aka without her candy shell). She tells them off for being so stupid, and immediately we cut to the red M&M who loudly proclaims, “I didn’t know it was THAT kind of party!” He proceeds to rip of his candy shell (which feels more akin to peeling off your skin of than getting nude) and dances around to LMFAO’s unfortunate hit, “Sexy and I Know It.”
"Here, Wego!" (Bud Light)

As if we needed another reason to love dogs, Bud Light gave us a Super Bowl commercial that shows man’s best friend going above and beyond in the line of duty.
In the clip, we see Wego the dog who has an amazing parlor trick--he fetches beer on command. This makes him the star of the party, bringing cold, “delicious” Bud Lights to every thirsty partygoer that needs one. To top it all off, we see Wego pull another trick out of his sleeve--balancing on top of a keg as he rolls it into the heart of the party.
The Dog Sitter (Bud Light)

If we’ve learned anything from Super Bowl ads, it’s that dogs really make people want to buy beer. In this 2011 commercial, we also learn that dogs apparently excel when it comes to hospitality.
The ad opens with a homeowner leaving instructions for his dog sitter who reveals, “They’ll do whatever you tell them.” So obviously he throws a party where the dogs are responsible for serving drinks and cooking burgers. And they’re surprisingly good at it--minus the stray whisker in a hamburger.
Alexa Takes a Sick Day (Amazon)

In 2017, Amazon Alexa was more popular than ever as a digital assistant, but in this Super Bowl ad, tragedy strikes--she’s lost her voice. Luckily, Amazon manages to find some high-profile replacements for her.
After the devastating news about Alexa, Jeff Bezos puts a plan into action to replace her voice with some big celebrities. We’ve got a Gordon Ramsay berating a man for asking how to cook a grilled cheese, Rebel Wilson with some hilarious double entendre action, and Sir Anthony Hopkins, who presumably has kidnapped and eaten a woman’s boyfriend in a nod to his role as Hannibal Lecter. It honestly sounds a lot darker when you write it out...
Melissa McCarthy Saves the World (Kia)

No one does physical comedy quite like Melissa McCarthy, so it’s no wonder that Kia brought her into star in their action-packed and hilarious 2017 Super Bowl ad for the Kia Niro.
In the ad, we find McCarthy constantly trying and failing to save the world. First she tries to save the whales but ends up thrown into the side of a boat by one. Then she tries to save the trees, only to fall off the edge of a cliff as her tree is chopped down. Even the rhinos don’t want her help as she narrowly escapes being gored by one. Not sure how that all was supposed to sell cars, but it was definitely one of the funnier Super Bowl commercials in recent memory.
The Sheep Cover Band (Honda)

Super Bowl ads don’t have to make sense, as long as there are cute animals involved. And Honda really ran with this principle in their 2016 ad.
The entire premise of the ad is there--some sheep are singing Queen’s hit “Somebody to Love.” That’s it. That’s the ad in its entirety. And while they do a good job in their rendition (especially considering they’re sheep), we’re still not entirely sure how that was supposed to sell Honda Ridgelines.
Weiners² (Heinz)

For the 2016 Super Bowl, Heinz decided to go cute and on the nose. But once again, when adorable animals are involved we’re not complaining.
Most of the ad is a shot of a field full of weiner dogs wearing what else but hot dog costumes. And they’re all stampeding towards people dressed up as Heinz products. Very dumb, but you can’t help but say, “Aww,” when the wiener dogs start leaping into the arms of grown men and women dressed like ketchup.
An Unlikely Pair (Budweiser)

While a lot of brands use humor for their Super Bowl ads, Budweiser decided to tug on viewers’ heartstrings instead. And while the commercial doesn’t really relate to beer, we’re not complaining as long as there are adorable animals in the mix.
The ad shows a budding friendship between a golden retriever puppy and a Clydesdale who lives next to his kennel. The dog is constantly breaking free to go spend some quality time with his buddy, until it’s time for his owner to pick him up. As they drive off, the horse chases after them, and his Clydesdale pals prevent the car from leaving. Horse and puppy are reunited, and there’s not a dry eye in the house.
One Hungry Goat (Doritos)

Never come between a goat and his Doritios. That’s the important lesson the company was teaching us in their adorable (and slightly dark) 2013 Super Bowl commercial.
In it, we see a man eating Doritos buy a goat doing the same thing. Match made in heaven, right? Unfortunately, after a short while the goat’s incessant munching starts to get to the man, and he ends up hiding all the Doritos in his house. The goat barges into his room to find him painting a “Goat For Sale” sign. The door slowly closes as the man cowers in fear. We haven’t heard from him since...
Post Malone’s Choice (Bud Seltzer)

Post Malone’s Budweiser commercials have become some of the best ads on the planet. The super bowl version starts by Post Malone walking into a convenience store to grab something to drink – Bud Selzer or Light? It zooms in on his brain, where the workers (all of them with his facial tattoos) are hard at work trying to decide which to buy.
The two main ones begin fighting, which throws Post Malone around the store. Eventually, another one speaks up saying, “guys, we’re incredibly rich. Let’s get both.” The stores a mess, Post Malone wades through the sea of chips to casually say, “I’ll get both.” Instant classic.
Corn Syrup Shade (Bud Light)

In one of the best shade-throwing ads in recent memory, Bud Light roasted their beer competitors in a 2019 Super bowl commercial.
In it, we see the Bud King who has mistakenly received a shipment of corn syrup--which Bud does not use in their beer. So, he travels to the kingdoms of Miller Lite and Coors Lite to see if he’s mistakenly received their shipment--the implication being that Miller and Coors use corn syrup and that’s a bad thing. Nutritionally speaking, researchers aren’t even certain that high fructose corn syrup is worse than other refined sugars, but that’s neither here nor there when there’s shade to be thrown.
Pictures of Loretta (Google)

The hardest part about getting older is when our memories start to disappear. Well, Google’s newest ad hit our heartstrings hard as it showed the capabilities of Google Assistant. It helped an older man remember his wife who had passed away years earlier.
He asked the assistant to show him pictures of him and his wife, Loretta. He also told it to remember little details about her, like how she liked scallops. If you didn’t have tears in your eyes by the end of this short ad, then we doubt anything would make you tear up.