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21 Hilarious Nicknames Donald Trump Has Given Other Politicians

Meatball Ron

Meatball Ron

"Meatball Ron" is a nickname that former President Donald Trump called Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida. This insult plays on the physical appearance of DeSantis, suggesting a round and heavy appearance, reminiscent of a meatball. A bit ironic coming from him, no?

DeSantis, a rising star in the GOP, has often been seen as a potential contender for the 2024 presidential race, making him a natural target for Trump’s unique brand of ribbing. The nickname, while not deeply substantive, is a testament to Trump’s ability to create memorable and entertaining labels that stick in the public consciousness. 

Octavio Jones/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Laffin' Kamala Harris

Laffin' Kamala Harris

"Laffin' Kamala Harris" is a nickname Trump uses to describe Vice President Kamala Harris. The nickname highlights Harris's laughter, which is joyful and noticeable, to say the least. Trump’s moniker suggests that Harris laughs too often or inappropriately, casting her in a light that implies she doesn’t take things seriously.

For many Republicans, this nickname underscores a perceived lack of gravitas, contrasting Trump’s more serious and straightforward style with Harris’s more relaxed demeanor. In the eyes of his supporters, "Laffin' Kamala Harris" becomes a shorthand for questioning Harris’s seriousness and competence, all while maintaining a tone of humor and levity that many find entertaining. 

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"Horseface" is a notorious insult Donald Trump lobbed at Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress who claimed to have had an affair with him and was paid thousands to keep quiet about. This moniker is a direct insult to Daniels’s appearance, playing into Trump’s tendency to use physical characteristics in his nicknaming. "Horseface" is seen as a humorous and biting way to discredit Daniels and her allegations.

Trump is nothing if not combative, and he's always willing to use personal attacks to defend himself. While some may find the nickname offensive, many of Trump’s supporters view it as a justified response to what they see as unfounded accusations.

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Lyin' Ted Cruz

Lyin' Ted Cruz

"Lyin' Ted Cruz" is one of the more infamous nicknames Donald Trump has coined, aimed at Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. This one started during the heated 2016 Republican primary and stuck due to its simplicity and directness. Trump used "Lyin' Ted" to question Cruz’s honesty and integrity, framing him as untrustworthy.

It captured the essence of the political rivalry between the two men. Despite the harshness of the nickname, it resonated with many of Trump’s supporters who viewed Cruz as a typical politician prone to dishonesty. Even as Cruz has aligned himself more closely with Trump post-2016, the nickname "Lyin' Ted" still swirls around political circles, a reminder of the fierce battles of the Republican primary and Trump’s "funny business" approach to politics.

Jabin Botsford - Pool/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Fake Tapper

Fake Tapper

"Fake Tapper" refers to CNN anchor Jake Tapper. This moniker plays on the term "fake news," which Trump often uses to criticize media outlets and journalists he believes are biased against him. By calling Tapper "Fake Tapper," Trump is questioning Tapper’s credibility and the authenticity of his reporting. 

For many Gen X and Boomer Republicans, this nickname highlights their distrust of mainstream media and critiques of journalistic integrity. "Fake Tapper" resonates with supporters who view the media as adversarial to Trump and his agenda. 

nrkbeta, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sleepy Joe

Sleepy Joe

The most pertinent insult includes the infamous "Sleepy Joe," which is a nickname that Donald Trump popularized for President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential race. In short, he's calling Biden super old, and suggests that Biden is slow, lethargic, or lacking in energy and alertness.  Ironically, Trump isn't that far behind in years!

On both sides of the aisle, "Sleepy Joe" captured Trump’s critique of Biden’s stamina and mental strength, drawing a sharp contrast with Trump’s own vigorous image. "Sleepy Joe" is not just a simple insult; it’s a strategic effort to shape perceptions of Biden as unfit for the high-energy demands of the presidency. As Democrats pester Biden to step down in the 2024 race, it's hard to deny that Trump was the first to call his abilities into question. 

Al Drago/Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Crooked Hillary and Wild Bill

Crooked Hillary and Wild Bill

"Crooked Hillary" is one of Donald Trump’s most famous nicknames, aimed at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. This moniker suggests dishonesty and corruption, playing into long-standing accusations against Clinton. Trump’s use of "Crooked Hillary" was a central part of his campaign, reinforcing a narrative of Clinton as untrustworthy. 

Similarly, "Wild Bill" refers to former President Bill Clinton and adds a layer of criticism, suggesting unpredictability or scandalous behavior. Together, "Crooked Hillary and Wild Bill" form a powerful insulting duo, grouping the entire Clinton family together, which didn't work out for Hillary in the end.

Tierney L. Cross/Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images

AOC Plus 3

AOC Plus 3

"AOC Plus 3" is a nickname Donald Trump uses to refer to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow progressive lawmakers, collectively known as "The Squad." This moniker highlights Ocasio-Cortez’s prominence within the group while lumping together her three colleagues and diminishing them to simple groupies. 

"AOC Plus 3" encapsulates Trump’s critique of the group’s progressive policies and their influence within the Democratic Party. The nickname is a shorthand way of referencing the collective and their liberal agenda, making it easy for Trump’s supporters to critique. 

Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Nikki "Nimrada" Haley/Tricky Nikki

Nikki "Nimrada" Haley/Tricky Nikki

"Nikki ‘Nimrata’ Haley" and "Tricky Nikki" are nicknames Donald Trump has used to refer to former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. "Nimrata" is Haley’s given first name, and by using it, Trump subtly points to her ethnic background, appealing to a sense of authenticity or, conversely, questioning her American identity. 

"Tricky Nikki" implies deceitfulness or cunning, suggesting that Haley is not straightforward or trustworthy. Haley, a prominent figure in the Republican Party with potential presidential aspirations, was a natural target for Trump’s nicknaming. 

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images



For Democrats and Republicans alike, "Pocahontas" is one of Trump's most clever nicknames. He used it for Senator Elizabeth Warren, referencing her claims of Native American ancestry. This moniker is a pointed critique of Warren’s heritage claims, suggesting that she misrepresented her background for personal or political gain. 

"Pocahontas" threw Warren’s credibility and authenticity into question for everyone involved. The name's humor and relevancy make it effective, resonating with supporters who share Trump’s views on Warren’s claims.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Cryin' Chuck

Cryin' Chuck

"Cryin’ Chuck" is a nickname Trump called Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. It plays on Schumer’s emotional displays, suggesting that he is overly sensitive and, by extension, weak. For Republicans, "Cryin’ Chuck" is a humorous and effective way to diminish Schumer’s stature and credibility. 

"Cryin’ Chuck" captures a specific image of Schumer and reinforces Trump’s critique of his leadership and policies. It’s a classic example of Trump’s talent for using nicknames to rally his fans around a common critique.

Senate Democrats, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Low-Energy Jeb

Low-Energy Jeb

"Low-Energy Jeb" is a nickname Donald Trump coined for Jeb Bush during the 2016 Republican primary. This moniker highlights what Trump perceived as Bush’s lack of vigor and enthusiasm, painting him as unfit for presidency. 

The nickname stuck, resonating with voters who were looking for a dynamic and forceful leader. "Low-Energy Jeb" became a shorthand for Bush’s perceived weaknesses and contributed to his struggles in the primary. The humor  of the nickname made it a standout in Trump’s arsenal, which later translated to critiques of Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe."

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Governor Newscum

Governor Newscum

"Governor Newscum" refers to California Governor Gavin Newsom. This moniker is a play on Newsom’s name, adding the derogatory term "scum" to convey clear dislike. The nickname is simple but powerful, evoking a strong negative image of Newsom and his governance.

Many of Newsom's policies directly compete with Trumps, making him a clear target for a Trumpian jab. "Governor Newscum" highlights the stark ideological divide between Trump and Newsom, serving as a rallying cry for those who oppose the California governor’s progressive policies. 

Bureau of Reclamation, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Nervous Nancy

Nervous Nancy

"Nervous Nancy" is a nickname Donald Trump uses for former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This moniker suggests that Pelosi is anxious and indecisive. The nickname plays into broader narratives about political strength and competence, making it a potent tool in Trump’s rhetorical arsenal. 

He often lobs nicknames at people to make them look weak, which makes him look stronger in comparison. It’s a testament to Trump’s ability to use language to both entertain and make a point that haunts his opponents throughout their career. 

Leigh Vogel/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Pencil Neck

Pencil Neck

"Pencil Neck" is a nickname Donald Trump has used to describe Congressman Adam Schiff, a prominent figure in the House impeachment proceedings against Trump. This name insults Schiff’s physical appearance, suggesting a thin or narrow neck, and by extension, implying weakness or lack of toughness. 

"Pencil Neck" is a humorous way to diminish Schiff’s credibility, highlights Trump’s ability to zero in on a distinctive feature, and encapsulates Trump’s disdain for Schiff and his role in the impeachment process, turning a serious political opponent into a laughingstock.

United States House of Representatives Office of Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Little Marco

Little Marco

"Little Marco" is a nickname that Donald Trump coined for Senator Marco Rubio of Florida during the 2016 Republican primary. This nickname is a classic example of Trump’s penchant for picking on "negative" physical characteristics to undermine his competition. By calling Rubio "Little Marco," Trump was not only commenting on Rubio’s stature but also suggesting a lack of strength or influence.

Trump has a "larger-than-life" persona, which makes the name "Little Marco" incredibly diminishing of Rubio’s political presence. This practice ultimately highlights Trump's dominance in the race, because he's not afraid to call people names, where others refrain from playing dirty. 

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

My Kevin

My Kevin

"My Kevin" is a nickname Donald Trump uses to refer to Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader. This nickname suggests a close and loyal relationship between Trump and McCarthy, implying that McCarthy is firmly in Trump’s camp. For many Republicans, this nickname highlights unity within the party, portraying McCarthy as a trusted ally. 

"My Kevin" is a way of signaling approval and support, reinforcing McCarthy’s status as a key player in Trump’s political circle. The nickname is endearing and emphasizes loyalty, resonating with Republicans who value strong alliances and loyalty within their political ranks.

Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg/BloombergGetty Images



"Boot-Edge-Edge" is a nickname Donald Trump uses to refer to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. This moniker plays on the pronunciation of Buttigieg’s last name, basically calling it silly and stupid. He didn't stoop so low to call out Buttigieg's lifestyle, but we fear that possibility isn't out of reach. 

"Boot-Edge-Edge" encapsulates Trump’s critique of Buttigieg as an inexperienced and somewhat "exotic" figure in politics. Fortunately for Trump, even the dumbest insults are effective in resonating with his supporters, who appreciate his often cheekiness. 

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Broken Old Crow

Broken Old Crow

"Broken Old Crow" is a nickname for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. This moniker suggests that McConnell is old, ineffective, and perhaps out of touch. The term "crow" adds a further layer of imagery, evoking a decrepit and creepy picture.

It reflects a critique of McConnell’s perceived reluctance to fully embrace Trump’s agenda. Trump’s use of "Broken Old Crow" highlights his frustration with McConnell and serves to rally his base around the idea of needing fresh, dynamic leadership. 

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Ron Desanctimonious

Ron Desanctimonious

Trump didn't stop at spaghetti references. "Ron Desanctimonious" is another nickname aimed at Ron DeSantis. This one implies that DeSantis is self-righteous or holier-than-thou, playing on the word "sanctimonious," suggesting that DeSantis might be overly pious or self-important.

"Ron Desanctimonious" is a fan-favorite insult, even among those who like DeSantis. It's just funny! Trump stands out for clever wordplay and the ability to capture a certain image of his rivals. As with many of Trump’s nicknames, it’s less about the literal truth and more about creating a memorable and entertaining label that resonates with his audience.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

George Slopanopoulos/Little George

George Slopanopoulos/Little George

"George Slopanopoulos" and "Little George" are nicknames Trump used for ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos. "Slopanopoulos" plays on Stephanopoulos’s name, suggesting laziness or incompetence, while "Little George" diminishes his stature and influence. 

These nicknames encapsulate Trump’s critique of Stephanopoulos’s journalistic integrity and reinforce Trump’s broader narrative about media bias and "Fake news." By using these nicknames, Trump can cast Stephanopoulos in a negative light and rally his supporters against bad press, no matter how accurate it may be.

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