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30 Hilarious Design Fails

Fasten Your Seatbelts

Fasten Your Seatbelts

Turns out it does matter who you click with. Happy #planecrash! 

(Image via Reddit)

How Long Have I Been Asleep?

How Long Have I Been Asleep?

Now, World Wars 1 and 2 I remember. However, 3 thru 11? I'm drawing a blank. 

(Image via Reddit)

Welcome to 20,200!

Welcome to 20,200!

You know, instead of making all these convoluted designs for NYE glasses, we could just drop them entirely. Who needs to broadcast the new year on their face anyways? 

(Image via Reddit)

What Watermark?

What Watermark?

This doesn't seem as much like a design fail as it does a passive aggressive painter. Regardless of which is true, tea absolutely does not solve everything. 

(Image via Reddit)

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

As long as you don't care what the middle of your face looks like, I don't see what the big deal is. You're getting two mirrors for the price of one! 

(Image via Reddit)

Jesus Scares

Jesus Scares

I mean, he did rise from the dead, and that's kinda scray. But something tells me that's not what the creator of this sign had in mind...

(Image via Reddit)

Cute > Practical

Cute > Practical

That mug is pretty adorable, if we're being honest. And that's fortunate because it's the last thing you'll ever see before it pokes your eyes out. 

(Image via Reddit)

Start with One and See How You Feel

Start with One and See How You Feel

Unless you're Michelle Duggar, this isn't a design fail--it's just good advice. 

(Image via Reddit)

False Alarm

False Alarm

False fire alarms are a waste of time and money and prevent firefighters from dealing with real emergencies. All that being said, I don't think that chaining a person to the fire alarm is the best way to deal with that. What do you get for doing your duty and reporting an emergency? A fiery death. 

(Image via Reddit)

"Kid Friendly"

"Kid Friendly"

Minnie Mouse will help keep the monsters out of your kid's bedroom. Unfortunately, she may eat little Johnny herself. 

(Image via Reddit)

Wanna Double Check That?

Wanna Double Check That?

People were losing so much weight at this gym that they had room enough for an extra I! But seriously, if these people aren't smart enough to paint a wall are they smart enough to give you fitness advice? 

(Image via Reddit)

When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide

I'm not sure if that column is in the wrong place or if it's the staircase, but one thing is for sure--the architect behind this made some sort of error. May as well tear the whole building down and try again. 

(Image via Reddit)

Is That Something in the Trees?

Is That Something in the Trees?

The trees are taking over, and they clearly have no respect for the laws of mankind. I think that they're just jealous they can't afford a sports car. 

(Image via Reddit)

Turkey or Poop?

Turkey or Poop?

We get what they were going for: a cute little turkey. That's not what it looks like. This is most certainly poop, and no one wants poop on their cake. No one. 

Never Trust the Polls

Never Trust the Polls

Honestly, the bad design on this one is the least troubling thing about it. Even if this poll had been formatted correctly, what's the point of that question? How did that even come up? 

(Image via Reddit)

Hold the Chips

Hold the Chips

If I'm following the logic of this menu, you give them £1.90 and get receive....nothing. Seems like a terrible deal--unless you're dieting and still want the restaurant experience. 

(Image via Reddit)

You Will Hit Yourself

You Will Hit Yourself

Did someone set these up incorrectly? Or is this some sort of prophecy? All I know is that I don't wanna see what happen in three months. 

(Image via Reddit)

Ocat Tac

Ocat Tac

It's clear that someone started reading the dictonary entry for palindrome but eventually got bored. At least they were able to monetize their stupidity. 

(Image via Reddit)

What Hypocrites

What Hypocrites

Why would they ever expect someone to buy a sliding door from them if they're not even using them? Or maybe you're not worthy to experience their doors until you've made a down payment. 

(Image via Imgur)

No Everything I'm Is Possible

No Everything I'm Is Possible

No, everything is impossible? Every nothing I'm is possible? It's absolutely way too hard to pull a coherent sentence out of all this mess. 

(Image via Reddit)

Mixed Messages

Mixed Messages

Which restroom are you supposed to go in? I guess that all depends on whether you're looking up or down. Needless to say, someone is in for a bathroom surprise. 

(Image via Reddit)

Do Die Safely

Do Die Safely

Let's hope this safe driving "reminder" never gets turned into a billboard. By the time you've figured out its intended message, you'll have rear-ended the person in front of you. 

(Image via Reddit)

Who Planted This Family Tree?

Who Planted This Family Tree?

Listen, I realize it's no good to hook up with a family member, but something tells me that that whole process will never end with the birth of a dog. Regardless, someone should really investigate these weirdos. 

(Image via Reddit)

I'm Just Nobody

I'm Just Nobody

I'm not saying you're not Wonder Woman--I'm just saying that she has the sense and the money to outsource her graphic design needs. 

(Image via Reddit)

Slippery When Wet

Slippery When Wet

Okay, sure, this looks super rustic and neat, but it also looks like a pain to actually use. At the very least, you're gonna need to wear a helmet and bring some climbing gear in case you fall from the peak of your shower. 

(Image via Reddit)

Close the Blind!

Close the Blind!

This is just bizarre on multiple levels. First of all, a window the width of a single blind is just a waste. But let's not also forget that this single-blind window is also right at the edge of a wall, which is another odd choice. 

(Image via Reddit)

Watch Your Step

Watch Your Step

It honestly might be easier to go down these stairs blindfolded. You won't be able to see any helpful visual cues, but you also won't have to deal with this drunk carpet. 

(Image via Reddit)

Freedom Isn't Free

Freedom Isn't Free

So I think what's going on here is that the library used to have free coffee that now costs a dollar. What I don't understand is why in the world they would remind patrons that it used to be free. Feels like rubbing salt in the wound. 

(Image via Reddit)

As Easy as A,B,C

As Easy as A,B,C

There are times when sorting things in alphabetical order can make things much easier. However, if things are already sorted numerically, it most definitely isn't one of those times!

(Image via Reddit)

Her Eyes Are Literally Popping Out

Her Eyes Are Literally Popping Out

You've got to make a decison--you can either open the bus windows or you can have a normal-looking lady on the bus ad. Because as it stands, it kinda looks like E.T. is catching a ride. 

(Image via Reddit)