Band Aid

Ooopsie. Band-aid for the boo boo. This should be good for a while, right?
Spicy, Salty

Awww, how sweet. They also missed other adjectives like: sweet, strong, top-shelf, frozen, fresh, tart, bitter, tall, special.... We could go on.
Go Away!

Please, do not bother us unless you are giving away free beer. No soliciting? No problem—I’m just here to share a brochure on why we should abolish 'No Soliciting' signs!
Snowy Valet

IF you can find the valet buried in all the snow, then sure. I guess they will park their car for you. But wait...if it's so snowy out, why are you driving around in the first place??!
No Horse and Buggy

How many horse drawn carriages and tractors come around this city center that we need a sign to say that they are banned? There aren't many where I live...but hey! To each their own. Gas is expensive.
Slow Animals

Just a reminder in case you can't see the dainty, small, demure full-grown MOOSE and BEAR in front of your car. I think it may do more damage to your vehicle than you would do to the animal...
Follow Directions, Please

Sometimes we all need a good reminder. Be a good neighbor. Give a curteousy flush, and don't leave anything behind for the next person to deal with. Please and thank you.
Serve. Slay.

Serv e. The spacing is certainly strange. But also the phrasing might could use a little work. Is this even church-appropriate?
Aw Hecks

Aw heck, we cash checks. It's nice to know that the government gives a heck! I pay my bills; my bills are paid.

Ok, just because it's fall (the season) doesn't really make every play on the word fall work. What dose this even really mean?
Never Leaves

Another fall themed one that doesn't really quite hit the mark. Nice sentiment? Sure. A little weird? Also, yes.
Street Stock
Yummy Mummy

It's a wrap! Get it? Wraps...mummies. Yay, funny. We think this place may offer "wrapped pizzas" instead of calling them calzones. But still, not the best joke!
Thought About It

You know this is the kind of sign you can't even see UNTIL you already pulled into the parking spot. Time to back right back out. But also if I can't park here, who's it for then?

Caution. Abductions ahead. Becare if you're driving along those long deserted roads in New Mexico or Arizona. If you see lights ahead, U-turn and head the opposite way!

Hitchhiking has gone by the wayside, for good reason. But it's always funny to see these signs around prisons. Do you think the Good Samaritan wouldn't have helped an escaping inmate?

That must be some pretty chunky gasoline. I don't think my car would go very far with this in it instead of some regular unleaded.

Maybe if you unplug the sign, and plug it back in. Then a better message would appear? Message error. Please come back another time.
Here, There, Everywhere

To be fair, nothing about this sign is incorrect. Back there is...back there. Over there is...over there. No matter where you put it, it can't be wrong!
Open and Awesome

This store is real and it's spectacular. They must only hire awesome people inside. If your wildly high expectations aren't met, can you complain that this sign is false advertising?
All Full

Or maybe everyone could try maintaining there emotions and not getting so worked up that they pull guns on others? Just us? Call us crazy...

Recycling is taking one thing, and making something else out of it. You are...still you. So is this even the correct definition? Are we ruining the joke by other thinking it? Well, there has to be a joke in the first place so...
Apple Maps Is Wrong

If you can read this sign, you're going the wrong way. Someone please tell Google and Apple that this isn't the right way. Just because it's on the map doesn't actually mean you can drive on it.