The Aluminium Tree

When you want your Christmas tree to look like it's repurposed garbage, you can always go with the aluminum tree look. Tacky doesn't even begin to describe this, but it's the best we can do. Why these trees were ever popular, I will never understand. They just look like junk.
The aluminum tree, which was popular from the late '50s to the mid-'60s, was the butt of a joke in A Charlie Brown Christmas. These are the trees Charlie Brown preferred a pine tree branch over. And here, you can see why. Christmas is about life, love and family; it's not about decorating garbage.
The American Dream Tree

Celebrating the United States of America is just what Christmas is all about. Fourth of July is just about the fireworks. After all, Christ was born to give birth to America just after Moses wrote the Constitution. And then he became Uncle Sam and single-handedly fought the king of England in a nunchuck duel.
Don't believe us? Just read the Wikipedia article. This tree is the epitome of all things Christmas because Santa only gives presents to American kids. This tiny tree is just a small token of appreciation in celebration of Christmas. Remember kids: peace on Earth, goodwill towards men, and god bless murica!
The Blue Tree

Here we have, yet again, another hideous aluminum tree, but this time, with way too much blue. We're pretty sure this tree was made from aluminum foil and an old '80s prom dress. I, like Elvis, would definitely have a Blue Christmas if this were my Christmas tree for the holidays.
We can't figure out if this is some kind of compromise between a husband and wife who aren't sure which religion to raise their kids, so they mashed it up and put into the world this very special holiday tree. It's so tiny, though, that you probably couldn't fit a single present under it.
The Overwhelmed Tree

Behold! This tree is a visual representation of what Christmas feels like for many people. There's definitely way too much going on here in this tree, oversaturated with ornamentation. Truly, god bless the person who had the time and patience to decorate the tree like this, and moreover, the time and patience required to take it all down.
There's a point in which you've added so many decorations to your tree that it no longer even looks like a tree. This tree looks more like a mosaic than anything. It's okay to just decorate lightly and enjoy your tree for what it actually is. These many decorations are just an eyesore.
The Phoning It in Tree

For when you really don't care about Christmas, but you pretend to care for the sake of your kids. This sad-looking tree just reeks of Christmas depression. When the mass of presents exceeds the size of the Christmas tree, it is clear that the spirit of Christmas is truly unalive.
They didn't even bother to ensure the tree could stand up straight. It's about to fall like the Berlin Wall in the '80s, conveniently the same decade where that TV (that barely fits on that dresser) is from. Quick, kids, huddle around the safety hazard and let's open some cured meats.
The Elf Tree

As if one creepy elf on a shelf weren't enough, now you have a whole tree full of them. Are elves really the best part of Christmas? This person seems to think so. They must have a thing for pointy ears and shenanigans. And they probably watch Elf on repeat over the holidays.
Never mind the fact that Elves represent the exploitation of the working class by an old white guy who doesn't pay them and crushes their dreams of becoming anything else. Like, why wouldn't you just let Hermie become a dentist, Santa? Afraid the elves will want something better? A living wage, perhaps? We're onto you, gramps.
The Flamingo Tree

Nothing says Christmas like a tree full of flamingos with some flips-flops thrown in for good measure. We'd say this is a reference to the Bing Crosby's song, "Mele Kalikimaka," but we're pretty sure flamingos aren't native to Hawaii. So, clearly, this person just likes flamingos or just doesn't want any reminder of how cold Christmas time is.
To be honest, I love flamingos, but that doesn't mean I think they belong on a Christmas tree. Sure it's okay to inject some of your personality into your tree but don't get carried away with it. The tree is supposed to be a symbol of the Christmas spirit not anything but...
The Gigantic Bulbs Tree

Those are definitely some big bulbs. We're guessing this is the way to go if you don't want to take the time to hang up a lot of ornaments, and yet, this tree still looks too busy. The ornaments are so big on this tree and so plentiful that we can't actually see any tree on this - tree.
In fact, these bulbs are so big and this tree is so loud, we can't help but wonder if the decorator is overcompensating for something. If these bulbs were any bigger, they might look like something out of a cartoon. As it is, this tree looks like it came straight out of a Dr. Seuss book.
The Gingerbread Man Tree

Gingerbread men should be consumed. They should be served on a plate to your guests. They shouldn't be hanging from your tree - that is, unless you are okay with people picking gingerbread men off your tree like they were farming for them. And then, there's the Fruit Loops garland...
Are these actually Christmas decorations, or did someone just raid their cabinet and put whatever on the tree? We half-expected to find some soup cans on this thing when we first saw it, but luckily, they didn't take things that far. We're guessing the owners of this tree didn't have any decorations to put up, which is why this tree looks so barren.
The Half-Dead Tree

Finally, a tree to match how you feel inside about the holidays. If these pine needles are any indication, as well as the empty branches, this tree is just about as done with Christmas as its owner. They better watch out, though, because this tree is starting to look like a fire hazard. Maybe just a little water for safety's sake?
Sure, we've seen some trees that have looked a lot worse, but not before the holidays were over. See, unlike the plants you might unalive, this tree is already dead, so you don't need to keep it alive per se. You do, however, need to keep it from burning your house down, so there's that...
The Hat Topper Tree

This tree would almost look fine...but they just had to make it look stupid by putting a hat on it. This family just could not resist. If you invested the money into buying ornamentation and a tree, why not also throw in a few bucks for an actual tree topper? Classic options include a star or angel!
Your tree is not going to a 1920s-style party at Gatsby's house, so let's not dress it up like it is. The only thing this tree is missing is a martini and that sweet longing for a girl who doesn't love you. Maybe some green lights might help complete the look, too.
The Christ the Redeemer Tree

Finally, a Christmas tree that celebrates what the holiday is actually about - Jeebus Christ in rainbow colors. There is certainly nothing tacky about having faith in the lord, the light, the truth - all up in your tree's business. So festive! However, if this tree doesn't have a crucifix on top, then what is this family even doing with their life?
Sure, these Jesus ornaments are bangin' - but they are also in poor taste. They look like paraphernalia rather than something you should be decorating your tree with. Although, admittedly, they'd look better with some strobe lights. That's how you really get your Christmas party started. This Christmas is gonna be lit!
The Ladder Tree

Sometimes, the holidays pass by so fast that you forget to buy a tree. When you just can't even find yourself able to pick up a tree, at least this is a step up from nothing. Just be careful around this tree. Walk around the tree, not under it, because you don't want bad luck.
Hopefully, nobody needs this ladder to fix a roof leak or save a cat from a tree. It would suck to have to redecorate this multiple times during the season. It would probably be easier to just buy a new ladder, and at that point, you might as well pick up a Christmas tree from Home Depot.
The LSU-Auburn Tree

If Christmas isn't about college football, then what is it even about? Thankfully, these people seem to get it. Jesus played football for our sins, obviously, because he was born to be a quarterback. And to the three wise men, just keep following those Friday night lights. I've run out of football puns.
I don't mean to be mean here. Well, maybe a little...I do understand school spirit. But at what point does it become too much? I think when it becomes your entire personality. And, like, don't forget, you are really just celebrating the people who are responsible for putting you in debt for the next 20 years or so.
The Mickey Tree

Tacky is truly putting it lightly here. The colors certainly don't work, and the tree is cluttered with Mickey ornaments. Is this even a full-grown adult's tree? Probably the best part of this tree is that hot sauce bottle next to it. It really adds to that touch of red that is clearly missing.
It's really time to face the reality. Sure, Mickey is the face of Disney, but he's truly overrated. Mickey Mouse is not funny, and he can't even sing. That's why there are very few movies about Mickey. Nobody can really care about him past the 10-minute mark. I'm just saying.
The Amateur Tree

This tree is certainly something else. It looks like some dad tried to make it in their garage. That anyone found this tree to be beautiful and worth putting up is truly a Christmas miracle. A Christmas tree should generally make you feel good about Christmas. This tree gives off strong depression vibes.
The fact that it is barely decorated is only one problem. The lights are also put on very sloppily. We'd call it a hot mess, but using the word hot to describe this tree in any form would be giving it way too much credit. This one just makes me sad.
The Miscolored Wire Tree

This is what happens when you have absolutely no idea what you are doing when it comes to Christmas decorating. The wires on a tree should not be this visible under any circumstances, and yet that is all you can really see here. It's like the wires are covering up the lights.
The lights should blend seamlessly as if your tree were glowing. And to make matters worse, these look like they were just thrown onto the tree. Their personal bar is better kept than that tree. Maybe they were drunk when they were decorating it? Not that I'm not, either. But my tree looks better than this.
The Biker Tree

This tree was definitely born to be wild. And it would have been much better off in the wilderness than wasted with this tacky biker decor. This tree is almost as loud and annoying as the sound of a real motorcycle. This is what happens when you let a bunch of bikers decorate for the holiday.
How drunk on Budweiser were they when they decorated this thing? You don't want to know. I bet they were drunk enough that they went from singing AC/DC songs to Bing Crosby. And what's up with those sloppily placed beads? It looks like someone wanted this tree to take its top off.
The Oversaturated Tree

These are decidedly not great Christmas colors. These colors are much too oversaturated. And those flowers are also a bit much. Are these people color-blind? That's honestly the only excuse for this monstrosity — that or a dare. Looking at this thing makes me feel like I've had too much eggnog.
It shouldn't be surprising that this tree didn't turn out so well. Just look at those curtains. They are gold. I don't really think there's much more to say than that, other than the fact that this family is in desperate need of an interior designer's touch. And preferably one who is not also colorblind.
The Paper Flowers Tree

This tree looks pathetic enough as it is that we aren't actually even sure just how much damage the paper flowers are doing. Honesty, this just looks like something the kids decorated with whatever they could find — or something the family cat accidentally decorated. This is like origami for the lazy.
This tree, however, looks like it can barely stand up on its own, so maybe paper decorations were this family's only option. The last thing you want is your tree crashing down from the weight of its own existence, let alone one easily little bulb. Hopefully, they find a more stable tree next year.
The Peace Tree

All we are saying is to give peace a chance. And this person's tree is saying that quite a bit. Is this a Very Merry Hippy Christmas? Quite so. Yet a little more ritzy. Perhaps this is a tree for hippies who opened up a coffee shop in their 40s.
This tree is pretty wild. We are guessing they just found it in the wilderness and chopped it down themselves. Hopefully, they checked for squirrels, and hopefully, that snow on the tree is not real, or their floors are in trouble. To be on the safe side, don't stick your hand in there.
The Peacock Tree

Either this person loves peacocks way too much or has an affinity for 1920s showgirls. Either way, this tree just doesn't work. This tree is more feathers than actual tree. Maybe they should have just gotten a pet peacock and decorated that with some tinsel. It almost looks alive, anyway.
There's seriously a lot to unpack here. So much flash, so much fluff. We wouldn't be surprised if there was a giant cake in that room with a woman popping out of it. The owner of this tree needs to chill. What about this tree even says Christmas to them? It doesn't even have lights!
The Peeps Tree

Combining Easter festivities with Christmas, here is the Peeps tree. What could go wrong with putting marshmallows next to a hot light? While the results might be delicious, those bunnies are just going to melt all over the branches, giving you a sticky mess like you have never seen before
We definitely aren't getting any Christmas vibes from this tree. I guess the Easter Bunny will be filling in for Santa this year. We appreciate the fact that someone gave this tree a blue tie-dye background for its photoshoot. That's how good they thought it looked. You gotta appreciate the confidence.
The Real Candy Tree

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants. Here's the tree that you can eat but probably shouldn't because it's been sitting out for so long. You probably shouldn't put candy all over your tree for a lot of reasons. The extreme level of sticky is just one of them.
Sure, candy is a huge part of Christmas if you are a child, but, like, I'm trying to watch my calorie intake here. I don't need to be thinking about food all holiday season. The Willy Wonka Wannabe who put this tree up needs to reevaluate their decorating methods because this just looks tacky.
The Real Food Tree

Ah, yes — sliced fruit wheels as decorations. It's the perfect use for all your old fruit. Remember when the smell of pine was enough for people? This is the tree for people who prefer the smell of grapefruit potpourri. It's the perfect tree for any bathroom or house with way too many cats.
Seriously, that's a heck of a lot of dehydrated citrus wheels. I'm not sure if it's even an actual tree or citrus stacked up on a pole to look like one. Maybe it's just a serving platter for cocktail garnishes. The world will never really know. Not that it's important anyway.
The Scraggly Bows Tree

This is the perfect tree if you are going for those barbershop quartet vibes. But for everyone else, this is just another tacky Christmas tree. Somehow, that Christmas tree skirt just makes it so much worse, too. And those scraggly bows? More yikes! Just chill out with the bows! We get it.
You can tie bows. Good for you. It's interesting that this tree is just shoved in the corner somewhere where nobody will see it. It's right in front of the slippery-when-wet floor cone, but I bet the floor isn't even wet anymore. There's just no reason for anyone to go over there.
The Silver Rain Tree

It's just about the tackiest tinsel and garland you could put on your tree, particularly because it doesn't match the colors of your bulbs and lights. It just looks like an accident. At least if it were purple, you could say that it was an homage to Prince. But alas, it just looks like garbage on your tree.
And speaking of accidents — if you have any cats — this can't be good for your cat. You know they are going to eat that stuff and just throw it up all over your house. This stuff it a pet hazard, and there's really no reason to risk an emergency vet visit during the holidays when you have all those other expenses to worry about.
The Skinny Tree

It's the Christmas tree that went on the Slimfast diet. We want to say that when it comes to Christmas trees, all body types are beautiful, but this tree is decidedly not. This tree just looks starved of not only branches but of Christmas spirit. It's also missing a topper, but it doesn't look like it could hold one either.
This thing looks so unbalanced, it looks like it could fall at any moment. This is the tree you would get if you lived in a literal shack and you had to shove it in a corner somewhere, but this person looks like they had room for something a little bigger.
The Sparkly Tree

This tree is so sparkly that it's enough to shock a five-year-old girl or put Edward Cullen back in the coffin. This tree isn't just tacky; it's hideous, to be quite frank. Surely, a full-grown adult could not have decorated this or a human even. The only thing that could make this tree worse is glitter.
There's so much on this tree that it looks like a mash of all the decorating materials they had on hand like they literally just threw them on the tree. If we had to pick the worst tree on this list, we'd probably have to give it to this one.
The Spring Tree

Well, this tree is dressed for the wrong season, but at least it doesn't have to worry about the rain. This person hates the winter so much that they need a reminder of spring for the holidays. I wonder if there's an actual bird in that house? It might as well be.
That enormous umbrella really isn't doing this tree any favors, either. It just amplifies the gaudy Easter vibes this tree gives off. Didn't anyone ever tell these people that it's bad luck to open an umbrella inside? Well, it's also bad luck to decorate your tree like this if you expect anyone to come see you for the holidays.
The Stuck in the Corner Tree

This is the Harry Potter of Christmas trees. Shoved near the staircase where it won't bother anyone...and neglected. It's even a half-assed decorating job at that. Like, if you are going to go through the effort of buying a Christmas tree and decorating it, even if you do a lazy job, why shove it in a corner where nobody can see it?
This tree is so well hidden that we imagine the owners don't even want you to see it. They probably didn't even take this picture. It was probably just a random Amazon delivery person who snapped this photo - he just wanted to make it feel beautiful. Poor little guy.
The Tinsel Tree

It just doesn't make any sense why people thought these aluminum Christmas trees looked good. This relic belongs to the past, and it should be buried there. These trees are the epitome of fake and Christmas commercialism. Did we really learn nothing from A Charlie Brown Christmas? It seems not.
To make matters worse, we have some clashing colors going on here. The red, the green, the blue, the yellow - it just reminds us of the little pack of crayons you used to get when you went to a restaurant with your parents. And then there are the two random Christmas cards from the family members that still know you exist.
The Tangled Tree

Here's the Tangled tree. Yes, you did a superb job decorating this Christmas tree. Aunt Peggy was clearly drunk when she put this up and hadn't bothered to fix it. The wires don't quite match with the color of the tree either, but we won't get into that. The image speaks for itself.
The pink is a nice color, but it looks like the tree that Weird Barbie might put up. It's a hot mess, and we feel like someone just had no spoons when they put this up. Or maybe it was just decorated by a five-year-old who had no idea what they were doing.
The Half-Naked Tree what exactly happened to the rest of the tree? Did it burn in a fire? Did the dog eat it? There are many questions. This is truly a sad-looking tree. This tree may be suffering from a serious case of alopecia. Chris Rock is probably coming up with his own joke as we speak.
You can see that the family that decorated this tree at least attempted to make it look fuller, but the sad truth is that nothing could save this tree. This is just a half measure and basically the equivalent of a Christmas tree combover. It would look better if it had more branches, but without those, you just might as well put it out of its misery.
The Target Tree

The red-on-white is really bringing in the Target vibes. This tree even looks like they got it from Target. The only thing that would make this tree complete is Bullseye sleeping under it. I guess if you are going to go full commercial with your holiday look, why even try to hide it?
If you want the Walmart equivalent of this tree, you just need a blue tree and decorate it with some yellow garland. Then find the cheapest ornaments you can find and throw them all over the tree, in the wrong place, too. And be sure to place your little alcohol bottles in tiny glass boxes for the full effect.
The Walmart Tree

And speaking of the devil, here's the Walmart tree. It's not so much that it looks like a Walmart advertisement as much as it looks like it came from Walmart. If you want to achieve this Christmas look, you should be able to find everything you need at your local Walmart superstore.
The bulbs, the tree, the dim-looking lights — everything about this tree screams cheap. The owners of this tree couldn't even afford to put a tree topper on it. They must have the toppers locked in the glass cabinets. No matter, an empty ranch bottle might just do the trick.
The Tiny Gifts Tree

And here we have a tree with tiny little gift boxes as ornaments. This is the tree you need when you don't plan to get any gifts for your family on Christmas. It's like dangling a mouse in front of your cat. And if you have a cat, these little gift boxes are the perfect decoy.
This gives the illusion of a fruitful Christmas, but inside each ornament is just a bit of air and disappointment. Nevertheless, if you have an active imagination and are alone on Christmas, you can just imagine you are opening all those little gifts. It won't keep your bed warm at night, but at least you don't have to share the covers.
The Tiny Purple Tree

What about the color purple screamed Christmas to this family? And this tree is so small and lame that you have to question whether they were even trying. Sure, if you love the color purple, this tree slaps. But, regardless, you could at least go a little bigger, no matter what size apartment you have.
Personally, though, a purple tree is not for me. The last time I saw something this small, purple, and pathetic was when I watched Joffrey choking on his wedding day.
Game of Thrones, anyone?
But I digress. Let me just say: there's nothing wrong with getting a normal green pine tree. There's no need to be so extra about Christmas.
The Ugly Christmas Sweater Tree

This Christmas tree takes the very worst parts of Christmas and slaps them on the tree to also ruin that. It's like putting on a silly hat when you are wearing a suit. It ruins all the beauty of Christmas. Every now and then, wearing a cheesy Christmas sweater can put a smile on one's face.
But don't let the ugly Christmas sweater bandwagon end up dominating your holiday season, especially when it comes to the Christmas focal point of your home. It totally detracts from any enjoyment you get out of the tree. Oh, haha, you are so quirky! You like ugly Christmas sweaters, ironically. Gimme a break...
The Wooden Tree

Hey, we go to give it to this family — this is definitely not the worst Christmas tree on the list. It might even be the best — the best of the worst. While it might be okay as a decoration, you wouldn't want it as your main tree. It would be sad.
It certainly sucks. It looks more like a wooden toy than an actual tree. It would be a lot more useful as firewood, but I guess they are going for minimalism here. Yes, it is a way to minimize Christmas. There's very little effort here and very little reason to care about the results, so why take a picture?