tom selleck and his wife

5 Little-Known Facts About About Tom Selleck

Did you know that this Hollywood heartthrob once dreamed of a career that had nothing to do with acting? Join us as we explore some intriguing facts about Tom Selleck that you probably didn't know, offering a fresh perspective on this enduring star of the silver screen.

He Played Basketball in College

Standing at 6 feet and 4 inches, it’s not impossible to imagine Tom Selleck as a basketball player, but considering he chose a wildly different career, it comes as a surprise to many. Majoring in Business Administration, Tom Selleck actually transferred to the University of Southern California during his junior year to play for the USC Trojans basketball team.

Additionally, the seasoned athlete was a pitcher and hitter for the USC baseball team. Nevertheless, Tom Selleck eventually dropped out of college after a drama coach persuaded him to give acting a shot.

Today, he's still pretty athletic, though, as an accomplished indoor and outdoor volleyball player. 

He Was Almost Indiana Jones

While it’s hard to imagine anyone else other than Harrison Ford playing Indiana Jones now, he was not the first choice, nor consideration, when it came to casting Raiders of the Lost Ark. The role almost went to Tom Selleck.

Tom Selleck absolutely killed it during his screen test with Sean Young. He was the clear choice for both Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. However, due to his contractual obligations to Magnum P.I., Selleck was unable to do the film.

He Was on the Dating Game Twice

Before making it big as an actor, Tom Selleck was featured not just once but twice on The Dating Game. However, while those women might be kicking themselves in the head now, he was not chosen in either of those episodes.

But, to be fair, Tom Selleck didn’t have his iconic mustache at the time to distinguish himself, so we can see why they might have been hesitant.

He Met His Wife on the Set of a Movie

Tom Selleck has been married twice. His first marriage was to model Jacqueline Ray, whom he had been with for over 10 years. He even adopted her son, Kevin Shepard. Nevertheless, the marriage didn’t work out.

After divorcing Ray in 1982, Selleck met his next wife, Jillie Mack, in 1983 while filming the WWII drama film Lassiter in England. The couple married in 1987 in a secret ceremony and they had a daughter together in 1988.

He Loves Horses

Tom Selleck is an avid lover of horses. While initially he could not even ride a horse, after the made-for-TV miniseries The Sacketts, Tom Selleck developed an affinity for them.

He now owns a 63-acre ranch in Ventura County, California, where he cared for his beloved horse Spike whom he had for 30 years. After Spike passed away, however, he couldn’t find it himself to get another horse.

Last Updated: September 25, 2024