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50 Signs Your Dreams Are Trying to Tell You Something

Have you had a dream that seriously freaked you out or one that you had night after night? It’s weird, isn’t it? Maybe your dreams are trying to tell you something. When we sleep, our minds aren’t resting. In fact, your brain is as active as it is while you’re awake. During this time, it could be analyzing the way you feel and things that have happened to you. All of this can turn into dreams – at least, that’s what recent research has discovered.

Researchers have suggested that our dreams are our brains’ way of communicating. Of course, it doesn’t just flash a neon sign in your dream, although that would be extremely convenient. Instead, you get weird dreams that stick out. Sometimes, these dreams can be downright frightening. Don’t worry! Your teeth aren’t actually going to fall out. Instead, you’re feeling something that your subconscious brain is trying to communicate.

You’re not alone. Researchers have discovered that we share the same dreams and the meanings behind those strange messages. If you’re wondering what your brain is trying to say, here are 50 common dreams and what they might be trying to tell you!

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You Dream About Your Partner Cheating

You Dream About Your Partner Cheating

Wondering why you're having a recurring dream about your partner cheating? Whether or not it's happened to you before, this sneaky little nightmare could mean two things: either something has recently triggered a feeling of betrayal in the relationship, or emotions from past breakups are bubbling up.

Either way, if these dreams keep showing up — time for some trust talk with your partner! Lay those cards on the table so everyone knows where they stand, and give yourself peace of mind; after all, dreams aren't always prophetic!

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You Dream About Your Loved Ones Suffering

You Dream About Your Loved Ones Suffering

Talk about the stuff nightmares are made of — waking up to a dream that disturbs you with visions of your loved one in pain. It's so disheartening and can make us feel guilty if we haven't been as present as we should have lately. But rest assured, it doesn't mean something bad is coming... just maybe some guilt-induced conversations!

It's totally understandable to be scared of the thought that somebody you care about could disappear at any moment. But don't let it haunt your dreams! If a nightmare leaves you took shaken up, take some time out and reassess your relationship with them — communication is key in keeping things strong and steady. A bit more chat will put those scary thoughts (and nightmares) behind you for good!

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You Have a Recurring Dream

You Have a Recurring Dream

Nothing's worse than having the same unnerving dream on repeat — except for maybe finding out why. Recurring dreams are like your subconscious way of tapping you on the shoulder and trying to tell you something, so if yours is getting stuck in a loop, it must be really desperate! Pay attention to specific details, as they could hold important messages from within.

Don't let your mind take over and spin things out of control! Acknowledge that sometimes our brains can be pesky, but they're only trying to help. It's worth taking a second look at what you may not have noticed before; otherwise, it could become real trouble down the line. So pay attention and work with your subconscious now — no need for nightmares later!

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You Dream About Experiencing a Plane Crash

You Dream About Experiencing a Plane Crash

If a plane crash dream has your heart racing and palms sweating, don’t worry – you may be dreaming it up in fear, but nothing says it will come true! It’s not uncommon for us to have these nightmares; after all, flying is no stroll down the park. But if that shaky turbulence was just an act of imagination — know what might actually mean? Insight into the real-life issues you're facing or emotions bubbling beneath those clouds...

Failing at something can really throw a wrench in your life because it's like you're flying the plane, but all of its controls aren't responding. It makes things feel out-of-control and zaps away any confidence you once had! Goal setting is important, so don't let problems take that away from you.

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You Dream About Being Unable to Speak

You Dream About Being Unable to Speak

Trying to express yourself but can't find the words? Being unable to speak in a dream could be your subconscious way of warning you about bottling up all those emotions and feelings. Maybe it's time for some soul-searching or talking things out — no more zipping that lip!

If you're finding yourself stuck in dreamland on the regular, it could be time to consult a physician. A sleep study can help figure out why your body is completely chillaxed when waking up — like your alarm's been going off for hours but that arm won't even so much as twitch!

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You Dream About Moving Slowly or Being Physically Stuck

You Dream About Moving Slowly or Being Physically Stuck

Thinking about being stuck in your dreams? Not to worry, you've got loads of company! It's a sign that life is getting the better of us — too much work, not enough time off; no wonder we can't seem to shake these anxieties. Taking some 'me-time' and relaxation before bed might just be the remedy for those stress-induced nightmares!

Stressed out? Taking a break for yourself before bedtime can be just the ticket to banish any nightmare-worthy dreams. Cut down on late night TV, grab your earbuds, and listen to some dreamy tunes or open that book you've been meaning to get around too… your sweet slumber awaits!

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You Dream About Embarrassing Yourself

You Dream About Embarrassing Yourself

Have you ever woken up from a dream so embarrassing that it might as well have been the stuff of nightmares? It could be something like showing up to work in your skivvies or being laughed at by all your peers. No need to worry, though — these kinds of bad dreams usually mean nothing more than inner stress manifesting itself!

Need a clue that you're feeling frazzled? That dreaded dream of showing up to work naked might be your subconscious's way of telling you something's off. If life isn't quite as sweet and sunny as it once was, maybe take a minute to look at what needs adjusting in the grand scheme of things — because sometimes 'big picture stuff' can make all the difference!

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You Dream About Falling

You Dream About Falling

It's no surprise that when life throws us a curveball, we take it literally.  According to some researchers' findings, if you find yourself falling in your dreams, then chances are something in your world isn't going as planned, and the universe is trying to give you hints! Whether at work or with relationships, it might be time for an update on the ol' status quo if tripping over thin air becomes second nature.

If your sleep-self takes a spill off of a cliff, it's likely that you're feeling insecure in the real world. But if you can dream yourself taking wing - or safely sailing into a net below – then bravo! You've symbolically let go of something and given yourself license to spread those metaphorical wings.

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You Dream About Being Back in School

You Dream About Being Back in School

If you find yourself having recurrent dreams about school, it may be a sign that something in your life is stressing you out! Your subconscious mind could be trying to tell you something – take the hint and tackle whatever's causing those nightmarish vibes so you can finally get some decent shut-eye.

Waking up feeling re-energized after dreaming of school may not be a bad sign — it could actually mean that the universe is telling you to go forth and pursue your educational goals! Whether they involve tackling a new course or finishing an old degree, if learning has been calling out to you lately, it's time for action. So onward with knowledge-seeking...you can do this!

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You Dream About Doing Horrible Things

You Dream About Doing Horrible Things

Who knew that one ill-conceived dream crime could cause a gaping sinkhole of nightmare legal issues?! It's like the dreams are trying to tell you that if something needs fixing in your life, best start tending to it now before things spiral outta control.

If real-life tragedy strikes, it's essential to equip yourself with tools beyond dream analysis. After something traumatic happens in your life, PTSD can lurk around the corner — and that means gaining support from professionals is key for healing and growth!

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You Dream About Winning the Lottery

You Dream About Winning the Lottery

Dreams of winning the lottery are like a sign from up above saying that progress and growth, plus some good luck, is headed your way! And lucky for you it doesn't mean an instant retirement; it means sustainability. So make sure to crack open those fortune cookies — your future happiness could be waiting inside them!

Have you ever been over the moon after getting a tax refund, raise, bonus from work — or that BIG WIN on a scratch-off?! Well, get your head out of the clouds 'cause chances are those millions ain't gonna hit ya anytime soon. But hey! Dreams come true every day, so keep believing, and maybe one day, it'll be YOU who wins big!

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You Dream About Cheating on Your Spouse

You Dream About Cheating on Your Spouse

You may have cheated on your spouse in a dream, but don't beat yourself up over it — after all you're still faithful to the person and responsible for upholding that commitment. That being said, if it feels like you've broken some sort of personal rule or inner code during the dream state, then perhaps there's something deeper at play here!

If you're having daydreams about straying from your relationship, it's a major sign that something needs to be addressed. Time for an honest heart-to-heart with bae— maybe spend at least one hour per day connecting and reconnecting! That should do the trick – or, if nothing else, keep those cheating dreams in check.

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You Dream About Losing Your Teeth

You Dream About Losing Your Teeth

Your teeth may be good to go today — but if you've ever dreamed of watching them slip away one-by-one, don't worry: it's a totally normal phenomenon. This dream can help decode what your subconscious is trying to tell ya about any aging worries lurking beneath the surface — so take note and use this epiphany to kick those fears outta here!

Losing your teeth in a dream is almost always linked to anxiety. You have a lack of control in the dream, which means you have a lack of control somewhere in your life. It's a reminder that an important decision is coming your way, and you're afraid to make a choice.

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You Dream About Being Trapped

You Dream About Being Trapped

Feeling stuck? That's a sign you need to mix things up. Don't panic; your brain is just trying to show you that sometimes fresh perspectives are necessary in order to make progress and get out of any tight spots life throws at ya! Consider it an adventure — try something new, always keep learning, and break free from the "room without doors or windows" mentality!

Unwind from the chaos of everyday life and take a break — it's time for you to switch up something major! Whether that means jetting off on holiday or just implementing some chill activities into your routine, taking a breather will help clear your mind. You won't regret it!

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You Dream About Pregnancy

You Dream About Pregnancy

Are you dreaming up a baby or just looking for something new to try? Pregnancy dreams could be your subconscious way of telling you it's time to take on an exciting challenge — whether that means expanding your family, embarking on a creative endeavor, or both!

If you've just been blessed with a new bun in the oven, it's time to start thinking about starting something fresh. But if your pregnancy is already far along, don't be afraid – soon enough that little bundle of joy will arrive and help wrap up all those projects you've been working on!

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You Dream About Intimacy

You Dream About Intimacy

Dreams of romance can be deceiving: it's not always about soul mates and happily ever after. It could just mean you're yearning for someone to understand your emotions on a deeper level! If you're in a relationship with someone, then well... it might be time to take a hard look at it.

If your dreamscape has been feeling just a bit too distant, it might be time to reflect on whether you're tapping out of the relationship or relying a little too much on your better half. Dream decoding requires more than an expert interpreter - only YOU have that insight into what's going through YOUR mind!

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You Dream About Death

You Dream About Death

Death may seem like the end, but when it shows up in your dreams, you don't have to hit the panic button. Instead of being a foreboding harbinger of doom, death could mean something far more positive —an exciting new chapter is about to unfold! So next time old grim reaper pops by for a visit consider how his dramatic entrance relates to change happening within yourself and decide if this transition will be welcomed or forced upon ya.

It's like your subconscious is playing a game of Russian Roulette — showing us death in our dreams as an unsettling reminder that life can be fleeting. If we're dreaming about loved ones who are unwell, it could mean anxiety and fear for their future... but the outcome all depends on how you feel when you wake up: stressed or relaxed?

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You Dream About Repairing a Relationship

You Dream About Repairing a Relationship

Have you ever had a dream where suddenly all of your enemies are pals? It's like waking up from an episode of The Brady Bunch! Although it can be unsettling, maybe this crazy subconscious subplot is actually trying to tell you something — that deep down inside, there’s room for forgiveness.

Feeling a bit down in the dumps? Maybe it's time to take a long hard look at any recent disagreements with your friends. Who knows, you might even find that there was nothing wrong after all — your subconscious will be sure to thank you for taking care of yourself!

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You Have Deja Vu in Your Dreams

You Have Deja Vu in Your Dreams

Ever had that eerie feeling of deja vu? Like, dreamt you were sitting on your front porch, then BOOM — a car drives by and a bird lands right beside you moments later. What's the deal with that? Could it be an omen warning us about our future??? So wild!

Deja reve is that feeling of "been there, done that" while dreaming and then having it manifest in reality. Most often experienced when emotions are running high, whether you're anxious about the future or maybe just a little bit scared. In any case, guess someone up above is trying to tell us something!

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You Dream About Quitting Your Job

You Dream About Quitting Your Job

Are you dreaming about a career change? Tired of the 9-5 grind and need something new to keep you motivated? Sounds like your mind thinks quitting your job is just what's needed! It could be due to stress, boredom or maybe even just wanting an adventure — whatever it is, think long and hard before taking the plunge.

Your dream self might be saying that you feel overwhelmed or underutilized at work. It's time to step up and take on a bigger challenge. If you're not ready to give it all up, why not try asking for more responsibilities or learning something new — after all, what are jobs if they don't offer an opportunity to grow!

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People From Real Life Keep Showing Up

People From Real Life Keep Showing Up

Have you ever dreamt of someone you remember but don't know that well? This could be a sign they secretly made an impression on you, or maybe it just means there was something extra special about the way their hair looked when they passed by in the hallway. Either way, take note: this person might become pretty important to your life soon!

Been having trouble shaking someone off your mind? Maybe you're not quite sure what to make of them either. If they keep popping up in your dreams, it could be a sign that something remains unresolved between the two of you — so take some time and reflect on how their presence affects you!

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You Dream About Flying

You Dream About Flying

If you ever get a chance to soar through the clouds in your sleep, grab it! That's one journey that could seriously free up some headspace — and if things fall into place as easy as dreaming about flying? Sign us up for a lifetime subscription. Taking off is definitely somethin' worth doin'.

Flying represents control, especially if you're doing it with ease. You're literally on top of the situation. It also gives you a new perspective of the world around you. You can look down on things while taking in the broader picture. Maybe you just need to look at a situation in a new way. 

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You Dream About Someone Who’s Passed Away

You Dream About Someone Who’s Passed Away

Seeing a loved one in your dreams can leave you feeling all the feels, from warm and fuzzy to full-on stressed out. But if it's someone who recently passed, don't worry — missing them is just part of life!

Mourning a loved one can be hard, but did you know that the occasional dream about them could actually help get you through it? Maybe they were ill or in the hospital when last seen — so why not enjoy every moment spent with them while dreaming instead of dwelling on their goodbye?

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You Dream About Being Chased

You Dream About Being Chased

If you're running from something in your dreams, it might mean that your subconscious is trying to tell ya this: there are some issues in life that need facing. Whether you've got worries about how people perceive you at work or anxiety around new changes coming up, dreaming of a dreaded chase could be the universe's urging for self-reflection!

Dreams can be a wild ride — sometimes they're sweet and peaceful, other times they've got more horror movie vibes than you bargained for. If your nighttime visions tend to take on the latter variety after an especially chaotic day or right after watching something full of jump scares, don't sweat it too much! It's just your brain trying its best to handle all that stress... but no one wants Jason Voorhees knocking at their door in real life (or even dream-time).

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You Dream About Water

You Dream About Water

Those water-based nightmares can be downright harrowing, depending on your relationship with the wet stuff. Whether you're adrift in a vast ocean or going down for the third time, these aquatic dreams could signify feeling like you're out of your depth — perhaps with relationships and responsibilities alike!

If life has got you feeling like you're sinking, don't fret — a dream about water could be your subconscious telling you that it's time to cleanse yourself of whatever is weighing down your spirit! Let the waves carry away those troubles, and embrace this sign as an opportunity for healing.

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You Dream About Test Taking

You Dream About Test Taking

Whoever said tests were a thing of the past? For perfectionists, having nightmares about taking exams is like going through their worst fear all over again. But even for us non-perfectionists, that dream can still mean something — it might just be our body's way of telling us we're stressing out or need to pay extra attention in certain areas!

Life can be a test, and if you slip up then it might just pop up in your dreams. Recently graduating or being back in school? No matter the situation, you're likely to feel some pressure — luckily, dreaming about taking an exam could mean staying extra alert while awake!

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You Dream About Celebs

You Dream About Celebs

Well, the age-old adage rings true: be careful what you wish for! When your mind is fixated on a certain celebrity, they may just show up in your dreams — but don't expect to get that selfie as proof. Looks like it's time to come clean and admit defeat... or at least try next sleep cycle again.

Could it be that your subconscious is trying to tell you something? Is there an underlying message lurking beneath the surface of why this celeb keeps appearing in your dreams? Maybe they're a hero who represents what you feel you can't attain, or maybe they symbolize someone from your life. Regardless, deep down inside we think our mind knows exactly what's going on!

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You Dream About Food

You Dream About Food

Who hasn't had their dreams filled with a mouthwatering spread of food? If you wake up hankering for breakfast, that could be your subconscious telling you it's time to treat yourself! So go ahead and indulge in some extra toast — make sure you don't skimp on the butter.

However, that isn't all it could mean. Dreaming about food could be something deeper.  Gotta feed the brain, right? Dreams about food could mean you need to fuel your mind with knowledge or wisdom. Like a big ol' college feast of insight!

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You Dream About Being Late

You Dream About Being Late

Everyone hates being late, but when it comes to a very important date like an upcoming meeting or event — you really don't want to be the White Rabbit! Being on time is always ideal, and if your dream has got you feeling rushed and stressed, then take some deep breaths. You've got this!

If you find yourself late for something in your dreams, it could mean that life has piled on the promises and expectations to an overwhelming degree. So ask yourself — what were you running from? It could hint at which pressure is giving you those uncomfortable feelings!

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You Dream About Clothing (or the Lack Thereof)

You Dream About Clothing (or the Lack Thereof)

Have you ever had a dream where suddenly, unexpectedly, and completely inexplicably…you're in the buff? If being bared to all but your subconscious doesn't faze ya - props! That means you truly rock with who YOU are. But if there's some panicked covering up goin' on - it could be a sign that things aren't quite 100% alrighty when it comes to how contented you feel with yourself right now.

Fear of being truly known is a real thing. And sometimes, it manifests in our dreams as us getting exposed — literally! So if you ever have one of those 'naked-in-public' nightmares, maybe look into why that might be...because they say the truth comes out when we're stripped down to nothing.

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You Dream About Being Paralyzed

You Dream About Being Paralyzed

Being paralyzed is one of the scariest things that can happen to someone in a dream., as well as real life. Dreaming about paralysis could indicate that you feel as though you have a lack of control in your waking life. Sleep paralysis can occur at the moment between REM sleep and the waking stage of sleep.

If you wake up and can't move regularly (have sleep paralysis), you may want to speak to your doctor. Sleep paralysis can be a very serious thing, and a sleep study may be required to make sure you're not experiencing anything that could be detrimental to your health in the future. 

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You Dream About Empty Rooms

You Dream About Empty Rooms

Dreaming about empty rooms is actually a fairly common dream. It usually comes about when you need to get back in touch with yourself. The empty room symbolizes discovering a new or neglected part of yourself. It’s often a skill or talent you’re not utilizing in your waking life.

Some interpreters believe that the room plays a huge role, too. An empty living room means troubles, unpleasant events, and difficulties in your daily life. An empty bedroom could signify that you're disappointed and something huge is missing from your life that you need to approach head-on. 

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You Dream About Your Car

You Dream About Your Car

Some people find themselves driving their own car in their dreams, and this can tell you about the state of your health. If your car is in pristine condition, you’re probably physically and mentally fit. If you find that your car is run down, it may be time to schedule a checkup. 

If in the dream, the driving is reckless and feels too fast, it could be seen as a warning. You're concerned about something, and your subconscious is telling you to pay attention to it to prevent the anxiety from getting worse. Cars often represent our life and our journey through life so if it's going too fast, maybe it's time to slow down.

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You Dream About Discovering a Secret Room

You Dream About Discovering a Secret Room

Finding a secret passageway sounds fun, especially in a dream. It's your subconscious inviting you to explore a new part of yourself and your mind. It could also mean it's time to get to know someone a little better, especially if the room or passageway features things you know they like.

Finally, some dream interpreters believe that it could mean new experiences are coming your way, and you should be open to trying these unexplored things. If this dream happens often in the form of a recurring dream, your mind is trying to tell you that you're missing something. Look at the dream and your life in another way.

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You Dream About Being Unable to Find a Toilet

You Dream About Being Unable to Find a Toilet

Few things are worse than needing to use the restroom but being unable to find the toilet. Having this type of dream is rough, but it may soothe you to know that it’s pretty common. As you may have guessed, it doesn’t mean you can't literally find a toilet in the waking world.

Not being able to find a toilet usually means you have anxiety and worries in the waking world. Something is weighing heavily on you, and it's up to you to figure out what needs to change. One big reason people may have this dream is if they're changing careers or making a massive life-changing decision.

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You Dream About Being Lost

You Dream About Being Lost

Whether you're in a car, unable to find your destination, or you're walking around a city, dreaming about being lost is very literal. It denotes anxiety and evokes feelings of confusion or frustration. Your life has some stressors in it that have been giving you anxiety whether you see it or not.

Did you recently get a new job? Many dream experts believe that being lost has to do with you fitting in. You may not feel like the right puzzle piece for the spot. That doesn’t necessarily mean this is true, though. It could be linked to feeling like an imposter. Just ground yourself, and you’ll be okay!

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You Dream About Being Crushed

You Dream About Being Crushed

Being crushed in a dream can be quite literal. You have some sort of overwhelming stress or pressure that can't be mitigated and has to be dealt with immediately. It's too much for your subconscious to handle. The subconscious can’t directly communicate to you, so your dreams are an essential way for your mind to say, “Hey! Look at this now!”

In the waking world, steps need to be taken to decrease the amount of stress in your life or it could start representing itself in other ways. Other interpreters believe that it symbolizes that you're feeling neglected in some way. Take some time to yourself — go have a spa day or do something that pampers yourself.

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You Dream About Spiders, Snakes, or Other Creepy Crawlies

You Dream About Spiders, Snakes, or Other Creepy Crawlies

This type of dream can be scary for some, and that's the type of dream we want to focus on. The type of creepy crawly you dream about changes the meaning. Spiders indicate emotional distance. You may feel like an outsider or maybe you're protecting yourself from your own urges.

However, snakes could represent a toxic person in your life. They bother you, and it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship. Finally, other bugs mean something is quite literally bugging you. Someone in your life is bothering you. The bigger the bug, the more of an issue it is. A full colony is an infestation that's warning you that a negative issue is becoming too overwhelming.

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You Dream About Home Invasions

You Dream About Home Invasions

No one wants to be the victim of a home invasion. The home is your personal bubble. It's where you feel most comfortable and having someone come in uninvited is jarring, to say the least. If an invasion occurs in your home (or childhood home), it means you feel insecure not just in your residency but in your mind as well.

The person breaking into your home also matters and could signify where this emotion is coming from. Was it your boss barging into your home? You feel overwhelmed by their hovering. If it was a friend or family member, this could mean you feel betrayed by them or that they’ve done something that is bothering you deep down.

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You Dream About the End of the World

You Dream About the End of the World

The end of the world is a lot to handle, but it's a very clear sign from your subconscious that needs to be acted upon immediately. Dream interpreters look at this in a few different ways. First, you're going through a lot of emotional turmoil right now. Maybe you sense a long-term relationship coming to an end or you lost a loved one.

Alternatively, you may feel out of control. This is particularly true if you're the only person in the dream. If the dream doesn’t feel bad — which sounds weird, we know — it could represent a spiritual awakening or revelation. Pay special attention to these dreams because they’re very personal and vary from person to person.

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You Dream About Being a Part of a Movie or TV Show

You Dream About Being a Part of a Movie or TV Show

Dreaming about being in a movie or TV show is pretty great for the most part, although it really depends on the movie. If you're in a general film (and you don't know the genre), your dreams are telling you that it’s time to take matters into your own hands. Time to stop going with the flow and make active choices in your life.

If you can discern the genre, things get a little more specific. Being in an action film means you're ready to face whatever is coming your way — a new job? New school? You got this! A thriller or horror is a lot like having someone chase you in a dream. You feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Then there’s drama. Drama is a feeling of insecurity or feeling betrayed.

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You Dream About Losing or Forgetting a Child

You Dream About Losing or Forgetting a Child

No parent wants to have this dream, but the good news is that it doesn't mean your child will go missing. It’s your mind telling you that you feel separated from yourself. You may feel lost because of a major life change such as a breakup or a job loss.

As a parent, losing a child in a dream could also signify a strained relationship between you and your child. However, if you forget a child, it could be your subconscious thinking about an old friend and desire to reach out to them again. Think about someone you haven’t spoken to recently and reach out!

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You Dream About Demons

You Dream About Demons

If you’re having dreams about demons, whether you’re the demon or not, it could mean that you secretly feel as though you should change your behaviors. Your subconscious is telling you that you’re worried about your behaviors as of late. You've committed an indiscretion you feel terrible about, and it's time to focus on it for a second. 

If you aren't the demon in your dream, then it could mean something is off in your waking life. Something is wrong and you feel very uneasy and conflicted about it. Now, you'll just need to figure out what the issue is and rectify it so you can go back to sleeping peacefully. 

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You Dream About Meeting a Stranger

You Dream About Meeting a Stranger

Strangers can show up in your dream in a variety of ways. They may show up as a full figure, but most appear to us in our dream world as shadow figures. Shadow figures often represent what we've rejected, denied, or never knew about ourselves.

They're there to teach us. Strangers in your dreams are your best friends because they can give you insight into something you would have otherwise missed. It may be easy to shun them, but that’s why they’re showing up in your dream in the first place — you shunned them in the waking world.

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You Dream About Vacationing in a Wonderful Place

You Dream About Vacationing in a Wonderful Place

Who wouldn't want to dream about a vacation? That seems like one of the best ways to have a vacation (and one of the cheapest). The clearest sign of you dreaming about a vacation is that it's time for you to take a trip somewhere similar to what you saw in your dream. 

If you dream about lying on a beach in Hawaii, maybe see if you can make that happen in the waking world. Vacation dreams often depend on your life situation, too. A dream-world vacation could mean you're trying to escape something in your life whether it's personal issues, family drama, a rocky relationship, or another kind of stressful situation.

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You Dream About Making an Important Discovery

You Dream About Making an Important Discovery

Massive discoveries in your dreams shouldn't be shoved aside. There's lots of amazing stuff that's been dreamt up that changed our world. Rene Descartes discovered the scientific method in a dream. Otto Loewi had a dream one night and that led to the discovery that nerves transmit signals chemically.

When you have a dream about a magnificent discovery, you've likely been thinking hard about something. That thing has made its way into your subconscious, and you might look at it in a new way. Alternatively, if you’re frustrated in your dream, it might be time to take a step back from the project.

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You Dream About Having Glass in Your Mouth

You Dream About Having Glass in Your Mouth

No one wants glass in their mouth, but sometimes people do dream about glass making their way in there. The interpretation depends on how the glass got in there. If you're swallowing glass, that means that you've had to compromise on something, and it's now bugging you. Maybe it wasn't so much of a compromise as you giving up something very important to you.

If you're eating glass, there's some news in your life that you're trying to ignore, but your subconscious is telling you, "no, no, no!" You have to face that news head-on. Alternatively, if you're spitting out glass, you likely are making some challenging choices in your life, and these decisions aren't to be taken lightly.

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You Dream About Animals

You Dream About Animals

Animals can symbolize habits, but it really depends on the animal you're dreaming about. A predator changes the meaning when you compare it to a cute little house pet. If you are gleefully playing with a basket of puppies, you are likely satisfied with your daily routine. However, if a terrifying wolf is chasing you, there may be some destructive habits you need to work on. 

Animals often represent a physical characteristic of yourself and your primitive desires. Alternatively, dreaming that an animal can talk is a little different. It could mean that your subconscious is attempting to communicate with you. Saving the life of an animal? That means you may feel inadequate or overwhelmed by your current life. 

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You Dream About Using Technology That Doesn’t Work

You Dream About Using Technology That Doesn’t Work

Having technological issues in a dream could mean a few things. First of all, it could mean that you're learning something, and you're having a hard time grasping what it's all about. The meaning of the dream could also depend on what type of technology. Some technology is specifically designed to communicate.

Are you trying to call someone but find it impossible? This means you have a serious disconnect with that person. If it's any technology, it could mean that you’re experiencing an emotional disconnect with yourself. Take some time for a hobby you enjoy and get in touch with yourself again.

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You Dream About Achieving a Goal

You Dream About Achieving a Goal

You may find yourself dreaming about making a huge scientific discovery when you’re only a lowly, undergraduate research assistant. This kind of dream can serve as an inspiration for you and may even show you the steps you need to take to make that dream a reality!

Its generally interpreted as a really good sign. You've probably already taken the first step toward achieving the goal, but if you haven't, you care about doing this thing really deep down. You may want to put a little extra time and energy toward reaching your goals. 

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