Judge Judy on Intelligence

Ouch. Basically what she’s saying is that even on days when she locks her keys in her car, spills coffee on herself, and only puts eyeliner on one eye, she’s still ahead.
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Judge Judy on Beauty

This is unfortunately true. At least you can get a tummy tuck when you’re older, but you can’t get a brain transplant!
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Judge Judy on Stupidity
Judge Judy on Firearms
Judge Judy on God
Judge Judy on Joy

That’s my joy too. Unfortunately, stupid people don’t care. Bad attention is still attention to them.
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Judge Judy on Good Looks

Things just got personal. With no beauty or brains, this guy’s going to have a bad time.
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Judge Judy on "Um"

The only redeeming thing he could say at this point is “um-pire school,” but we all know he’s probably not that clever.
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Judge Judy on Lying

This was said to a football player. I’ll bet he was quivering in his spandex and cleats, because Judge Judy doesn’t mess around.
(Image via Instagram)