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A.I. Reimagines Classic Fairytales With Different Endings

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

What would have happened if Alice ended up stuck in Wonderland? Would she learn to adapt or lose her mind like the rest of the residents in this crazy place? 

Well, according to AI, Alice would have ended up as mad as the Mad Hatter himself if she had stuck around! It looks like she's become one with the mushrooms, and that's more than enough to drive most people mad. 

(Image via Midjourney)



We all know the classic tale of Cinderella and how she ends up with Prince Charming thanks to her iconic glass slipper. However, what if the Prince never found her slipper and they never got married? 

While that might not sound like much of a happy ending, we have to admit that Cinderella looks pretty happy with solo life in this image. At least she's got the birds and scenic views to keep her company! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel

Okay, sure, the story of Hansel and Gretel doesn't end up great for the titular kids, but for a few short moments, they at least had free reign of a candy house! 

In this AI rendering, the witch is attempting to lure the kids into her trap with a healthy bowl of fresh vegetables. Something tells us she won't be as successful with this tasteless trap! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Princess Jasmine

Princess Jasmine

In Disney's Aladdin, Princess Jasmine has fallen in love with the eponymous thief by the end of the movie. But what if these star-crossed lovers never met in the first place? 

We imagine that things would be significantly worse for Aladdin himself. But as for Jasmine? She still seems to be doing just fine ruling the kingdom with her trust pet tiger, Raja, at her side. 

(Image via Midjourney)

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep

If you're familiar with the nursery rhyme, then you already know that Little Bo Peep is downright terrible at her job as a shepherdess. She ends up losing her sheep and only manages to find them when they come wandering back themselves. 

However, in this version, Bo Peep manages to keep an eye on her wards and actually does her job for once. Welcome to the workforce, Bo! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Robin Hood

Robin Hood

Robin Hood is famous for being the guy who takes from the rich and gives to the needy, but how did he manage to resist the temptation of keeping it all for himself? 

In this version of the story, Robin Hood has decided that he deserves a cut of what he's taken. Now someone else is going to have to steal all this stuff from him! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Snow White

Snow White

The story of Snow White is already cute enough, but things get even more adorable if you imagine her surrounded by babies instead of dwarves. 

In this version, Snow White is not quite an octomom, but we imagine that she'll have her hands full regardless. She'll definitely need all the help she can get from her woodland critter friends! 

(Image via Midjourney)

The Evil Queen

The Evil Queen

In the original Snow White story, the Evil Queen wants her dead because of jealousy. But, as we all know, jealousy can make people do some crazy things! 

In this version, the Evil Queen isn't just obsessed with Snow White...she's in love with her! We can only imagine how awkward the guest list at this wedding will be! 

(Image via Midjourney)