Minerva "Minnie" Mouse: Night Club Owner

This hopeless romantic would work at a large store owned by Mortimer Mouse, her boyfriend, for some time. Then, upon encountering "the love of her life" give it all up and dream bigger. She would use all of her saving and take out a loan to open up the fanciest night club her town has ever seen.
She would be able to launch franchises all throughout the country since the club would become a smashing success and garner widespread attention. Minnie would frequently ask her boyfriend Mickey to fill in as a host, and Mickey would do it whenever she asked him to. The two would be seemingly inseparable from one another.
Porky Pig: Five Star Host

Porky Pig, if he were human, would most likely be a meek and mild sort of guy. There's a good chance he'd struggle with stuttering and get nervous very quickly in public. He would be a dedicated worker with a nice sense of humor. He would charm the masses with his wit.
He would work his way up to host at a high-end Las Vegas club thanks to his dogged persistence. He'd probably friendly to individuals who are nice to him, and he'd feel more at ease in a small group than a big one. It's safe to assume that he'd be an upbeat and positive individual despite his timid nature.
Donald Fauntleroy Duck: US Navy Veteran

Donald Fauntleroy Duck is one of the two siblings that were born in the United States to Quackmore Duck and Hortense McDuck. Donald Fauntleroy Duck is also the nephew of Scrooge McDuck, a wealthy mogul in the mineral sector. Donald was a young man when he was called up to serve in the military during World War II.
He responded to a summons and then, not long after, eagerly reported himself to duty. After a short period of training, during which he accidentally shot and wounded his instructor, he was deployed in the Pacific. It was there he conducted many missions and was awarded many honors. After 32 years of service he woud retire to better and brighter things.
The Cheshire Cat: Philosopher

The Cheshire Cat is generally shown as being lively and naughty, as he likes to play tricks. It's safe to assume that, like a cat, he'd be quite difficult to pin down and would have a tendency to suddenly appear and vanish. He'd be a mystery to everyone around him; no one could predict his thoughts or actions.
He would have excellent observational skills and would be exceptional at reading people, a talent that might be put to use manipulating those around him. He would be humorous and take pleasure in puzzling others, yet he would also be empathetic and attentive. He would excel in creating meaning in life for himself and those around him. New life laws would be created in his name.
The Pink Panther: Le Fin Voleur or The Master Thief

This protagonist seems fitted for a career in criminal activities or any other sector that involves quick thinking and the capacity to outsmart others, thanks to his nefarious disposition. He could have a charismatic and endearing personality, but he would also likely be sly and sneaky. His mind would see flaws and capitalize on them.
If the Pink Panther were a human, he would probably spend a lot of time planning and carrying out robberies. A collection of priceless artwork and antiques would decorate his home. If a detective were to question him, he would leave them completely stumped. In his honor, legal code would be written. Advanced security would be labeled "pink proof." - We all know it wouldn't work.
Hello Kitty: Neighborhood Girl Scout

Since Hello Kitty is typically depicted in a positive light, it's reasonable to assume that she would be a pleasant and helpful person if she were a real person. Perhaps she is surrounded by a royal court of friends who are always willing to lend a hand to the less fortunate. Perhaps part of a local scouting den.
She would most likely have a soft spot in her heart for adorably adorable things and exude a great deal of elegance and class. Additionally, because Hello Kitty does not have a mouth, it is reasonable to conclude that she is an excellent listener, is very sensitive and understanding toward other people, and is very compassionate.
Tom the Cat: Security Software Developer

If Thomas Jasper "Tom" Cat Sr. had a different appearance, he most likely would work as a security software developer for a startup. He would advance in the ranks quite rapidly due to his commitment to defending those around him and doing his job well. He would be frequently invited to speak at gatherings and his code would be adopted on a global scale.
Future generations would find inspiration in his many books. Unfortunately for him, there would always be a wily cyberpunk committed to unraveling his code and exposing his flaws. That individual may or may not be known to him, but he will never be able to apprehend him. It may drive him mad.
Gerald Jinx "Jerry" Mouse: Software Test Engineer

If Gerald Jinx "Jerry" Mouse had a more human appearance and were to walk among us, he most likely would work as a software test engineer. He would need to work in order to provide for his large family and, above all else, his young child. However, the work by itself wouldn't be sufficient.
Thus, his skill in averting security and keen knowledge of code would allow him to slip in and out of banks taking a few dollars at a time. He and his family would be able to make ends meet thanks to the additional cash, but the person that keeps fixing the code would infuriate him.
Lola Bunny: CEO of Lola Industries

Lola would spend years behind the counter at a perfume store and might wish to start her own perfume company. This fantasy would come true when her landlord presented her with a rare flower. This flower would allow her to appear to be invisible. She would make the perfume at home and quickly learn about its properties after leaving her apartment.
People would still be able to see you, but they would no longer stare or judge you indiscriminately. She'd dash to the source of the flower and take as many bulbs as she could, quickly making bottles and selling them to anyone who wanted to be invisible - for a short time. She would become famous worldwide and win numerous awards. For three years, her book "Don't Ever Call Me a 'Doll'" would be a New York Times Best Seller.
Kermit the Frog: The Entertainer

Kermit, if he were a human, would most likely be a hospitable, generous, and humorous guy. Given his abilities as a vocalist and host on "The Muppet Show," we can safely assume that he has considerable talent in some area related to entertainment or performance. He would swagger in stage with charisma and the crowd would go wild.
He would have a big heart and be very patient with anyone that needed his help. He'd be strong and flexible enough to deal with the pressures of the spotlight and the unexpected twists and turns it often brings. Like the friends he leads and pulls together, he would be a terrific team player and have a deep sense of community.
Yogi Bear: Mob Boss

Yogi Bear is always coming up with ingenious plans to steal food, so if he were a human, he would probably be rather smart and resourceful. It's likely that he'd be an opportunist as well, seizing opportunities when they arose. Maybe he would operate a criminal organization out of a restaurant that looks like it's for families.
Additionally, since he has a love for pic-a-nic baskets and is always seeking for food, one could imagine that he would be a food lover, maybe a good cook and would have a hearty appetite. He would also probably be quite charismatic, as he is often able to charm people into giving him what he wants.
Scooby Doo: Courageous Friend

Scooby-Doo might be a test tube baby, who is mute due to an accident during his creation. However, a chip that was installed in his cerebral cortex allows him to speak like a human being. This makes it possible for him to interact with people verbally or through the use of some cutting-edge reaction goggles.
He might be treated harshly by the other kids he spends his childhood with in the underground Nevada complex and continuously bullied by them. After he meets Shaggy and learns how to defend himself, he eventually ends up taking on the other kids. This Scooby, in contrast to his cartoon version, would be quite courageous and unafraid of anything that gets in his path. He may have been born with the name 4815162342 and was given the new name Scooby-Doo, by Shaggy.
Bambi: Environmental Supervisor

This highly acclaimed and decorated hero would spend his youth shadowing his father, learning the ways of nature. His father would teach him all there is to know about North American forestry. Then when his father passed, he would carry the proverbial torch. This young mind would do all he could to save, and protect indigenous wildlife.
Bambi's knowledge and insight would spur a nation to action. Though he would be young, his father's name alone would help carry him to great hights. Laws would be enacted in his name. New great green forest preserves would materialize across the nation and at last the people would breathe fresh clean air once again.
The Road Runner: Street Runner

If the character known as "The Roadrunner" were a real person, AI imagines that most of his time would be spent doing what he does best, which is running. It is because of all the shenanigans he gets into when running on the road, there is a chance that he will get in a tragic accident and end up with neither of his legs.
Thanks to contemporary science, they may be able to bring back his lost love with legs that are stronger, better, and faster. The hardships he would go through would act as inspiration for a lot of others. In his honor, a marathon competition would go on for years to come. Why he runs on the street however, would remain a mystery, to most.
Jumbo, "Dumbo" Jr.: Future Pilot

If Jumbo, better known as Dumbo, had been a human being instead of an elephant, his life probably would have been quite a deal simpler. It is possible that his mother would establish a sanctuary for wildlife, and he will spend his childhood there, surrounded by loyalty, love, and affection.
There would be no reason to be terrified of the pink elephants that are little in size. It would never be necessary for him to be by himself. He would be engulfed in love, and his enthusiasm for flying would be nourished and supported. It's possible that when he became older he'd pursue a career in aviation.
Michel "Mickey" Mouse: Blue Collar Loverboy

It all depends on Mickey's disposition, but depending on the day, he may be anything from a deckhand on a riverboat to an apprentice to a sorcerer. The Ajax Corporation, where he could work alongside his best buddies Donald Duck and Goofy, would most certainly be Mickey's most frequent employer.
Ajax may engage him for odd jobs (ghost exterminators, car washers, rollercoaster painters, and so on), but the vast majority of Mickey's assignments fail because of his and his team's ineptitude. Regardless of the circumstances, he could always go to see his beloved Minnie each night. Their love would burn as bright as the sun, and inspire all of those around them.
Thomas Jasper Cat, Sr.: Retired Cop and Private Detective

The grey and white domestic short-haired mute tuxedo cat first appeared in the 1940 MGM animated short Puss Gets the Boot. If Tom, of Tom and Jerry, were 100% human, he presumably would work as a police officer. The fact that he has a strong dedication to protecting his domain despite the repercussions and obvious abuse of his position should not surprise most people.
When the time was right, he would retire and live the life of a private investigator, locating long-lost lovers, reconnecting family members, and apprehending all sorts of criminals. He would accomplish all of this while skillfully dodging the K9 teams and men in black. One criminal, though, would always elude him.
Goofy Goof: Podcaster and Devoted Father

As the son of Amos Goof, the father of Max, and uncle of Debbie this children's photographer would spend a great deal of time and energy ensuring that his son got all the opportunities he did not. It would be because Goofy dropped out of college after three years he would move heaven and earth itself to ensure Max would complete this life achievement.
During the course of his life, he would work a wide variety of odd jobs, and he would even launch a podcast with the title "How to." However, the podcast would not be well-known for its attention to detail; rather, it would be renowned for demonstrating to listeners how not to approach activities like skiing, fishing, and dancing.
The World Famous Snoopy: Veteran Pilot

Snoopy would be a Flying Ace for the US Air Force. He would serve many years as a military man, receiving many honors and accolades the world over. He would heroically battle the Red Baron and defended his nation from many great harms. However, a war injury would see him leave the military far too soon.
He would return home to his family and friends a changed man. The things he saw, the hours he gave, and the best years of his life gone would haunt him. There would be no system for him to receive help out in the middle of nowhere, and despite all he gave and his many awards there would be no place for him to work. He would wander the streets hoping to help in any way he could - until at last, a man named Charlie Brown would set a place for him at dinner.
Edward "Winnie-the-Pooh" Bear: Loyal Friend

Winnie-the-Pooh would be Christopher Robin's closest and dearest companion. They would get themselves into a lot of trouble when they were together, from stuck doors to missing buttons. However, if they had the assistance of their other pals, they would be able to rapidly find a way out of their terrible predicaments.
Although he wouldn't stand out academically, his enormous energy would make up for it. He would always have a positive attitude and offer assistance whenever he could. Naturally, he would eat honey for lunch every day, and he would offer some to anyone who was interested in trying it, albeit Piglet, his bud, might be the typical recipient.
Brian Griffin: The Cool Friend

If Brian were a human, he would likely be a highly intelligent and cultured individual, as he is often portrayed as being well-educated and well-read. He would probably be very witty and have a dry sense of humor, often making sarcastic or biting comments. He would be quite open-minded and liberal.
On the other hand, he probably drinks and smokes excessively. He would be sociable and gregarious, with a taste for fine art, music, and reading. It's safe to assume that he's an independent thinker with a healthy dose of rebellious streak. Like Peter and the Griffins, he would be a devoted friend and a loving member of his own family.
Tweety Bird: Young Parole

Not only does Tweety have a charming, childlike demeanor, but he also has a reputation for being cunning and resourceful when it comes to eluding his relentless pursuer, Sylvester. There's a good chance Tweety, if he were human, would be exceptionally bright and resourceful. His time in the slammer would harden him inside, but outwardly he would be ever pleasant.
Since he is typically presented as endearingly naive, it stands to reason that his conduct and mannerisms would reflect this. His voice would be high and upbeat, and he'd be a man of many expressions. It's likely that he'd be able to bounce back from challenges and adjust quickly to novel circumstances. He would have a lot of social graces, including warmth, empathy, and the ability to listen.
Wile E. Coyote: Bounty Hunter

If Wile E. Coyote were a real person, he'd be ambitious and creative, always thinking of new methods to get what he wants, but he'd also be a bit of a dreamer who can't see the forest for the trees, just like he can't catch the Road Runner no matter how hard he tries.
He would have a high level of determination and would be quite tenacious, continuing to try even after suffering a number of setbacks. He would be smart and inventive, often coming up with new ideas and plans, but he would also be clumsy and prone to accidents, much like how he frequently is hurt by his own inventions and schemes. He would be an extreme introvert who struggles when placed in a group setting.
Garfield: President of the United States of America

Garfield, who is known for "telling it like it is" and is easy to please, would become a national phenomenon. He would not run for office; instead, the people would elect him through write-ins and protests. Garfield adores his brother Odie and his beloved wife Pooky, who is frequently seen in Garfield's arms or close to him.
He would declare every Monday a national holiday and return the currency to the gold standard; did I say gold? - I'm talking about Lasagna standard. The country's money would be worth only as much as the food it could provide. He would do nothing else, and the people would rejoice at finally regaining the power they so richly deserve.
Bugs Bunny: CEO of What's up Doc Security

This man would devote his time to founding a teleportation and public safety company after spending a lifetime narrowly averting kidnapping, murder, and theft. His company What's up Doc would make toys that would enable owners to stream to authorized assistants and connect to different satellites. These aid workers would receive training in everything from counseling to firearms combat.
The toy would be able to analyze sound wavelengths and recognize the threat with the push of a button, squeeze of a doll hand, or flick of an ear. Teleporters would immediately transport weapons, kits, and a human to the scene to help. In spite of his many honors and awards he would pass away in poverty.
Eyeore: Homesteader

It's safe to assume that if Eeyore were a human, he'd be the introverted type that prefers to keep to himself. He would be a pessimist who looks on the dark side of life and anticipates the worse. Frequently, he'd misplace things because he would have a poor memory. It'd be alright though because his home would be small and off the grid, so no one could find him, unless he wanted them to.
He would be a serious thinker who values solitude; he would be reserved and unflinching. He'd be strong enough to bounce back from failures, but also sensitive enough to feel every word and nuance of a conversation. He would be devoted to his friends, but his reserved nature would make it difficult for him to form close bonds with anyone.
Tigger: The Eager Beaver

If Tigger were a human in real life, he'd be a gregarious extrovert who never lacks for excitement and enthusiasm. His sense of curiosity would lead him to constantly seek out new experiences and people. He'd have a lot of fun bouncing around on trampolines and engaging in other active pursuits.
He would be strong and able to recover from adversity. He would look for the bright side of things and be an inspiration to everyone around him. If he were real, he would be just as reliable and trustworthy as he is in the legends, where he is always there to aid out his pals. Even though he would be likable and popular, he might make some hasty decisions and hurt feelings because of his lack of consideration.
The Tasmanian Devil: Demolition Specialist

If the Tasmanian Devil were human, he would probably be a person who acts on impulse and whims. As a result of his determination, he probably would become a demolition specialist. He would get in the field because he would be quite active and in need of a way to release his boundless reserves of energy.
This man would likely be forceful and possibly volatile. There's a good chance he won't be patient and would rather force things to happen immediately. His appetite and gluttony would be extreme. Most likely he wouldn't like to be confined or dependant on anyone. Even while he would be able to bounce back from difficulties well, he would also be a sensitive soul who takes things to heart.
Felix the Cat: US Army Veteran

If Felix the Cat were a human, he'd probably be a smart and resourceful problem-solver. If he saw others in need abroad, he might swiftly enlist in the military to help them. He probably wouldn't like to be confined or dependant on anyone. To put it mildly, he would be a prankster who takes great pleasure in making other people uncomfortable.
He would have a lot of charm and charisma, which would help him get what he wants from other people. He would have a wide range of skills at his disposal, allowing him to readily adapt to new circumstances. Quite the risk taker, he would be a man of few inhibitions. He would become a national hero after saving countless lives and receiving several accolades for his efforts. Righty-O!
Foghorn Leghorn: Master Storyteller CEO

Foghorn Leghorn is a fictional character, but if he were human he would undoubtedly have a lot of swagger and a larger-than-life persona. He would speak with an unmistakable drawl and be notorious for his brash, booming, and even domineering mannerisms. He would have a quick wit and enjoy telling tall tales, albeit he probably would embellish his own achievements.
The man would have a great sense of humor and love to wise crack and play with language. He seems like he'd be a great storyteller with lots of entertaining anecdotes to offer. There would be a whole generation of young people whose ambitions would be fueled by his stories. His franchises would inspire songs and plush toys.