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Highest Grossing Video Game Franchises of All Time



There isn't much to Tetris, but there also isn't much that needs to be fixed. This game is a prime example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since 1984, this game has been one of the best-selling games in history and one of the top franchises. Tetris has mobile downloads, but most people still play the classic version on their old consoles.

Tetris has made at least $700 million. Considering most of those copies sold in the '80s and '90s, inflation would put it at over a billion. The franchise likes to keep average sales under wraps, but they're clearly making bank. One free-to-play mobile Tetris game offers players a million dollars in prizes just for playing.

(Images via Brandenads, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; EA Mobile)



Mario's first appearance wasn't even in a Mario game! It was in Donkey Kong. The original 1981 Donkey Kong featured Mario as "Jumpman," Donkey Kong's owner. He mistreated his poor, violent, little ape, so Kong escaped to steal Jumpman's girlfriend--who was Pauline and NOT Peach at the time.

He didn't get his Italian heritage and name until Donkey Kong Jr. in 1982. Since his debut, Mario has banked $30 billion, according to IGN. Luigi appeared in 1983 and would forever be the character played by the younger siblings (thanks, bro, for making me Luigi every game). 

(Image via Nintendo)



Back when arcades were a thing, everyone fought over the Pac-Man. It was THE game to play, and it was all about earning that high score. Not much has changed since 1980, except for how people play the game. They don't go to the arcade anymore, but they still love Pac-Man.

There are several variations of Pac-Man that can be played on mobile, on the PC, or on a game system. Namco can boast that it has earned $14 billion since the franchise waka-waka'ed right into our hearts and brains.

(Image via Namco/Midway)



For those that aren't fans of soccer or futbol, it's a little surprising to learn that FIFA games have been around since 1993. Yeah, you read that right. They've been around for a long time, with a new game coming out almost every single year. Gotta update those players, right?

Now, fans can even play FIFA on their phones, giving the franchise the same range as Tetris. What has the company made in this time? Over $11 billion in lifetime revenue. That's something to be proud of. The next FIFA is on the horizon, so save your money!

(Image via EA Sports)

Call of Duty

Call of Duty

Call of Duty is probably one of the most popular games on Xbox and PlayStation. They come out with a new version of their game every year. Arguably, the most recent releases haven't been so great, but nothing can beat the first Modern Warfare.

Even though Call of Duty has come out with over 20 games, they haven't made as much as those who have been around since the '80s. Call of Duty has made about $17 billion over the last two decades, and yes, that counts all the companies that have had their hands in the CoD treasure chest. 

(Images via Activision)



How many hours have you sunk into Minecraft? Me? Too many to count. You have to build the perfect little village, dig under the earth, and ultimately get crushed by gravel. That takes a while because you have to go back and get all your stuff again! Did that only happen to me?

Well, at least it added countless hours to the game! Minecraft is easily one of the most popular games on the market, especially with younger audiences. Back in 2014, Minecraft properties were purchased for $2.5 billion. It makes millions a year easily, particularly from its mobile version.

(Image via Mojang Studios)

Space Invaders

Space Invaders

Space Invaders has solidified itself in pop culture history, but as gamers, we'll remember it for its addicting gameplay. It's pretty simple. Shoot the little ships before they reach the ground (and also the fast ship at the top).

It isn't complicated, but that doesn't mean the franchise hasn't made major bank. In 1982, the game had already grossed $3.8 billion with a $450 million net profit. If you adjust it for inflation, that's about $13 million in total revenue.

(Image via Taito/Midway/Atari, Inc)



Who didn't grow up playing Pokémon? These days, millennials and Gen Z were practically raised on the little pocket monsters (coincidentally, Pokémon's original name). The first game popped up in 1996 with the Red and Blue/Green version--yours truly choosing red, of course.

Over the years, the franchise has sold over 300 million units (across various titles), which has grossed an estimated $90 billion in lifetime revenue. That doesn't even include the movies, card games, and all the merch sold. No doubt sales of Pokémon plushies are also through the roof.

(Image via Nintendo; JP: The Pokemon Company)

Street Fighter

Street Fighter

Like many of the games on this list, Street Fighter was one of the biggest arcade games people flocked to. Whoever got to it first got to play Ryu. The next best thing was a different color Ryu, but ew. No. It had to be the original one. 

Whatever. I was a Chun-Li person, anyway. Newer games have gotten much better (with much better graphics). It's also become more popular in pop culture. The franchise has made over $11 billion since it was created in 1987, and I can see why.

(Image via Capcom)

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy

This list wouldn't (and couldn't) be complete without Final Fantasy. For some, they've been playing the game since its creation. If you're like me, you started playing around Final Fantasy 7 because your friends told you it was the best game they've ever played (they weren't wrong).

Some of the newer additions have been really great, and then there's the remake of Final Fantasy 7 that renewed some fan interest. The franchise has amassed a pretty immense wealth since 1987--$10 billion to be exact. That's a lot of gil! Actually… it's not a lot of gil, but it is a lot of dollars.

(Image via Square Enix/Alot)



I don't mean "Wii" the system because that would be totally unfair. I'm talking about Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and all the other Wii games that have dominated the market since the system came out. Many of us played Wii Sports after we first purchased the system, mostly because it was the only game we had.

Games like Wii Fit got little popularity here in the United States, but they were some of Asia's best-selling games for the longest time. Those little Miis have earned Nintendo nearly $15 billion since 2006. That makes it the fastest highest-grossing franchise on this list.

(Image via Nintendo)

Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto

When Grand Theft Auto came out, no parent wanted to let their kid play it. Who else remembers the newscasts that paint the game as the worst thing to happen since Ted Bundy? The game persevered. It stuck around, and we're all glad for it.

I spent so many hours playing San Andreas that I'm pretty sure I can navigate in the real world without any issues. While we all wait for GTA 6 to release (amid the myriad of GTA 5 re-releases), here's a stat: the franchise has made nearly $10 billion since its creation in 1997.

(Image via Rockstar North/Rockstar Games)



The Lego franchise of video games was fun enough for kids and adults to play it. Plus, it came free with some consoles, so it was a win/win. Whether you spent hours playing Indiana Jones or Star Wars, they were well put-together and fun.

Lego literally gave the game away, so it's hard to believe that the franchise made $2 billion. That doesn't even include the movies! Now, there's Lego Batman, Marvel Super Heroes, Lord of the Rings, and even Harry Potter. They're certainly growing fast.

(Image via Traveller's Tales/LucasArts)

Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online

This may seem like an odd entry. In fact, you may have never even heard of this one, but trust me when I say it's super popular. Dungeon Fighter Online is mainly played in South Korea but will hopefully expand to United States audiences soon.

It's almost like Diablo in its gameplay but has some MMO-like qualities. It's certainly unique. The game has made quite a bit of money overseas, with near $12 billion in its bankroll. Maybe it's time we give it a shot? 

(Image via Neople)

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has been one of the largest MMOs played in the history of gaming. While others have come and gone--my sweet, sweet Age of Camelot included --WoW has stuck around. Its parent company, Blizzard, consistently updates it to keep fans happy, although that's often a tall order.

Since 1994, the game has made nearly $11 billion. Wikipedia lists that WoW made over $9.23 billion in revenue from 2014 to 2017. With people stuck at home more (and gamers having plenty of time to binge), that number could increase in the future reports. 

(Image via Blizzard Entertainment)