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The Most Hilarious Things Spotted on T-Shirts

T-shirts with funny, snarky, or ridiculous sayings will never be in style, but that has never stopped anyone from throwing one on to display to the world. Sometimes, these shirts are worthy of a genuine laugh, but most of the time we're just laughing because they're just so stupid. 

We're not sure when this trend of wearing your thoughts on your chest got started, but everyone just seems to love letting people know how funny they are by sporting other people's funny thoughts. They may be obnoxious, but every once and a while, you find a really funny gem in a sea of stupid t-shirts. Funny is funny whether it's in a stand-up special or on a t-shirt. 

Today, we're taking a look at some of the most hilarious and utterly ridiculous things we've ever seen on t-shirts. These people obviously wanted to make a statement, and they definitely delivered! From the clever to the crass, there's a funny t-shirt saying out there for everyone in the world. These slogans and sayings will have you laughing whether you want to or not, and you won't believe what people actually walked out of the house wearing! Some should have taken a second look in the mirror. 

Let's get started! 

Finishing School

Finishing School

"I Never Finish Anyth"

It's such a fast-paced world that even our t-shirts don't have time to finish a thought! It's a pretty dumb joke, but this one made us laugh. 

Spelling is Hard

Spelling is Hard

"I <3 Collage"

Either this lady is a big fan of arts and crafts or her degree is completely worthless. And something tells me it's not the first option...

When You Wish Upon a Star

When You Wish Upon a Star

"I Wish These Were Brains"

She may wish they were brains, but we bet that most men would beg to differ! At least she wasn't wearing a hat that said "I Wish This Was a Boob". 

Stone-Cold Murderer

Stone-Cold Murderer

"Cereal Killer"

You're gonna want to keep an eye on this woman...probably for more reason than one! Let's hope she doesn't get cavities from all that cereal killing. 

Cancel This Download

Cancel This Download

"Fart Now Loading..."

Listen, everyone does it whether we want to admit it or not. However, the polite thing to do is pretend that farts don't exist and neither you nor anyone you know has ever let one rip. 

The Living Computer

The Living Computer

"My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open"

Technology isn't always a positive, but it's given us lots of fun new metaphors for how overwhelmed we are. Time to close those tabs and do a system reboot. 

Making Demands

Making Demands

"Drink Til You Want Me"

You don't have to tell us twice! Where's the nearest bar so we can get this done? 

Slip and Slide

Slip and Slide

"Slide to Unlock"

This shirt was probably hilarious ten years ago, but do smartphones even slide to unlock anymore? In another decade this shirt will basically be an ancient relic. 

A Genius In Our Midst

A Genius In Our Midst

"I'm Not Dumb, I'm Just Dumb"

Everyone loves a good self-deprecating joke, don't they? Unless they're too dumb to get it! 

A Close Shave

A Close Shave

"I Shaved My Balls For This"

Listen, personal hygiene is important, but if you're plastering the finer details of that process on a t-shirt you've officially gone too far! 

Does Not Compute

Does Not Compute

"I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am"

There's nothing like announcing to the world, "I'm an alcoholic," without ever uttering a word! True class. 

Wear It Proud

Wear It Proud

"Virginity Rocks"

While there's nothing wrong with being a virgin, I promise that most people don't want to hear about your love life...or lack thereof! 

A Vision Problem

A Vision Problem

"I Can See You, That's a Problem"

We've all had those days where we wanted to throw on a t-shirt like this. It's probably best to keep these feelings to yourself, but we get it. 

Not Really a People Person

Not Really a People Person

"It's a Beautiful Day to Leave Me Alone"

It may be a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but your neighbors are looking pretty crabby! 

When Someone Shows You Who They Are...

When Someone Shows You Who They Are...

"I Pee in Pools"

This is a dumb t-shirt, but it's still one you should take seriously. Avoid this man at water parks at all costs! 

Share Your Feelings

Share Your Feelings

"I Love to Share"

Sharing is caring we guess? Thanks for announcing it to the world...just don't overshare! 

Healthy Self Confidence

Healthy Self Confidence

"I'm Always Right"

Step aside, the customer, because there's a new always right person in town! Although something tells me her track record is probably less perfect than she wants to admit. 

A Foolproof Plan

A Foolproof Plan

"Think Less, Stupid More"

If only real life was this simple. Unfortunately, we've got more than enough stupid to go around already—no need for more!

Telling It Like It Is

Telling It Like It Is

"Your Opinion Matters, Just Not to Me"

Let's be honest, most of us feel this way more than we'd like to admit. Thankfully, most of us also have the sense to keep from telegraphing it to the world on a t-shirt. 

Dumb Shirt

Dumb Shirt

"Dumb Blonde"

It's probably not nice to write someone off as just a "dumb blonde." But that all changes when they're wearing a t-shirt that tells you as much! 

Youthful Ignorance

Youthful Ignorance

"When I was your age, I was dumb too"

Kids these days don't realize how good they have it...or how dumb they are. But in their defense, most of us were young and dumb at one point. Thankfully, most (but not all) grow out of it!

Teaching an Old Dog Drunk Tricks

Teaching an Old Dog Drunk Tricks

"Old and Tired but Down to Day Drink"

This is the shirt you wear when you've got nothing on the agenda for the day—or at least we hope so! Can you imagine a co-worker rolling into work wearing this? 

Thinking Highly of Yourself

Thinking Highly of Yourself


Here's an ironclad law of nature—anyone proclaiming themselves "fan-flippen-tastic" is almost certainly the exact opposite. Proceed with caution. 

Dad Humor Strikes Again

Dad Humor Strikes Again

"It's Not a Dad Bod, It's a Father Figure"

If you're going to be out of shape, it's best to do it with a sense of humor. Nothing goes better with a dad bod than a dad joke. 

Feline Friends

Feline Friends

"I'm Only Talking to My Cat Today"

Have you ever wondered if your cat actually wants to talk to you all day? Maybe they're just as grumpy as you are! 

Stealing Kisses

Stealing Kisses

"Kiss Me Before My Husband Comes Back"

Most people want to keep their affairs on the down-low, but not this lady! Apparently, her husband can't read either. 

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

"I'm gonna need another beer to wash down this beer"

There's nothing wrong having an adult beverage or two from time to time, but honestly, alcohol-related t-shirts are more of a red flag than blacking out! 

You Can't Tell Me What to Do

You Can't Tell Me What to Do

"Drink Til You Want Me"

I might consider drinking until I want you, but I'd probably die of alcohol poisoning before I reach that point! 

Looking Girly

Looking Girly

"Don't Laugh, It's Your Girlfriend's Shirt"

If that actually is your girlfriend's shirt, she clearly has terrible taste in clothing! It's never gonna work out. 

Scared Stupid

Scared Stupid

"Normal People Scare Me"

If normal people scare you, I'd hate to meet the weirdos that don't scare you!