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Joe Biden's Approval/Disapproval Rating By State


  • Approve: 25%
  • Disapprove: 69%
  • Neither: 6%

Alabama has a significantly low approval rating for Joe Biden. Only a quarter of the population gives him a thumbs up! This, compared to a high disapproval rate, showcases the state’s dissatisfaction with him. It looks like Biden has some work to do to win over Alabamians.

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  • Approve: 28%
  • Disapprove: 64%
  • Neither: 8%

In Kansas, it seems Biden’s popularity is pretty scarce. With only 28% giving him the nod of approval and 64% giving him the cold shoulder, it’s safe to say he won’t be planning his next vacation here.

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  • Approve: 43%
  • Disapprove: 51%
  • Neither: 6%

Wisconsin’s opinion of Joe Biden is divided. With a 51% disapproval rating, he’s not exactly the big cheese here. Democrats are more supportive at 87% approval, but even they show a 7% disapproval. Biden’s got his work cut out for him if he wants to make Wisconsin feel like home, sweet home.

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  • Approve: 38%
  • Disapprove: 54%
  • Neither: 8%

In Virginia, Joe Biden's reception is lukewarm. With 54% disapproving of his performance, he's got a bit of a battle in the Old Dominion. Among Democrats, support is stronger at 77%, but even here, 12% disapprove. 

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North Dakota

North Dakota
  • Approve: 21%
  • Disapprove: 72%
  • Neither: 7%

North Dakota's approval rating for Joe Biden is notably low, with less than a quarter of the population expressing support. The state's conservative ways are reflected in the high disapproval rate—this state won’t be backing him any time soon.

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  • Approve: 25%
  • Disapprove: 69%
  • Neither: 6%

Arkansas reflects a similar sentiment to Alabama. Joe Biden has a notably low approval rating, and the majority of residents express dissatisfaction with his presidency. The Arkansas numbers don't bode well for Biden. 

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  • Approve: 31%
  • Disapprove: 61%
  • Neither: 8%

Mississippi reflects a sentiment similar to that of neighboring states, with a low approval rating for Joe Biden. They aren’t exactly throwing him a parade. With 31% saying they approve and 61% giving him the thumbs down, it seems Biden might need to sweeten his tea a bit more for this crowd.

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  • Approve: 41%
  • Disapprove: 52%
  • Neither: 7%

Colorado's approval rating for Joe Biden hovers around 40%, with a slightly higher disapproval rate. The state's political landscape leans Democratic, yet there's a significant portion of the population expressing dissatisfaction with the president's performance.

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  • Approve: 23%
  • Disapprove: 73%
  • Neither: 4%

In Wyoming, Joe Biden's approval rating is lower than a snake in a prairie dog hole. With 73% disapproving, it’s clear they are not fond of him. Among Democrats, there’s a stronger show of support at 86%, but not everyone’s on board. 

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Approve: 44%
Disapprove: 47%
Neither: 9%

Connecticut's sentiment towards Joe Biden is relatively balanced, with disapproval slightly outweighing approval. Despite being a Democratic-leaning state, Biden's approval rating falls short of 50%, indicating room for improvement in winning over support from residents.

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  • Approve: 38%
  • Disapprove: 54%
  • Neither: 8%

You might not be able to tell by the numbers, but Delaware is Joe Biden's home state. Sentiment towards him is somewhat surprising, with a notable portion expressing disapproval. While there's still a significant level of approval, it's clear that even in his home state, Biden faces challenges in garnering unanimous support.

Christopher Boswell -


  • Approve: 35%
  • Disapprove: 58%
  • Neither: 7%

Florida's approval rating for Joe Biden remains below 40%, with a significant majority expressing disapproval. As a battleground state, Florida's sentiment towards the president reflects the broader political polarization nationwide.

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  • Approve: 35%
  • Disapprove: 57%
  • Neither: 8%

Georgia's sentiment towards Joe Biden mirrors that of other states in the region, with a notable disapproval rate. Despite recent political shifts in the state, Biden's approval rating remains relatively low.

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  • Approve: 37%
  • Disapprove: 57%
  • Neither: 6%

Michigan isn’t exactly chanting, "Go Biden, Go!". Most residents express dissatisfaction with his presidency, indicating challenges in winning over support in this traditionally Democratic state.

Brett Carlson/ Getty Images News/ Getty Images


  • Approve: 19%
  • Disapprove: 74%
  • Neither: 7%

Idaho's approval rating for Joe Biden is horribly low, with less than a fifth of the population expressing support. The state's conservative leaning is reflected in the overwhelmingly high disapproval rate—doesn’t look like they’ll be won over anytime soon.

(Image via Pixabay)


  • Approve: 34%
  • Disapprove: 60%
  • Neither: 6%

Arizona presents a mixed sentiment towards Joe Biden. While his approval rating falls short of 40%, there's a significant portion of Democrats who support him. The state's political landscape remains divided.

Alex Wong/ Getty Images News/ Getty Images

New Jersey

New Jersey
  • Approve: 42%
  • Disapprove: 50%
  • Neither: 8%

New Jersey seems to be giving Biden a mixed review. With 42% saying he’s doing alright and 50% expressing doubt, he’s a taste that Garden State hasn't quite acquired.

(Image via Unsplash)


  • Approve: 41%
  • Disapprove: 47%
  • Neither: 12%

Vermont's feelings towards Joe Biden are pretty mixed. With 38% approval and 54% disapproval, he's in a bit of a sticky situation. The state isn’t impressed with his efforts. Maybe he’ll find a way to sweeten their opinion.

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  • Approve: 27%
  • Disapprove: 65%
  • Neither: 8%

Indiana reflects a sentiment similar to that of neighboring states, with an extremely low approval rating for Joe Biden. The majority of residents express dissatisfaction with his presidency. Winning over support in this traditionally conservative state will not be easy.

(Image via Unsplash)


  • Approve: 35%
  • Disapprove: 58%
  • Neither: 7%

Pennsylvania isn’t exactly singing Biden’s praises in the streets of Philly. With a notable disapproval rate, Pennsylvanians will need a lot of convincing to consider backing Biden.

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  • Approve: 38%
  • Disapprove: 53%
  • Neither: 9%

Iowa seems lukewarm toward Joe Biden, like a cup of coffee left out too long. With only 38% approving and 53% shaking their heads, it’s not the most promising in a presidency. Maybe they’re still undecided, sipping before committing to a verdict.

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  • Approve: 22%
  • Disapprove: 71%
  • Neither: 7%

Kentucky isn’t exactly rolling out the red carpet for Biden. With a mere 22% saying they approve and a staggering 71% giving him the thumbs down, it’s clear that Biden is no belle of the ball in the Bluegrass State.

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New Mexico

New Mexico
  • Approve: 44%
  • Disapprove: 49%
  • Neither: 7%


New Mexico presents a balanced sentiment towards Joe Biden. With 44% giving him the thumbs up and 49% shaking their heads, it’s a spicy mix of opinions in the Land of Enchantment.

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  • Approve: 31%
  • Disapprove: 61%
  • Neither: 8%

Louisiana isn’t tossing Mardi Gras beads at Biden. With 31% giving him a nod and 61% disapproving, it seems he has his work cut out for him in terms of winning over Louisianians.

(Image via Unsplash)


  • Approve: 40%
  • Disapprove: 50%
  • Neither: 10%

In Maine, Biden’s approval rating is as unpredictable as the weather. A whole 10% of the population doesn’t have an opinion when it comes to him. And with 40% approval and 50% shaking their heads, he’s not really Maine’s cup of tea.

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West Virginia

West Virginia
  • Approve: 19%
  • Disapprove: 76%
  • Neither: 5%

West Virginia’s view of Joe Biden is pretty clear. With a disapproval rating of 76%, it's safe to say he's not winning any popularity contests here. Even among Democrats, there's significant dissatisfaction. Biden might want to consider a different strategy—or a different state altogether in terms of support. -


  • Approve: 40%
  • Disapprove: 52%
  • Neither: 8%

Oregon's sentiment toward Joe Biden is relatively balanced, with disapproval outweighing approval. Despite being a Democratic-leaning state, over half the population disapproves of him. That's not a good look for the old man.

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  • Approve: 42%
  • Disapprove: 49%
  • Neither: 9%

Illinois presents a relatively balanced sentiment towards Joe Biden, with disapproval slightly outweighing approval. Despite being a Democratic stronghold, Biden's approval rating falls short of 50%, which isn't too reassuring.

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  • Approve: 33%
  • Disapprove: 60%
  • Neither: 7%

Ohio's sentiment toward Joe Biden is similar to that of nearby states. It has a sizable disapproval rating. Biden's approval rating remains low, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll improve in the near future.

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  • Approve: 42%
  • Disapprove: 49%
  • Neither: 9%

Minnesota seems to be giving Biden the midwestern nod of approval. With 42% giving him a thumbs up and 49% expressing doubt, it’s a delicate balance in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

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  • Approve: 25%
  • Disapprove: 68%
  • Neither: 7%

Joe Biden is not too popular in Tennessee. 68% of Tennesseans disapprove of his performance, which might explain why he's not exactly a favorite topic at dinner. Even among the state's Democrats, there's a 12% disapproval rate, making Biden's appeal here extremely elusive.

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  • Approve: 29%
  • Disapprove: 63%
  • Neither: 8%

Missouri isn’t rolling out the red carpet for Biden. With only 29% approving and 63% giving him the cold shoulder, it seems he might need a map to find the Show-Me State’s heart.

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  • Approve: 28%
  • Disapprove: 65%
  • Neither: 7%

Nebraska's sentiment towards Joe Biden mirrors that of other states in the region, with a notable disapproval rate. Despite recent political shifts in the state, Biden's approval rating remains relatively low.

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New Hampshire

New Hampshire
  • Approve: 41%
  • Disapprove: 51%
  • Neither: 8%

New Hampshire presents a relatively balanced sentiment towards Joe Biden. Despite being a swing state, Biden's approval rating falls short of 50%, showing he’s still weathering the political storm.

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  • Approve: 48%
  • Disapprove: 43%
  • Neither: 9%

Despite being a Democratic stronghold, only 48% gave him a thumbs up, and 43% said no to Biden. It seems he’s got a relatively solid base but still has some convincing to do.

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New York

New York
  • Approve: 45%
  • Disapprove: 48%
  • Neither: 7%

New York's sentiment toward Joe Biden is balanced, with disapproval slightly beating out approval. Biden's approval rating falls short of 50%, showing room for improvement in winning over support in this traditionally Democratic state.

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South Dakota

South Dakota
  • Approve: 34%
  • Disapprove: 60%
  • Neither: 6%

South Dakota's opinion on Joe Biden is chilly. With 60% of the state's residents disapproving, it's clear he's not their first choice. Even Democrats here seem to be whispering their support, with 34% approving but a noticeable 6% of the population showing indifference. -

North Carolina

North Carolina
  • Approve: 38%
  • Disapprove: 56%
  • Neither: 6%

North Carolina's sentiment towards Joe Biden mirrors that of other states in the region. Despite recent political changes in the state, Biden's approval rating remains pretty low. It seems he might need some southern charm to win hearts in the Tar Heel State.

Bloomberg/ Bloomberg/ Getty Images


  • Approve: 29%
  • Disapprove: 64%
  • Neither: 7%

In Montana, Biden’s approval rating is about as rare as a Yeti sighting. With 29% approving and 64% giving him the side-eye, he needs a bit more Big Sky charm to win this crowd over.

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  • Approve: 20%
  • Disapprove: 74%
  • Neither: 6%

Oklahoma's approval rating for Joe Biden is incredibly low, with less than a quarter of the population expressing support. The state's conservative flair shows in the staggeringly high disapproval rate—the state isn’t too fond of him.

(Image via Pexels)

Rhode Island

Rhode Island
  • Approve: 41%
  • Disapprove: 51%
  • Neither: 8%

Rhode Island's sentiment toward Joe Biden is relatively balanced, with disapproval slightly outweighing approval. It’s a small state with some big opinions.

Bloomberg/ Bloomberg/ Getty Images

South Carolina

South Carolina
  • Approve: 29%
  • Disapprove: 63%
  • Neither: 8%

South Carolina reflects a sentiment similar to that of nearby states, with an extremely low approval rating for Joe Biden. The majority of residents express dissatisfaction with his presidency. He might need more than just southern charm to win over Palmetto hearts.

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  • Approve: 30%
  • Disapprove: 63%
  • Neither: 7%

The Lone Star State's sentiment towards Joe Biden is anything but warm, with 63% disapproving of his job performance. Texans seem to prefer their politics like their BBQ—strong and traditional. Among Texas Democrats, there's a bit more support with 73% approval, but even then, 17% disapprove. 

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  • Approve: 33%
  • Disapprove: 61%
  • Neither: 6%

Nevada presents a relatively balanced sentiment towards Joe Biden, with disapproval slightly outweighing approval. Despite being a swing state, Biden's approval rating remains below 40%. With 33% saying he’s doing alright and 61% expressing doubt, it’s a risky bet in the Silver State.

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  • Approve: 48%
  • Disapprove: 43%
  • Neither: 9%

Maryland seems to be giving Biden a cautious nod of approval, like a hesitant diner at a new restaurant. With 48% saying he’s doing alright and 43% expressing doubt, it’s a mixed bag in the Old Line State.



  • Approve: 28%
  • Disapprove: 65%
  • Neither: 7%

In Utah, Joe Biden's approval rating is about as popular as a flat soda at a state fair. With 65% disapproving, he's got a steep mountain to climb if he wants to win over this Beehive State. Biden’s road to acceptance here is as rocky as the terrain.

(Image via Pexels)


  • Approve: 47%
  • Disapprove: 45%
  • Neither: 8%

Despite being a Democratic stronghold, California's approval rating for Joe Biden remains below 50%. While the margin between approval and disapproval is narrow, it's notable that the president doesn't enjoy overwhelming support even in states where Democrats typically dominate.

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  • Approve: 43%
  • Disapprove: 48%
  • Neither: 9%

In Washington state, Joe Biden's approval rating is as cloudy as a Seattle afternoon. With 48% disapproving, it's clear he's not everyone's cup of coffee. Democrats show more enthusiasm with 80% approval, but there's still a 10% disapproval rate.

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  • Approve: 53%
  • Disapprove: 38%
  • Neither: 9%

Hawaii stands out as one of the states with the highest approval ratings for Joe Biden, with over half of the population expressing support. Despite being a traditionally Democratic state, Biden's approval rating exceeds expectations, indicating strong backing from residents.

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  • Approve: 36%
  • Disapprove: 59%
  • Neither: 5%

Alaska's approval rating for Joe Biden falls below 40%, with a majority of residents expressing disapproval. Even though some Democrats still have his back, it's not enough to tip the scales. He's not exactly hitting it out of the park here.

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