BFFs 5-Ever

It goes without saying that R2D2 and C3PO are best friends and will always be best friends. These two in the picture? Also clearly best friends. It looks like they also follow the same fitness regimen. Obviously, these two turned heads at Comic Con, and we can't help but wonder if they were a little cold.
Hopefully, this convention went on in San Diego or somewhere warm. Otherwise, that skin-tight suit would need quite a bit of padding. All of that aside, we commend them for their bravery in wearing something like that in public (especially at a Comic Con). They probably got all the attention they wanted.
Leia's R2

If you guessed that these two girls were related, you'd be right! They're twin sisters. They showed off their R2D2 and Princess Leia costumes during the 45th annual Comic Con in San Diego. The event sold out immediately with over 150,000 guests attending. That's certainly a lot of people.
These two definitely look good, and the sister that's dressed as R2 is showing off that Disney now owns the franchise with her Mickey Mouse ears. That's certainly a choice considering some fans aren't too happy with the acquisition. Guess you could say that it is what it is. They weren't afraid to strut their stuff.

Looking at her, it's obvious there aren't enough evil Sith women leaders. This is a woman we'd like to see take down the universe, am I right? She looks like she would destroy your life with a smile on her face. Ahm...anyway, what's in her hand? Is this new Sith tech?!
This costume looks like it was hard to make and super high quality. Heck, even the saber looks really nice! She better be careful or Disney will scoop her up and make her the topic of the next Star Wars movie. As you can see, we support that decision completely.
The Stormtroopers Got Her!

It took years and years (and a lot of aiming practice), but the Stormtroopers finally managed it! They caught Rey! Wait a moment... Rey has the blaster. That means she caught them! Now that we think about it — that's probably a lot more realistic. Rey already caught the looks of one (traitor) Stormtrooper, after all.
All that aside, Daisy Ridley looks amazing here, and her grin shows how fantastic these Stormtroopers truly look. If no one said anything, we'd guess that they were plants at the convention for some sort of show. This happened at the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con. These Stormtroopers were called backstage during the Lucasfilms panel.
Lady Darth Maul

Like many Star Wars fans, Darth Maul has always been one of our favorite characters. I know, it's a major shocker. Seeing a cosplay like this certainly caught our eye. We're guessing it turned a lot of heads, too. She's missing the horns, but other than that? Stellar job pulling this off.
It can be hard turning a male character into a female (or a female into a male), but this girl pulled it off amazingly. We especially love the white hair. Since Darth Maul doesn't have any hair, how did she come up with the idea of wearing a white wig?
Maitland Ward is Queen

Maitland Ward was one of the stars of Boy Meets World, but this ex-Disney star had her mind set on other things as she got older. She tried acting in other shows and movies, but adult films are what really got her attention. She moved on to star in several of these types of these... films.
That explains why she didn't have any issues dressing up like this for a Comic Con. She certainly turned a lot of heads. It also feels right that an ex-Disney star is now dressing up as one of Disney's newest assets, doesn't it? She looks a lot different than her Boy Meets World days...
Strut Your Stuff

One of the most attractive things a woman can do is have confidence. Does anyone else agree? This woman has that in spades. Here, she's posing and strutting her stuff for the camera. The actual Leia may not do that kind of thing, but we're not all defending the world against the Empire, okay?
Maybe the actual Leia could have taken a moment to relax from time to time. Running the Rebel Forces couldn't be an easy job. This picture was taken at the New York City Comic Con from 2018. While it isn't as big as the San Diego one, the New York Comic Con is still an amazing place to be.
Oh No! Leia is Captured!

Star Wars is easily one of the most popular nerdy film franchises in history. Because of that, "slave" Leia is one of the most popular cosplays for both men and women. Yeah, we said men, too. Pretty funny if you ask us. Heck, there have even been conventions specifically designed for just Star Wars conventions, and people go all out for those costumes.
Maitland Ward is one of those cosplayers! She goes to show that even nerds are just as worthy of attention as the jocks. This picture says a million words. Our guess is that she just happened upon these Stormtroopers since lots of groups go to these cons dressed as Troopers.
The Gangs All Here

Okay, it's not the full gang, but enough of them. If these two ladies look familiar, then you must know your cosplayers! The blonde one is Kristen Hughey. While her favorite characters are Jade and Harley Quinn, she's been known to step out of her comfort zone and go with other characters that are lesser-known. Obviously, Leia isn't one of those lesser-known characters.
The other beautiful woman is Megan Golden! She cosplays a ton of different things and shows up to every convention she can get tickets to. Above all, she also loves meeting up with others in the business and taking photos with fans. Not to leave the others out — Chewie and the Stormtrooper also look pretty good in the photo.
Special Guest Leia

This isn't just any old Leia. This is none other than Elouise Please when she attended the 2016 Comic Con in the United Kingdom. We're sure with a booth like that, she garnered a lot of double takes — probably triple and quadruple takes with this pose. There seems to be a lot of adult film stars that come to these things.
Gotta say that she certainly exudes confidence that the real Princess Leia has. The only difference is that Elouise Please has a lot more tattoos than Organa would ever have. We can't help but wonder how much attention she got at this particular Comic Con...
The Royal Treatment

Well...who else would get their legs shaved other than Princess Leia? Gotta admit that the shaving thing is a slittle trange — don't get us wrong. That might be why this cosplayer, in particular, turned some heads. Maybe it makes a bit more sense that this is a Schick station.
Apparently, when Schick set up to advertise their Hydro razor, they were truly open to shaving anyone. With her legs showing all the time, it only makes sense that she would get a little shave in between panels, right? At least she looks good while getting it done.
Darth Maul Revisioned

No doubt that Darth Maul is one of the most interesting characters in the whole series. There's a reason the man hasn't been in a film since 1999 (when he easily took down Qui Gon), but the guy who played him still shows up at cons. He's insanely popular.
We'd argue that he's just as popular as Boba Fett (and they had about the same screen time in the movies). It's time we get a Darth Maul series — we're saying that here and now. We need a backstory on this infamous character, and how he easily took down Qui Gon like a sack of potatoes.
The Whole Cast

We love ourselves a good full cast, and this one has all the characters accounted for. We have two different Slave Leia's, a slave Ariel, Rey, Leia in her classic outfit, C3P0, and so many more. Our favorite is Palpatine who is looking as wrinkly as ever. Hopefully, sunscreen is readily available.
One thing we love most about the Star Wars fanbase is how creative they are with their outfits. They're not afraid to take two movies and combine them. Pretty much every Disney Princess under the sun can be turned into Slave Leia! The only limit is your imagination.
Back At It Again!

Maitland Ward's back at it again! This time she's doing something different... Oh, wait, no — she's just "slave" Leia again, but posing with some other characters. We can't help but notice that the other guys posing with her are much less... revealing than Maitland's costume... It's pretty obvious why she attracts all of the male cosplayers to her booth.
Then again, if that's what we looked like, we'd be doing it too. She's definitely got a body that's envious. Comic-con and Star Wars convention people love to take pictures with her and meet the woman that was on Boy Meets World and turned to other ventures that are more... adult?
Furless Chewbacca

All these years we thought Chewbacca was a boy underneath all that fur! All jokes aside, this cosplayer certainly turned heads since it's unexpected to see someone dressed so scantily at Comic Con. Actually, it isn't, but usually, they're paid models rather than guests.
This one happened at the Long Beach Comic Con, so it makes sense she's in a bikini. One, it's probably close to 80 or 90 degrees during that time, and two, why are you going to be in Long Beach and not have your bathing suit ready? She's clearly ready to take on any battle on land or in the sea.
America's Next Top Leia

Who knew we'd see none other than Adrianne Curry at one of these events? She's an American fashion model, actress, and TV personality, but most people recognize her for being the winner of the first cycle of America's Next Top Model in 2003. Have you seen that show? That's certainly not an easy feat.
Tyra puts those girls through something else. After that, cosplaying as Leia is a walk in the park. If anyone could pull off a fantastic Leia cosplay, it would be a model. We had no idea she was into cosplaying, and we wish we could see more of this side of her. Nothing is better than a girl with a geeky side.
Turning Heads

We've seen a lot of Princess Leias already, and we're sure you're sick of it... but what the heck? Who gets sick of this? And we had to include this one, too. Why? Because she's literally turning heads in the photo. Talk about getting photographic evidence. We can't really blame anyone for looking at her. She's got abs for days! While you can't see in the photo, she's also wearing comfortable shoes.
We all know that sitting down at Comic Cons is nearly impossible since there can be tens of thousands of attendees at once. And this one? This was at the International Preview Night in San Diego, so yeah — there were a lot of people. Saying that is a bit of an understatement, honestly.
Nothing But Dedication

This version of "Slave" Leia is pretty dedicated because she included the chain —but hold on. Those Wookies look super tall, don't they? Assuming she's 5'5" those Chewies have to be at least six feet tall or even taller! All we can say is that is some serious dedication.
It can't be easy clomping around San Diego wearing something like that and then being super tall. With two bodyguards like that, you'd have a hard time catching her again. Jabba would love to try, but even he doesn't have the manpower (unless he has more wookies).
Two Leia's for the Price of One

We love a good group picture, and this one has everything in spades. It looks like we have two Stormtroopers and two Slave Leias. There is only one Obi, so we're not sure what he's going to do to protect these lovely ladies. It's going to be a tough one.
We'd say we'd hope he's bulletproof, but that's not a concern with Stormtroopers. Has anyone heard the rumor that Stormtroopers miss on purpose? That there was a gene put in there to prevent them from properly aiming and hitting their target? It would explain why they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn...
Darth Vader's Signature Move

Look out, camera guy. This Darth Vader is clearly about to use the force in an unsavory way. Actually, for a Sith Lord, it's pretty common and almost a requirement. Under that costume is Abby Brechner! We're surprised since it seems like she is mostly the photographer for many shoots.
That just goes to show you never know who is a die-hard fan of Star Wars. It's easily one of the best franchises ever made, though, so anyone who isn't a fan is just flat-out wrong. Sorry, not sorry. Keep doing your thing, Abby! We certainly love what you do and can't wait to see more.
Phoebe Price Checking In!

Actress Phoebe Price may not be in the spotlight as much as she once was, but she's certainly a huge fan of conventions. She goes to them whenever she can, including this one that was held at the Haunted Hotel in San Diego, California. This was actually at the Heavy Metal Magazine's 35th Anniversary Party!
Considering this isn't exactly an "everyone can go" event, we wonder who is beneath that Stormtrooper outfit. In true Stormtrooper fashion, he's already lost his weapon, so the person is spot on there. Unfortunately, Pheobe Price stole the spotlight for this photo and probably many other photos that night.
Leia Captured Again?!

Oh, man! This time there are two Darth Mauls that captured Leia! There's nothing she can do here. It's pretty much time to give up. These two Darth Mauls don't look like anything to mess with either. The good news is that her chain looks pretty delicate.
All jokes aside, that chain does look nicer than the full-on bulky chain most Leia's have. It's also probably easier to carry around all day around her neck. After all, most people don't pop into a comic con or Star Wars convention for a few hours and then bail. It's an all-day event!

We've seen a lot of BB8 cosplays in our time, but this one is pretty creative! If BB8 was a person, this is exactly what they would look like...except the thumb would probably be the little lighter it has. That's how it currently gives you a thumbs up, anyway.
We have a lot of questions about this outfit, though. How is that top staying up? It doesn't have straps, and it looks a little loose. Also, we wonder if she can see behind that eye patch. Either way, great job on the cosplay!
Princess Slave Jasmine

We truly never thought about combining Star Wars and Aladdin, but now that they're owned by the same company, why not? Honestly, this looks pretty amazing. Slave Jasmine Organa would be a pretty crazy character to see develop throughout the film — you can't say we're wrong.
Plus, the little Chewy plushy as Abu?! Golden. All we know is that Aladdin wouldn't be treated like a street rat with a blaster in his hand, that's for sure. Would the carpet be a ship like the Rizzencrest or the Millenium Falcon? That would be pretty amazing.
Mandalorian Warriors

Looking at these two, they most certainly know the way. You'd be hard-pressed to remove their helmets or to see them ever remove them voluntarily. The one on the right looks particularly hardcore. We love that she took the slanted method. There aren't enough Mandalorian helmets like that.
Maybe with the success of the Mandalorian series, we'll see more Mandalorian lore. It would be great to see the story behind Bo-Katan. The armor from these two cosplayers could be used as a jumping-off point for some design choices. Hire them immediately!
Colorful Wookies

We've seen a lot of colorful Wookie costumes in our time, but this one is certainly the most colorful. If they went with a green Wookie instead of a purple one, you could say that they were going as the Powerpuff Girl Wookies. We're not sure what they're going for, but it looks fun!
What we really want to know is if it's hot under there. Being covered in fur (even if it is faux) in the middle of San Diego is pretty hot, right? Hope they spent most of their time inside. Or maybe they're just not wearing pants. Who knows?
Violet and Leia

Are these two girls sisters? They look so similar. We aren't sure, but they certainly are at least friends, and they look so good in their cosplays! Violet especially looks just like the character if she were a little more grown-up (or maybe even a different Incredibles member altogether).
Leia is (of course) also pretty great, but we wanted to call out one detail in particular: the headpiece. Hardly anyone includes the headpiece in their Leia cosplays! We're not sure why, but kudos to this girl for getting it spot on. We're guessing that isn't the only reason she turned heads at this Comic Con.
Cute Lil' Ewok

You can't say that Ewoks arent the cutest Star Wars species in the entire franchise. If you say otherwise, you're just plain wrong, and it's time to go sit in the corner and think about why you're wrong. This cute little Ewok proves that they're adorable no matter what.
Those little teddy bear ears, the little cute nose, and the dagger spear... the whole thing is absolutely a chef's kiss. If Ewoks were little human warriors, you can bet that this is precisely what they would look like. Kudos for your creativity, lady!
Aeon Flux Vader

Maitland Ward in this one looks a little…rough, but she still somehow looks amazing. Ugh. It’s almost insulting how she’s always so pretty. Her wig just looks like it’s seen better days. Standing next to Darth Vader, it’s almost like Aeon Flux would make a good partner for the Dark Lord.
Then again, we’re gonna argue that Aeon Flux is a stronger than Anakin would ever be. Sure, he’s got the force, but he’s a little too whiney. Just throw some sand in his face, and he’s down for the count. Aeon? The woman took down a robot that tried to enter her through her belly button. Get outta here.
Give Us More Twi'leks

There aren't enough people that dress as this species! It's surely tough to walk around with something like that on their head, but they’re definitely amazing. For those that don’t know, they’re called “Twi’leks” although they’re sometimes called Rylothians. Derogatorily, they’re called “tail heads,” but we can see where that comes from.
The sad part is that they’re usually slaves. In the films, don’t see a lot of the Twi’leks, but in Clone Wars? We see them quite a bit. Ryloth was occupied, and they had to decide whether or not they would stand by and let it happen or if they would stand up and fight back. This lady would clearly fight back.