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Things People Had the Audacity to Write on Restaurant Receipts

The lion, the witch, and the bold audacity of the following invoices are intended to shock and awe, but it is also meant to serve as a brilliant lesson on how to act as a human being in a civilized society. Experience has taught us that those in the service industry are, in fact, essential to our everyday lives. Unfortunately, though we know this, there are many out there that treat our kind and ever gracious servers with blatant disrespect. Many (if not most) servers work on tipped wages. Some of these hospitable souls work for as little as 2.20 an hour. Yes, you read that correctly. Your tip matters. 

When we fail to lift those that are so obviously essential, we hurt our society - and in effect, ourselves. If you want to live in a world where we all prosper, you must treat others with respect, decency, and above all charity. For if we have not charity, we have nothing. This list includes what not to write on a waitress receipt, and a few cool receipt messages for those to see that though some of us leave negative messages for our servers, they respond with grace. To all those that have served us - thank you. 

The Economist

The Economist

This fine specimen of a human being decided that, although they received what they came for, they shouldn't have to pay full price. Surely, they must deserve something for free because the service wasn't up to their standards. Thus, having a human being do it for a debt only makes sense to this economic wizard. Basically, it's common sense. So he decided to write: "Service was so bad I took $2.84 off my bill."

If you receive a service in the United States, it is common practice to tip. This is not because you think they deserve it, but because they are working for you - which makes society better, and though it might sound wild, people deserve a livable wage. The standard tip is 15%. In this particular case, the tip would be less than two dollars. Honestly though, we didn't really think they would do the math before deducting the "tip". No, such a creature would go with the easiest route. Rather than leave a five and a ten, they simply left a tenner and walked off with a shabby excuse. Hey, but at least they said thanks!

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The Holy

The Holy

Occasionally in fancier or more aware restaurants and hotels, management will take it upon themselves to let guests know what the expected tip is. (Most upper-class businesses will simply add the tip to the bill.) These servers have worked to be in a well-off establishment, some of them with degrees, certifications, and extensive training. Thus, a higher tip is expected when receiving service at these locations. 

It goes without saying that if one is using these facilities and it requests a tip on the bill, though it is not required, the least - absolute minimum you could do, is not be a jerk about it. There is much to be said about this holy patron writing "I give God 10% Why do you get 18", but I am sure our readers are educated enough to find the irony in the lack of love and how much God gets.

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The Artist

The Artist

Here we see a server that went a dose above and beyond. While it is often charming to find art in your food and drink, sometimes it can be a bit much. It's a shot in the dark if someone wants you to draw them. Oftentimes, that answer is no. There is so much that is happening in these images. 

One might wonder why the server had the invoice printed for so long. It's interesting to consider how long the server must have observed these customers before drawing them on their receipts. Clearly, to this server, those goofy mouths were a necessity that brought the image together. This is a cool receipt message, but the audacity of assuming the patron wanted them in the first place!

The Einstein

The Einstein

There are some brilliant beings that exist on this planet that consider themselves quite clever. This is particularly true when it comes to wordplay. You see this Einstein decided for a brief moment they would not understand what the word tip meant. It was much simpler to write something that is common knowledge, such as "Use an umbrella when it rains". 

Please, for the love of cheese - do not do this. You are not funny. We would rather you leave no tip at all than make us read your nonsense. You are wasting your time writing it. Then your server is wasting their time reading it, thinking about it, and explaining it to others. It is not kind. It is not amusing. We are not entertained.  

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The Empath

The Empath

An invoice is sometimes merely an invoice. Sometimes it conveys a humorous message. Simply making a quick joke, a kind note, or a silly drawing, like the Pacman signature above, might brighten someone's day. If you are going to write something on a receipt - this is the preferred method to use.  

Pay in cash (Money today is worth more than money tomorrow) and write that on the receipt. Then, leave a note. One smile on a server can spread like wildfire. It doesn't have to be deep or witty. It can be a simple doodle or "hello there". Taking a moment to show you thought about your server with care can mean quite a lot. 

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The Creep

The Creep

There are some who think that large sums of money make it okay to be deviant from acceptable behavior. While surely many would gladly take the cash and allow this to occur, it doesn't make this behavior any less gross. It's a little wild this needs to be said, but no - it is not okay to sexually harass your server, even if it's "only" on the receipt. 

This human decided to write "Beautiful nipples, princess. Call me. The Master @ Gentleman Luxury" on their invoice after tipping $1,000 to their server. If that first sentence had only not been there, perhaps it wouldn't be as creepy. Alas, this customer went with "It's okay to be creepy if I have money." Too bad, so sad.  

(Image via Reddit)

The Snitch

The Snitch

Your server is not the only one that reads your receipt. Sometimes that receipt sees many hands, many desks, and many in management. Leaving a horrible review of your server can cost them their job. This patron wrote, "I'm not pregnant, but thanks for the eating for two comment" on their invoice.  

This could have been handled calmly with the server. Perhaps you might have even been offered a discount on your meal. Humans make mistakes. Life happens. Taking your anger out on their livelihood over a comment made in ignorance is, in itself, ignorant. If your server has slighted you - let them know. They want to do right by you. 

(Image via Reddit)

The Xenophobe

The Xenophobe

It's no secret that service jobs are easier to get than most when immigrating to a new country. That said, if someone is working in the service industry and does not have a legal right to be in that nation - they are being paid under the table. This is so the employer does not have to pay taxes on them and they get cheap labor. 

These wages are usually well below minimum wage, sometimes less than a dollar an hour. Look, they are doing the best they can with what they have, alright. We don't all get to grow up in suburbia and ride bikes. We're all trying to live our best lives. The least one can do is not to pretend to have undocumented immigrant radar, with your "We only tip citizens" nonsense.

(Image via Reddit)

The Advertiser

The Advertiser

Believe it or not, people occasionally utilize bills to disseminate their political and religious convictions. Here you can see a "friendly local atheist" writes on their receipt "We give god 0%, so you get 30%." Well, bless their heart, this is a great tip. When they wrote that, they were fully aware of what they were doing and still they did it.

They could have simply tipped and walked away. Nope, they needed you to know that they are good not because of any higher power, or belief, but because there is a lack of it. Look, we're all just trying to get through the day. You don't need to "enlighten" your servers. 

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The Big Scam

The Big Scam

Some readers might recall the terrible 1 percent tip that a banker gave a waitress, along with the advice to "get a real job." It was sensational and viral. Fortunately, it was all a hoax. The accurate receipt was located, with a very generous tip. One innocent internet user falls victim to online nonsense every 30 seconds.

However, the fact that so many people were willing to believe it speaks volumes. It did seem so plausible. Unbelievably, many US customers leave no tips, with some even going so far as to argue that servers don't deserve them. The very existence of tipping wages indicates that society and those in positions of power do not respect workers in the service sector as highly as those in other sectors. Our essential workers deserve a living wage.

(Image via Reddit)

The Entitled

The Entitled

The absolute worst customers came into a restaurant, ordered food, ate it, and before they left wrote out "We waited 30 minutes no service" in ketchup and mustard on the table they were seated at. "In order to tell the waitress that there was indeed a reason she wasn’t getting a tip." 

Servers work on their feet all day long, catering to the whims of patrons. They have no control over how quickly food is made. They forced this poor soul to clean up their childish mess and to add insult to injury they left an abusive note where a tip would go, stating " Boo. You Fail." This should go without saying, but don't abuse people that handle your food. 

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The Dishonorable

The Dishonorable

I'm proud to be an American, but this guy really takes the cake on things that make me second guess the vets. He gets a forty-dollar check (that's about a five-dollar tip) and he writes “My tip is the freedoms I provided you while serving my country. You’re welcome for my service.”  

On one hand, it's funny as heck that they turned the table on the "Thank you for your service," but honestly this is horrible. If you don't want to tip, or can't afford to tip - pay, and walk away. Don't leave excuses. If you're a vet, or really anyone in uniform, don't do this. Remember to always stay humble, and kind. - Signed, a vet 

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The Caring

The Caring

Typically, the inscriptions on meal receipts express gratitude for the customers' orders or invite them back. Though there are those remarkable few that see the ability to make people laugh in that tiny piece of paper. Many people might not notice something so small in their day to days, but the smile something like this can bring can completely alter someone's outlook.

This receipt reads "Beware of the Ninjas in the parking lot." It's a small gesture that shows care for the patron, while also bringing surprise and delight. Certainly, most would get a chuckle out of this, and many even more inclined to remember that location. You servers care. That's why they show up. 

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The Joyful

The Joyful

This order was taken and printed by a woman. Steve Carell playing Michael Scott in The Office, was afflicted with saying this after every possible eyebrow-raising innuendo. Servers will often go out of their way to create joy for others. Though it might not seem like much, servers see these small acts as worthwhile because they see so many faces throughout their day with so many possibilities.  

Even while they may not be building homes or websites, they may still build a happy circumstances. They are in fact, quite good at it. A server is more likely to be able to spread happiness if they are given a joyful environment. A few simple words have the power to work miracles. Perhaps that's worth remembering when we go about our days.

(Image via Reddit)

The Weird

The Weird

We are blessed to have this receipt, which reads, "Oh and by the way... I'd fit perfectly on your face" thanks to the miracle of the Internet. This little note was left at TGI Friday's for a male server. It is important to stress that sexually harassing your server is unacceptable, even if it is "only" on the receipt.

Your servers put up with a lot, all day, every day. The last thing they need to worry about is assault. There is legit no reason for you to leave a document of your harassment unless you want to be charged for some bizarre reason. I encourage you, dear reader, to treat your servers like they are human beings with full lives. 

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