Matt Roloff's DUI Scandals

Matt Roloff might seem like an all-around family man when the cameras are rolling, but behind the scenes, it's clear that he struggles with his own demons just like everyone else. Unfortunately, his struggles have even gotten him into legal trouble before--some of which was documented on the show.
In 2003, Roloff was charged with driving under the influence. He agreed to enter a rehabilitiation program in order to have the charges dropped. Once again in 2007, Roloff was pulled over again on the suspicion that he had been drinking. However, these charges were later dropped because the prosecution was unable to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Jacob Roloff's Drug-Relatd Posts

Over the years, there's been more than a few Roloffs who have found themselves in hot water over social media posts. However, it seems like son Jacob Roloff is the one in the family who has the most TMI trouble with social media. His online faux pas includes some downright illegal behavior.
When he was a teenager, it seems like Roloff made no attempt to hide his drug use from the world, posting tweets pertaining directly to smoking weed. One of the most blatant ones actually involved the reality star looking for drugs--"Who doesn't suck at selling weed? Hmu."
Jacob Roloff Drops Out of High School

Jacob Roloff's life has been a series of ups and downs, all documented on air for the world to see. While fans sometimes rooted for him when he was down, other times they turned on the star and made their displeasure known. This is best illustrated by the fan response to his news that he had dropped out of high school.
Viewers didn't like that Roloff had called it quits on his studies and implied he was stupid, but he was having none of it. He responded to the controversy with a tweet saying, "If you can tell my intellectual level with me not having finished formal high school, why do I still need it? Just to say so?"
A Visitor Sues the Family

The Roloff family has seen its fair share of legal trouble, and over the years, they've appeared in court as both plaintiffs and defendants. One of the most harrowing lawsuits the family went through had to do with an injury sustained by a visitor to their farm.
Visitor Linda Farrall alleged that she sustained serious injuries when she fell from a pavilion on the Roloffs' farm. She sued for negligence, but the two parties eventually settled out of court. However, the family and the farm's reputation definitely took a hit from the drama, even if they didn't face legal consequences.
Amy Roloff Sues a Building Inspector

It seems like the Roloffs just can't keep the drama at bay, and sometimes, that drama turned into some seriously scary situations. One of the most notable instances involved mom Amy Roloff and a building inspector that she clashed with.
Roloff took the inspector to court after she claimed that she was attacked by him while he was on their property. She says she was unaware of what he was doing on the farm and became agressive when confronted. The family sued for $160,000, but a judge eventually dismissed the case.
Amy and Matt's Divorce

When Little People, Big World began, it seemed like Matt and Amy Roloff had a picture-perfect marriage and family. However, fans were devastated to eventually learn that wasn't the case. In 2014, the couple announced that they were getting divorced.
Despite being together for almost 30 years, the two just couldn't make things work. Clearly no one was happy with the situation, but fans speculated that it might have been Matt who made the call to split up because Amy was quoted as saying, "It’s always sad to know that someone really doesn’t want you in their life anymore."
Jacob Roloff's Accusations Against TLC

Most people might agree that you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds, but that's not how Jacob Roloff does things. He's never been a stranger to controversy, and he's never been one to bite his tongue--and that includes some serious accusations against the show's network, TLC.
In 2015, he claimed that the network had been "stealing" from him saying, "Man I wish it didn’t feel like I was getting [screwed] out of the money from the show that was my childhood right now." It's unclear what exactly he meant by these comments, but it's clear there's some bad blood.
Jacob Roloff Leaves the Show

OG viewers of Little People, Big World have seen plenty of people come and go on the show over the years. And, let's be honest--was anyone really that shocked when Jacob finally called it quits and left the show? Of all the Roloffs, he definitely seemed the most likely to fly the coop.
In true Jacob Roloff fashion, he didn't just leave the show--he created a lot of online drama about it, too! Roloff claimed that everything on the show was faked and that everyone was simply playing "characters". Considering the nature of reality shows, he may just be half right.
Matt's Post-Amy Dating Life

After you get divorced, it's perfectly natural to move on and find someone else to be in a relationship with. However, Matt Roloff's dating choices after his divorce have definitely raised some eyebrows! Of all the people in the world that he could date, he had to keep things close to home!
Some time after divorcing Amy, Matt began dating Caryn Chandler. The problem? Chandler was a former manager on the family farm and had a close relationship with Amy during that time. You really can't get much more awkward than that sort of arrangement!
Jacob Roloff's Abuse Allegations

Jacob Roloff has had his fair share of problems in life, but he shocked fans of the show recently when he revealed a secret he had been keeping in for years. In an Instagram post, he disclosed that he had been SA by a field producer for TLC.
Roloff continued the post by saying, "By revealing this, I may be more fully understood and my perspective on issues such as child... abuse, child exploitation, and the collateral costs of reality television may be received more clearly. Although, I would have to add that this experience has not solely defined my point of view on any of these issues, nor has it defined my worldview in general."
The Roloffs Clash with Their Neighbors

Starring on a reality show probably seems like a dream come true for the Roloff family. It's brought them fame, fortune, and plenty of business to their farm. However, others that live around them have other feelings about the Roloffs and the infamy that they've brought to the region.
During the farm's busy season, visitors' cars can sometimes create obnoxious traffic jams for the locals who live nearby, and they're annoyed by the fact that they're sharing space with a, "over-priced celebrity gawk-fest."
Audrey Roloff's Social Media Controversies

Audrey Roloff is married to Jeremy--one of Matt and Amy's sons. While she might not be an OG Roloff, she's proven that she can start drama online just like any other member of the family. In fact, she may be the best one of the bunch when it comes to stirring up the hornet's nest on social media!
If she's not posing in racy Instagram posts, she's butting heads with non-believers as she very vocally airs her conservative Christian beliefs. She's no stranger to controversy, and at this point, it seems to us like she might even relish in her infamy.
Amy's Bakery Problems

After her divorce from husband Matt, Amy Roloff didn't just sit around and mope. She did her best to get back out into the world and make her own way for herself. One of the ways she tried to do that was by starting her own bakery to sell goods online.
She had a friend who allowed Amy to use her professional kitchen space for baking. However, the bakery was shut down in 2017 by the health department thanks to a rat infestation. Luckily, the pests were taken care of, and Amy's bakery officially launched online in 2018.
Jeremy & Audrey Roloff Quit the Show

By this point, most of the Roloff children have quit appearing on Little People, Big World. And that includes Jeremy and his wife, Audrey, who left the show in 2018. It left viewers feeling shocked and confused, because the announcement seemed to come out of nowhere.
While we've never gotten a crystal clear answer on why the couple left the show, there are some signs of trouble. Both Jeremy and Audrey had frequently aroused the wrath of fans on social media. Plus, they're busy creating a family of their own, which obviously takes up a lot of their time.
Jacob Roloff's Estrangement

Jacob Roloff clearly did not enjoy his time on Little People, Big World. He's made his problems with TLC abundantly obvious online, but it appears that he also struggles with feelings of anger towards his family--especially his parents, who he claims forced him to appear on the show as a child.
After Jacob quit the show and left home at 18, he hasn't had much contact with most of his family. While he kept contact with brother Zach and sister Molly, it appears that he did not speak to his parents or other siblings for several years after setting out on his own. However, in recent years, social media activity indicates that the family has started repairing the rifts between them.