Person reading on e-reader

Top 10 Free eBook Downloading Sites

Reading a book can transport you into another world, another body, and even another universe. As readers, we’re always on the lookout for something new to read, and free books are the best. Plus, you can’t beat the convenience of e-books. To help you on your search, here are the top 10 free ebook websites around the internet.

  1. Google Play and iTunes
    Whether you’re on your iPhone, iPad, tablet, or android, you can visit your mobile store to find amazing free books. These books are easy to download with a simple click of the button. While most of the books are classics such as The Odyssey, you can find modern authors on these mobile apps as well. Simply move to the free section of your mobile store and browse through the options.
  2. Oodles
    Download this app through Google Play and enjoy one of the best resources for people who love reading. It features over 50,000 free books for you to read—enough to keep you busy for a lifetime. It’s easy to use and has a great selection. Simply search the term “Oodles,” and it should be one of the top results.
  3. Free Books
    For you iPhone and iPad users, check out Free Books. This app has over 23,000 books for you to read, all free of charge. Not only does it have e-books, it also has several audio books you can listen to while on-the-go. It’s easy to use and has titles such as Alice in Wonderland, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Black Beauty. You can find this app easily by searching “Free Books The Ultimate eBooks and Audiobooks Library” in the app store.
  4. Free eBooks
    This website has lots of books in countless categories. It has genres other websites may not have, such as religion, self-improvement, biography, and business. The website is absolutely free and allows you to read at home on your PC or your tablet. Some titles on the website include Anna the Human, Blowing Smoke, and Banish Your Diabetes Forever
  5. Many Books
    For some of the best free ebooks on the internet, Many Books is the place to go. It has more than 33,000 titles, and you can read books on your PC, Kindle, Nook, iPad, and most other e-readers. Not only does this website sort books by category, you can also browse the top downloads of the week. Some of these titles include The Art of War, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Petite Confessions.
  6. Project Gutenberg
    This website has become famous with students, as it offers some textbooks right on the website. But did you know it also offers some of the most popular books around? These ebooks are completely free to anyone. There are over 50,000 titles on the website, and it adds new books every day. It is available on the computer or through most mobile devices. 
  7. Smash Words
    This website has over 60,000 free ebooks at your disposal. The books are published by independent authors, so they’ll be books you can’t find anywhere else. Some of these novels and short stories are utterly riveting. You can easily browse by category, and the site also offers books in foreign languages. 
  8. eBooks at Adelaide
    This website was created by the University of Adelaide in Australia. It has hundreds of books sorted by author. Most of the books on the website were published prior to 1950, so it won’t have modern authors. However, if you’re looking for classics, modernist, romantic, or other periods in literature, you’re in luck. It features authors as famous as William Blake, H.P. Lovecraft, and James Joyce. 
  9. BookZZ
    This website has over a million books, including popular titles such as The Hunger Games, available to download. BookZZ believes books should be available for everyone to read. While many of the books are categorized, some are not. The best way to find your book is with the search tool using the author or title. 
  10. eBookMall
    Don’t be deceived by the title. Though there are novels you can purchase on the website, there are also thousands of books that are totally free. You can access this website on your computer or by using your eReader, smartphone, or tablet. The books are sorted by genre, but you can also find them with the search tool. To locate the free ebooks section, simply go to the website and click “free ebooks” at the top of the page.
Last Updated: January 15, 2016