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What Each Country Looks Like, According to AI



America has long been seen as the land of opportunity and freedom. From the Founding Fathers to modern-day entrepreneurs, there's a lot to pull when the AI decided to create a male version of America. What would the male version of America look like? It would have to be someone who embodies the spirit of our nation in all its complexities.

The AI version of America is apparently a cowboy. He looks like he isn't afraid to step outside his comfort zone or stand apart from a crowd. Sometimes being a leader means you have to go against the grain, and this guy? He's definitely a leader — one his peers are happy to follow into battle. 

(Image via MidJourney)



Japan is personified as a geisha, a female Japanese performing artist and entertainer. Geishas are able to sing, dance, and play the traditional instrument known as the samisen. This is a woman who is not only proud of her culture but plays a large role in it!

She wears a colorful robe with intricate detailing and even has a matching umbrella. She is also wearing a floral headpiece. Geishas typically wear white face paint to create the illusion of a mask, but this woman is only wearing light makeup. We’re not sure why, but she looks beautiful!

(Image via Midjourney)



According to AI, Sweden is a blonde, blue-eyed woman in her early twenties who is stuck in a cold and wet Swedish winter. She seems to be enjoying the weather as she travels through the city in her yellow and blue raincoat. She’s wearing her national colors with pride.

Her hair is tied into braids, and she has a backpack slung over her shoulder. She is filled with an adventurous spirit, ready to take on the world no matter the weather. Since it’s winter, she could be going to see the northern lights in northern Sweden.

(Image via Midjourney)



Columbia is a woman wearing a customized La Pollera Colora, the traditional dress of the country. Made of vibrant colors and a plethora of high-quality materials, the dress has a full-length skirt, a ruffled top, and flowers atop a wide-brimmed hat.

By wearing La Pollera Colora, the woman celebrates her heritage and immerses herself in her culture. She's most likely at a cultural event because the dress is usually worn for special occasions. She seems to be dancing as she excitedly throws the hem of her dress in the air.

(Image via Midjourney)

South Korea

South Korea

AI sees South Korea as a young woman in her early twenties. She’s definitely inspired by the big K-pop (Korean popular music) culture of the country, which blends together various musical styles.

Behind her are the lights of the famous neon streets of South Korea. She looks beautiful bathed in the lights of the bustling downtown area, where tourists and locals alike flock.

(Image via Midjourney)



Germany looks sca-a-a-ry! He exudes a cold, calculating demeanor. We get that Germany has a stereotype of not getting humor (or rather having their own humor), but this guy looks like an evil calculator come to life. He looks like someone that would manipulate and control others for funsies. 

Seesh! The evil gothic castle in the background just kind of makes matters worse. We're not saying that this guy doesn't have empathy or compassion, but he doesn't look like he's helping lost kitties and puppies. This guy is definitely a villain if I've ever seen one — probably a Bond villain at that!

(Image via MidJourney)



Our heroine here looks like she stepped right out of the French Revolution. She wears an old-fashioned dress with intricate details, and her hair is done up in a way that is reminiscent of how women wore their hair in the 1700s.

She has the stare of someone who has seen a lot in her lifetime, but her features have a delicate beauty to them. She stands on a balcony overlooking her city, embodying all the love and struggle the country has seen.

(Image via MidJourney)



Saying the AI interpretation of Mexico is creepy doesn't even really do it justice. This guy is super scary, and he isn't someone you'll want creeping up on you at night in Tijuana. Honestly, no one should be sneaking up on you in Tijuana because that's probably bad news for you. 

We're not sure why it decided to make Mexico a villain-type, but he certainly looks scary enough to play the part. Gotta admit that the sugar skull incorporated into the art is pretty cool, even if it is the part that makes him seem the most sinister. 

(Image via MidJourney)



The country of Spain is perfectly embodied by a beautiful Flamenco dancer. Spain is famously where the passionate art form of Flamenco originated. You can see the passion in the woman’s eyes, a vibrant personality to match the fiery dance.

While we can’t see the bottom of the traditional dress that she wears, we’re sure it flares out so that it can create dramatic movement. We’d love to see her spin and bring the dance to life.

(Image via Midjourney)



AI believes that if Argentina were a person, it would be one of its famous football (or soccer, for us Americans) players! The Argentina national football team is one of the most successful in the world, as you can tell by the look on the players' faces.

The man smiles brightly at the camera in his blue and white uniform. He is full of enthusiasm for the game and national pride. It’s a sunny and vibrant day on the field as he practices with his beloved teammates.

(Image via Midjourney)



China was a little surprising! The AI could have chosen the gravity-defying martial arts route that we all loved to watch from Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, but nope — it's all traditional from here. Guess it still seems to be inspired by a dragon, except it's a lot more fierce. 

His intimidating stance, muscle-bound physique, and deathly serious expression combine to create a terrifying image that definitely lends itself more to an evil villain than a hero. The scar on the face doesn't really help much in that department, either. 

(Image via MidJourney)

New Zealand

New Zealand

AI felt that the best representation of New Zealand was a Maori man, a part of the indigenous people of New Zealand's mainland, although he’s not in traditional clothing. He has traditional face tattoos, which are a large part of the culture.

The man is in a nice suit, likely part of the country's thriving business district. He represents more than just the country at large; he represents the integration of global economics and the indigenous culture that gave the country its foundation.

(Image via Midjourney)



This Singapore is beautiful! She's someone who embodies the vibrant energy and spirit that makes up this nation. This kind of person has a passion for life, culture, and exploring new opportunities. Being that she's set in the city, it shows that business is an important part of Singapore. Still,  this person looks like she values creativity and innovation.

Her outfit is also very Singapore. The beautiful flowers are delicate and stunning. It's hard to look away from such beauty! She looks like she's passionate about what she cares about, and that's something we can all agree with, isn't it?

(Image via MidJourney)



AI thought the best way to represent India was at one of its famous street markets, called bazaars, where culture, community, and commerce come together beautifully. AI believes India would be personified as a patron of this market.

The patron, a woman, wears a traditional headscarf and bracelets on her arms. She stands in front of a tray filled with a variety of fruits, waiting to pick the best.

(Image via Midjourney)



AI nailed exactly what we think of when we think of Australia! The woman in this photo has a colorful hairband holding back her wild hair, most likely salty from the ocean. She is standing on the beach with a beautiful Australian landscape behind her, and you can just see her adventurous attitude.

The only thing that could be missing from this would be a giant dangerous spider or snake! Don’t worry, though, a kangaroo is displayed prominently in the background, another dangerous (albeit adorable) Australian creature.

(Image via Midjourney)



Um, yes! This is a woman warrior. You know she's ready to kick some butts and not apologize. As the saying goes, she's here to kick butt and chew bubblegum, and she's all out of bubblegum! We also love these colors. They really represent the colors of the country, but we would have wanted to see a little more green thrown in. 

Despite looking fierce, she's also stunningly beautiful like Congo. There's a lot to admire in the Congo from the rich fertile lands to the stunning waterfalls and lush greenery. This woman is definitely the representation of the Congo if we'll ever see one. 

(Image via MidJourney)



Oh, my, my, my. The AI really went all out with this one. When we asked what Brazil would look like if it were a person, it came out with this stunningly gorgeous woman. She's everything we'd imagine Brazil is and then some! From her glowing bronze skin to her elaborate outfit — it's 100% the country of partying. 

We know Brazil is more than just Carnival, but it's a huge part. That's probably why the AI threw in the feathers and leaves. This woman also sort of looks like the type of beauty you'd see in a Miss Universe pageant. Maybe the AI was a little more spot-on than we expected...

(Image via MidJourney)



AI decided that Egypt was a young man wearing a headscarf to protect him from the hot desert sun. The headscarf is a gold color with intricate black detailing. He has scruffy facial hair and dirt streaked across his face.

His dark brown eyes stare with a deep intensity. He is standing in front of a pyramid, which is what put the country on the map. The ancient structure speaks to a logn history of dedicated and hard workers.

(Image via Midjourney)

North Korea

North Korea

This guy looks like he was ruling over North Korea in the '80s, or maybe even some mean general that helps set the standards that all North Koreans have to live by — basically, he doesn't seem like a really nice guy, to put it bluntly. He looks like he can be bleak and almost robotic with how much he "cares." 

Gotta say that this guy definitely represents the repressive government of the country. No real freedoms, no ability to express themselves, and only obeying orders...or risk the consequences. Saying this guy looks ruthless doesn't go far enough, in our opinion. 

(Image via MidJourney)



This one might be our favorite because it seems so spot on. This woman doesn't look too unlike Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II put together. Plus, it's like there's a little bit of Mary Queen of Scots thrown in there. Altogether, this is exactly what we'd think a representation of England would look like. 

Then there's the flag shawl draped around her shoulders, showing a little pride for her country. She's also holding a nice cuppa tea. Hopefully, she doesn't spill it on her dainty lace collar! Dark tea will never come out of a white lace collar like that. 

(Image via MidJourney)



According to AI, Greece as a person is an old man seated in front of the famous blue and white architecture of the country. He has a long white beard and an impressive mustache that represent a life well-lived.

This man passes down the stories of his culture that his parents before him and their parents before them told. He made the dish that sits in front of him, and he also passes down these recipes to his loved ones.

(Image via Midjourney)



When we asked AI to bring Iran to life, it decided that the country was best represented as a beautiful Muslim woman. She is standing in one of Iran’s expansive mosques with its grand columns and colorful prayer carpets.

The woman wears a headscarf as part of her religion and self-expression. She smiles as she looks at the camera because she is proud of where she is. We see a strong and confident woman who is empowered by her religion representing the country.

(Image via MidJourney)



AI sees the country of Nigeria as a man wearing traditional Nigerian clothing as he sits on the steps of a run-down building. Many Nigerians live in difficult conditions, with over 70 million people living in extreme poverty.

This man, however, still proudly wears and celebrates his culture, telling a story with the vibrant colors and patterns of his clothing. He represents the resilience of his country as well as its beauty.

(Image via Midjourney)

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

When asked what Saudi Arabia would look like as a person, AI gave us an older gentleman wearing a traditional Arab headdress. This headdress, known as a keffiyeh or hatta, has a red and white checkered pattern that tells a story.

The red color of the garment traditionally represents courage and sacrifice, mirroring the severe desert conditions of its origin, and the off-white or beige represents peace and purity. This man wears his culture proudly.

(Image via Midjourney)



Is there anything more Canada than a mountie? Nah, there really isn't, and the AI picked up on that when we asked what Canada would look like if it were a person. It seems like the only thing that's really missing is him carrying around some maple syrup or maple syrup candy. 

The flower in the hat is such a nice little touch and really represents the nature that makes up a large part of Canada — turns out it isn't all just Montreal and Vancouver! Why aren't bears more of an issue in Canada? That question will have us thinking for a bit. 

(Image via MidJourney)



Vietnam is such a beautiful young lady! She has been strolling through a market and has gotten herself an authentic bowl of noodles. The woman is wearing a shirt embroidered with intricate and colorful detailing as well as a traditional Vietnamese hat, called the Nón lá.

Food is an important part of her culture. She is a connoisseur and loves immersing herself in her culture through food. She collects recipes for all her favorite Vietnamese dishes wherever she goes.

(Image via Midjourney)



The AI making Russia look like some sort of dastardly villain didn't come as that much of a surprise. Russia is often seen as an antagonist on the international stage, but we can't say that it isn't warranted. The country does have a habit of being really shady.

This humanized Russia almost looks like it took some of the scariest rulers of the past and combined them into one. You can see a little bit of Vladimir Lenin, Nicholas II, and even some of Ivan the Terrible. Heck, is that some of Rasputin we see too? 

(Image via MidJourney)



When everyone thinks of Switzerland, you probably think of peace. Well, not the AI. It apparently saw Switzerland as a heroic and noble figure! No doubt thanks to the politics of the country. It's famous for its neutrality, but that's really helped the country stay out of major wars. 

This solider looks like he fights for all the right things — human rights, democracy, freedom, and the right to express yourself. This guy obviously has a strong sense of leadership and probably values cooperation with others. That's an ideal version of Switzerland!

(Image via MidJourney)



It's been a long time since anyone thought of Italy for being a villain, but apparently, the internet doesn't forget. The AI made Italy look pretty devious. It's almost like he's a mob boss that's ready to take down the competition. Then again, some of Italy's worst qualities have been synonymous with corruption and political instability. 

This could be seen in Italy's rulers, and this guy looks like he might have been the evil leader of Italy in some movie. Maybe someone should keep a closer eye on Italy before they take over the world like Dr. Evil tries to. 

(Image via MidJourney)



Woh! Talk about serious. This version of Pakistan is really dignified. The look in his eyes says he's got a lot of weight on his shoulders. As one of the most populous countries, Pakistan has many people to care for. This person looks like he takes his job seriously.

This version of Pakistan pretty much screams father figure. We're wondering what the AI considered when it thought of this image. With the deep set lines and furrowed brows, he looks like someone you would go to for answers about life.

(Image via MidJourney)