Black Widow

Black Widow (aka Natasha Romanova) first made her appearance as a Marvel star in the April 1964 edition of Tales of Suspense. While she originally appeared as a Russian spy, she eventually defected and became a member of the Avengers. Since her initial debut decades ago, Black Widow has appeared in numerous comics, TV shows, and high-profile movies.
It's obvious that the AI program had Scarlett Johansson on the brain when creating this image because it's definitely inspired by the actress' numerous appearances as the character. If you look closely, some things just don't look quite right. Judging from this photo, Black Widow needs to see a doctor ASAP about that cleft lip and those wonky eyes.
The Invisible Woman

We like a superhero who makes it obvious what their whole deal is, and the Invisible Woman definitely fits that bill. I wonder what in the world her superpower could be? First introduced via comic book in 1961, the Invisible Woman has also made several movie appearances, portrayed by actresses like Jessica Alba and Kate Mara.
We get that trying to render an invisible person in picture form is basically impossible, but we think the AI program could have made a bit more of an effort with this one. The poor woman is not even remotely translucent in this image! Plus, what's up with those creepy, dead eyes? Has the Invisible Woman made a switch to the dark side?
Jean Grey

Jean Gray has gone by several different aliases over the years, from Marvel Girl to Dark Phoenix. She's definitely one of the most popular X-Men characters out there, as she appeared in issue number one of the comics and has made numerous appearances on TV shows and in X-Men movies.
We'll give the AI program a little credit for this one—Grey appears in this photo with her classic bright red hair. However, once again, this could be an image of any countless number of superheroes out of costume. That being said, the image does have a pretty cool outlined art style that's reminiscent of comic books.

Storm has been a staple of the X-Men franchise since she first appeared in one of their comics in 1975. Also known as Ororo Munroe, Storm has the power to control the weather and is considered to be one of the strongest mutants around. She was most famously portrayed on screen by Halle Berry in the X-Men movies of the early 2000s.
Once again, it seems like the image-generating program really missed the mark on this one. Sure, she's a beautiful woman, but this image does nothing to convey the immense superpowers she possesses. Also, we have major questions about this necklace that seems to be magically turning into a pair of headphones.

Mystique has been a staple of the X-Men franchise since she made her first comic book appearance in 1978. Also known as Raven Darkhölme, Mystique has one of the coolest superpowers around—shapeshifting to mimic the appearance and voice of anyone she chooses. She's been portrayed by everyone from Rebecca Romijn to Jennifer Lawrence.
Anyone who is remotely familiar with Mystique and the X-Men will immediately notice something very wrong in this image—she's missing her trademark blue skin and yellow eyes! This could be an image of one of the most famous superheroes of all time...or it could just be some random woman. Your guess is as good as ours!
Wonder Woman

These days, superhero movies and TV shows are a dime a dozen, but Wonder Woman made it big decades before the world of comic books had gone mainstream. First appearing in print in 1941, Wonder Woman is an Amazon warrior sculpted from clay and living an incognito life as jack-of-all-trades Diana Prince.
This image might be a little rough around the edges when you focus in on the details, but overall, this AI-generated picture would feel right at home in a Wonder Woman graphic novel. Her armor looks dazzling and on point, but we can't stop looking at her weird, rectangular upper lip!
Wonder Woman, Take 2

Wonder Woman is one of the most well-known superheroes of all time, so why not give her a second try with AI image-generating software? She's been portrayed by so many different people and in so many different ways over the years that one image just isn't enough.
We're not sure if the program was basing this image off any specific portrayal of Wonder Woman, but it sort of looks like a cross between Lynda Carter's portrayal and the animated version of Wonder Woman voiced by Rosario Dawson. Like most of these AI superheroes, Wonder Woman needs to make an emergency appointment with the ophthalmologist and get those wonky eyes sorted out.
Emma Frost

Emma Frost, aka The White Queen, has had quite the trajectory over the years. She originally appeared in a 1980 edition of The Uncanny X-Men as an antagonist, but she eventually gave up her life of evil and ended up joining the X-Men. She famously appeared in 2011's X-Men: First Class portrayed by January Jones.
This AI-generated image is not the worst of the bunch—we can at least tell that this woman is probably a superhero of some kind. But once again, the program comes up short when it comes to highlighting distinguishing details of these specific superheroes. This lady could be anyone from Dazzler to Dagger.
Jason Todd

In the 1980s, Jason Todd replaced Richard Grayson as Batman's iconic sidekick, Robin. Why the world needed a new Robin is something we'll never understand, but Todd was an interesting character who was rough around the edges and needed a lot of guidance and mentorship from the Caped Crusader himself.
We're not sure who this guy is, but he doesn't look like any portrayal of Jason Todd that we've ever seen. There are so many confusing things about this image, from the weird hybrid eyebrow/head hair to the creepy veins running across his face. Also, is Todd a vampire? Because we see what looks like puncture wounds on his neck too!
Captain America

Is there anyone more patriotic than Captain America? We can't think anyone else! Also known as Steve Rogers, Captain America was a World War II American soldier who developed superpowers after being given an experimental serum. First appearing in comics in the 1940s, Captain America has become one of the most popular figures in Marvel's ever-growing franchise of superhero movies.
Once again, it's clear that the AI program relied heavily on references from modern-day Marvel movies to create this image, as this fellow strongly resembles Chris Evans and his portrayal of the character. If we didn't know any better, we'd also say that this image was a hand-painted portrait!

There aren't many superheroes more famous than Batman. Even people who know nothing else about superheroes or comics would probably be able to easily pick the Caped Crusader out of a lineup. Big-name actors from Christian Bale to Adam West have taken a turn at portraying Batman over the years.
We get that a big part of Batman's story is that, by day, he's secretly Bruce Wayne, Gotham City's favorite billionaire, but why in the world did the AI program decide to portray him out of his costume? There's no telling who this guy could be—he just looks like a complete rando!

Look up in the sky—it's a bird, it's a's Superman! And we have to say that the AI image-generating program didn't do half bad when it comes to portraying the Man of Steel himself. This is definitely one image that's instantly recognizable as the Superman we all know and love.
If you look closely, you'll see that the program created a bunch of very small dots on Superman's face, which makes it very reminiscent of the classic Ben Day dots frequently used in classic color comics. However, there are so many of them on this face and they are so dark that it starts to look like Superman is spouting a little stubble!
Black Panther

We all know that Chadwick Boseman was the one and only Black Panther (even if they pass the mantel to Shuri). But what if there was another guy who could play the part? Enter the AI-generated Black Panther. He may not have the acting chops of Boseman, but he sure looks the part.
We love how the AI kept his necklace and how he looks like someone that shouldn't be messed with. If this actor really existed, we're sure that Disney would be interested at least. At the end of the day, Shuri is probably a better choice, but we can't help but wonder..."what if...?"
Peter Parker

This guy shares a striking resemblance to Tom Holland, but there are some differences that really make him the best Peter Parker we've ever seen. First of all, this dude does look like a total nerd, which pretty much perfectly sums up Parker in one word. Yeah, he'd totally fit in a locker.
We bet he'd look great in a Spidey suit for sure. It's hard to find someone that makes a great Spiderman and a great Peter Parker, but we're guessing this guy would have the skills to do it and more. Now we just need to see what the AI would do with Miles Morales.

This woman looks like she could be Elektra, the vigilante assassin from Marvel comics. She definitely has the twin sai, the sharp cheekbones, and the dangerous aura. But we're not sure how practical her costume would be in a fight.
Then again, Elektra doesn't exactly have a lot of clothes on in the comics, either. So maybe this woman is just channeling her inner Elektra. Either way, she looks like she means business. No doubt she'd do a lot better in a movie than Jennifer Garner did.

Okay, the AI definitely didn't disappoint here. Starfire is a pretty hot character, but this girl? She's smokin'. She's definitely a 10 out of 10. Starfire has the looks, brains, and even the brawn. Honestly, what doesn't she have? The crazy part is that she's so small that it's hard to believe that much power can come from her.
Guess that's the good part about being an alien. You have hair made of space stars and fire, a body that's out of this world, and she doesn't even have to try. No wonder everyone wants to have Starfire on their team. It's like getting the best player in the game.

No hate to Cara Delevingne, but she didn't capture Enchantress the way she was supposed to be captured. While the original Enchantress looks like a literal Queen without a speck of dust or dirt on her, we kinda liked the grimy, dirty version. It's very becoming of DC comics.
That's why when the AI spat this out, we were a little surprised. She's a far cry from Amora and even further than June. This is some new demon that crawled out of the crust of the Earth to devour your soul. Now, this is an Enchantress we'd be afraid of.
Harley Quinn

So there are a million iterations of Harley Quinn from before she was Harley to her being a clown to her being a freaking anti-hero. She's had a massive change over the years, but she's most recognizable during her running-with-Joker years. This is clearly that Harley, and we're not mad at it.
This girl is clearly unhinged and got something hiding behind her back that you really don't want to see. If you really think about it, she even looks like a character that could be playable in Injustice. We both know that she'd be the most picked character in the whole roster.

Of course, we had to see what the Joker would look like according to AI. The results were...startling. This guy looks absolutely terrifying, and it is everything about the Joker wrapped in one package. From the two different color eyes to the makeup, the recreation is perfect.
Obviously, the AI took some queues from Heath Ledger's Joker. He was a fantastic Joker. He was crazy, a little funny, and clearly someone you shouldn't cross. No one wanted to have that Joker in their sights because it would end up...not so pleasant.
Poison Ivy

We're not sure where the AI got this Poison Ivy. We can see why someone would be lured into her garden, however. She looks scary, but ya know, we're pretty sure a lot of people would fall for her traps. Some would probably fall for her multiple times. After all, she is pretty convincing.
Her voice is sweet, and her smile is disarming. Not to mention she always seems to know just what you're looking for. Remember, looks can be deceiving, and Poison Ivy is certainly no exception. So be careful if you find yourself in her garden - you may not be able to find your way out again.
Scarlet Witch

The outfit for the Scarlet Witch was so great that we had to show it off. The first rendition gave us this amazing costume and an expression that says Wanda's lost all control. She's going ham on whoever she's going against, and we're guessing she won't have mercy.
The next attempt? It gave a softer Wanda — soft but serious. This is more like the Wanda we're used to seeing in the Avengers films. If you look at her closely, it's almost a combination between Elizabeth Olsen and Sarah Michelle Gellar. That's definitely a surprise.

Not only does Thor have a magical hammer, but he is also blessed with god-like strength and durability. To put it simply, the man is built different, as they say. When we look at Thor, we see a human boulder. He is massive, muscular, and seemingly impenetrable.
In short, he is the embodiment of physical perfection. And yet, despite his impressive physique, Thor is also a kind and compassionate individual. He is always quick to lend a helping hand, and he has a heart as big as his biceps. Talk about the perfect guy!