Basset hound and tabby cat sleeping together

10 Reasons to Adopt an Adult Dog or Cat

People often look for a kitten or a puppy when they want to adopt a pet. However, there are plenty of fantastic adult animals up for adoption that would make a great addition to your home. Instead of picking up a puppy or kitten, here are 10 reasons you should adopt an older cat or dog.

  1. Established Personality
    Kittens and puppies develop their personalities as they grow older, but when you choose an adult dog or cat, the character traits you spot are the ones you’ll get. If the dog loves to play, then he loves to play. If the cat is calm, then it will remain that way.
  2. Joy of Saving an Animal
    Since puppies and kittens are the first to be adopted, many older animals are left to languish in the shelter, awaiting adoption. Most of them end up euthanized due to lack of adopters who seek out adults. When you adopt an adult animal, you can be happy knowing you saved a life.
  3. Less Training Necessary
    Training a puppy or kitten can be difficult—puppies especially. Most adult pets are already trained to use the bathroom outside or in the litter box, and many dogs know the commands for certain actions. This fact means you can spend more time enjoying your new forever furry friend than frustrated with its actions.
  4. Far Less Destructive
    It’s no secret that puppies and kittens are destructive. Curtains, couches, chairs, the rubbish bin, and even the carpet are subject to total obliteration. Adult cats and dogs are much less likely to destroy your home while you’re not there to discipline them.
  5. Perfect for Older Owners
    Adults and seniors may not have the time or energy to train a puppy or kitten. Adult cats and dogs are perfect for people who want a calm animal to sleep at the bottom of the bed or rest quietly at your feet.
  6. Lasting Adorableness
    Puppies and kittens grow out of their adorable stages, and you can never be sure what they’ll look like as they develop. Adult dogs and cats stay as cute as the day you first picked them out, and they’ve already grown into the coloration and size you love.
  7. Often More Patient
    If you’re adopting for a family, it would be best to avoid a kitten or puppy if you have young children. Young ones don’t know how to handle animals, and mishandling a puppy or kitten can cause injuries to the animal and the child. Adult animals are often much more patient with mishandling and are less prone to injuring children.
  8. Require Less Supervision
    Because adult animals are more patient and less destructive, you don’t have to keep an eye on them constantly. While a quiet kitten can mean utter disaster, an adult cat is likely sleeping in a box or under the table. You can spend more time enjoying the day than supervising a new furry baby.
  9. Sometimes Cheaper
    Adult animals are less likely to be adopted, so many agencies and organizations provide incentives to adopt out these animals before they are euthanized. One of these incentives is that adult and elder cats and dogs can be cheaper than puppies and kittens. You can ask the pricing scale of your local shelter to see if you can adopt the animal for a lesser fee.
  10. Fewer Bad Habits
    Puppies and kittens get away with a lot, and misbehavior can develop into bad habits. When you choose a mature cat or a dog, these bad habits have already been trained out of its personality. They won’t tip over the rubbish bin, tear up the curtains, or scratch at your feet while you’re asleep.
Last Updated: March 14, 2016