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17 Rules Mormons Have to Follow

Prohibited Substances

Prohibited Substances

Mormons adhere to health guidelines known as the Word of Wisdom, which prohibits the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. This code, revealed to Joseph Smith in 1833, is part of a broader commitment to physical and spiritual well-being.

By avoiding these substances, Mormons believe they can maintain their bodies as temples of God, enhancing their health and spiritual clarity. This practice underscores their dedication to leading a disciplined and wholesome life.

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Mormon beliefs regarding chastity are rooted in the Law of Chastity, which emphasizes purity. Members are taught to abstain from relations outside of marriage and remain faithful within it. This law also includes avoiding explicit material and inappropriate behavior. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints views these guidelines as essential for maintaining spiritual integrity, fostering strong family relationships, and living a life aligned with divine principles.

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Observing the Sabbath

Observing the Sabbath

Mormon regulations around observing the Sabbath emphasize rest and worship. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are encouraged to attend church services, partake of the sacrament, and engage in spiritual activities such as prayer, scripture study, and family time.

They are also advised to avoid shopping, recreational activities, and work on Sundays to keep the day holy and focused on renewing their faith and relationships with God.

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In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, tithing is a principle where members are encouraged to donate 10% of their income to the church. This contribution is used to fund church operations, build and maintain facilities, support missionary work, and provide for humanitarian aid. 

Tithing is considered a commandment and an act of faith, enabling members to contribute to the church's growth and community services. Members typically make their tithing contributions annually or monthly.

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Mormons are encouraged to fast on the first Sunday of each month. This involves abstaining from food and drink for two consecutive meals, typically 24 hours.

During this time, members are encouraged to pray and reflect spiritually. They are also asked to make a "fast offering," donating the money saved on meals to assist those in need. Fasting is seen as a way to draw closer to God, seek blessings, and support the community.

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In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, young men are encouraged to serve a two-year mission starting at age 18, while young women have the option to serve an 18-month mission starting at age 19. Potential missionaries must meet physical, emotional, and worthiness standards, which include adherence to church teachings and commandments.

They undergo a formal application process, receive training, and are assigned to serve in specific locations worldwide. Missions focus on teaching the gospel, serving communities, and strengthening local congregations.

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In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, modesty is an important principle that applies to both dress and behavior. Members are encouraged to wear clothing that covers the shoulders, stomach, and thighs and avoid tight or revealing attire.

This standard is meant to show respect for oneself and others. Additionally, modesty extends to language and conduct, promoting decency and propriety in all interactions. These guidelines aim to reflect inner values of dignity and self-respect.

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Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Home Evening (FHE) is a weekly event typically held on Monday nights. Families gather to spend quality time together, focusing on spiritual lessons, scripture study, prayer, and activities.

The purpose of FHE is to strengthen family bonds and provide a dedicated time for teaching gospel principles in a home setting. The church encourages this practice to foster unity, communication, and spiritual growth within the family.

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Temple Worthiness

Temple Worthiness

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, temple worthiness interviews are conducted to determine a member's readiness to enter the temple, considered a sacred space for performing ordinances and making covenants. These interviews are typically conducted by a bishop or stake president and cover topics such as adherence to church commandments, honesty, tithing, and moral conduct. 

The purpose is to ensure that members entering the temple are spiritually prepared and living in accordance with church teachings. Successfully passing the interview grants a "temple recommend," allowing access to temple ceremonies.

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Daily Prayer and Bible Study

Daily Prayer and Bible Study

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, daily prayer and scripture study are fundamental practices. Members are encouraged to pray individually and with their families each day to foster a personal relationship with God. 

Additionally, daily reading of the Bible, along with other LDS scriptures such as the Book of Mormon, is emphasized to gain spiritual insights and guidance. These practices are intended to strengthen faith, provide direction in daily life, and ensure continuous spiritual growth and connection with divine teachings.

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Mormons are encouraged to avoid profanity and vulgarity in their speech. This guideline is based on the belief that language should reflect respect, kindness, and purity. 

Swearing, crude jokes, and offensive language are discouraged as they can degrade one's character and negatively influence others. By maintaining clean and respectful speech, members aim to uphold personal integrity and foster an environment of mutual respect and positive communication.

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Acts of Service

Acts of Service

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, service to others is a fundamental principle. Members are encouraged to engage in acts of kindness and charity, both within their communities and globally. 

This can include organized service projects, helping neighbors, or participating in humanitarian aid. The church teaches that serving others is a way to emulate Jesus Christ's love and compassion, fostering a spirit of selflessness and unity. Regularly providing service is seen as essential for personal growth and spiritual development.

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For Mormons, honesty is a core value. Members are taught to be truthful in their personal, professional, or spiritual dealings. This includes being honest in words and actions, avoiding deceit, and living with integrity. 

Honesty is considered essential for building trust, maintaining personal dignity, and adhering to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The emphasis on honesty extends to various aspects of life, promoting transparency and fostering an environment of mutual respect and ethical behavior.

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In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, self-reliance and education are highly valued. Members are encouraged to pursue both spiritual and temporal education, developing skills and knowledge to provide for themselves and their families. This includes seeking formal education, vocational training, and continual learning. 

Self-reliance encompasses financial independence, emergency preparedness, and personal health. By fostering these attributes, members are better equipped to serve others, contribute to their communities, and navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence.

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Marriage is considered a sacred and eternal union between a man and a woman in the LDS church. Members are encouraged to marry in the temple, where they believe marriages are sealed for eternity, not just for this life. The church teaches that marriage should be built on principles of love, mutual respect, fidelity, and shared faith in God. 

Couples are counseled to work together through challenges, support each other, and maintain strong family relationships. Divorce is discouraged but allowed in certain circumstances, with an emphasis on seeking spiritual and professional guidance.

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Priesthood Authority

Priesthood Authority

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, husbands hold the priesthood, which is considered the authority to act in God's name. This priesthood authority includes leading family worship, administering blessings, and performing certain ordinances. 

However, the church emphasizes that this authority should be exercised with love, humility, and a spirit of service. Husbands are encouraged to work alongside their wives as equal partners, making decisions together and fostering a supportive and nurturing family environment. The priesthood is seen as a means to serve and uplift the family, not to dominate or control.

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In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, gambling is strictly prohibited. This includes activities such as lotteries, betting, and games of chance. The church teaches that gambling fosters greed, undermines self-reliance, and can lead to addiction and financial instability. 

Members are counseled to seek honest and productive ways to earn money and use their resources wisely. The prohibition on gambling aims to promote ethical behavior, personal responsibility, and the overall well-being of individuals and families within the faith community.

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