Beloved childhood treats always bring on such a strong sense of nostalgia. Unfortunately, most of the popular treats from childhood are unhealthy for us. They’re high in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and additives. Plus, they have way more calories than we can run off these days.
The good news is that several healthy food items can still satisfy your childhood palate without totally wrecking your diet!
1. If you loved Hubba Bubba, then you’ll love Spry Bubble Gum.
Who didn’t love Hubba Bubba as a kid? Now that you’re grown and know how bad that much sugar is for your teeth, you can still get your bubble gum fix with Spry Gum. They have a true bubblegum flavor that will take you back in time.
2. If you loved Rice Krispies Treats, then you’ll love SmashCrispy.
There’s something especially sweet about the combo of marshmallow and rice cereal. For those who grew up snacking on Rice Krispies Treats, the new SmashCrispy bars will be a major hit. These updated treats are delicious, low in sugar, and come in three tasty flavors: Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberries & Creme, and Cinnamon Churro. Think of it as your beloved childhood treat with a grown-up twist.
3. If you loved Trix Cereal, then you’ll love Peace Cereal Purple Corn Flakes.
Cereal tends to be divided into two camps: sugary and tasty, and healthy and tasteless. That’s not the case with Peace Cereal’s Purple Corn Flakes. They’re tasty and healthy, and plain fun to eat because of the color. They’re a great swap for anyone who loved eating Trix cereal as a child.
4. If you loved cookie dough, then you’ll love ONE Bar Cookie Dough flavor.
Cookie dough is a classic treat that we all love to indulge in. Since it’s not the best for our waistlines (plus carries a risk for salmonella), it’s necessary to find a replacement. Luckily, ONE Bar has provided a perfect solution: their cookie dough flavor protein bar. The bar is high in protein (20 grams) and low in sugar (1 gram). Most importantly though, it tastes exactly like cookie dough!
5. If you loved Go-Gurt, then you’ll love Kite Hill Yogurt Tubes.
For some reason, sucking yogurt out of a tube is way more fun than eating it with a spoon. If this was your lunchtime favorite, you can enjoy a healthier and more “grown-up” version with Kite Hill’s new yogurt tubes. They come in strawberry banana and wild berry flavors, and they’re dairy-free.