parents bonding with an adopted child

Bonding with Your Adopted Child

Adopting a child can bring a lot of joy to your life. However, it also presents some challenges. Many parents find that it is difficult for them to bond with their adopted child. Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to make this connection easier.

Understanding Age

The way that you bond with an infant is different from the way that you would bond with an older child. It is usually easier to bond with an infant, because they usually trust their caregivers as long as basic needs, such as being fed, bathed, and changed, are taken care of. Holding and cuddling with your infant also helps you bond.

It is important to remember that physical touch is important for children of all ages. However, physical touch between parents and children changes as a child gets older. Hugging, high-fives, and pats on the back are some of the ways that you can show physical affection to an older child.

Conveying Love and Trust

One of the most important things that you can do to bond with your adopted child is to convey your love. Many children who are adopted have led very difficult lives. Some of them may have been abused by their biological parents or lived in the uncertainty of foster care. That is why adopted children often have a hard time bonding. However, if you let your child know that he or she is loved, bonding will be a lot easier. You also want to let your child know that he or she can talk to you about anything.

Do Things Together

Doing activities together is a great way to bond with your adopted child. You should find out what your child likes so that the two of you can do things together. You may also want to do some research on your child’s culture if his or her background is different from that of your family.

Be Patient

Bonding is not something that will happen overnight. Your child’s love for you will grow when he or she sees that you genuinely care about him or her.

Avoid Certain Topics

There are several things that you will need to avoid when you are trying to bond with your adopted child. You should avoid talking bad about your child’s biological parents. You should also avoid saying things that will make your child feel out of place and uncomfortable.

Last Updated: August 14, 2014